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Yun-shik Baek was born on March 16, 1947 in South Korea. He is an actor, known for Save the Green Planet! (2003), The Big Swindle (2004) and Inside Men (2015). See full bio

Yun-shik Baek movies and series available to watch on Amazon, Netflix, Hulu : 1st ratings based on IMDB, 2nd rating - Netflix / Rotten Tomatos users:
* Movie Title (sort) Year Genres (sort) Director / CreatorsLeading Actors Netflix
7.8 Save the Green Planet 2003 Comedy Sci-Fi Thriller South Korea Joon-Hwan Jang Ha-kyun Shin Yun-shik Baek Jung-min Hwang * 3.2/5
6.8 Woochi 2009 Action Adventure Comedy Comedy Fantasy History South Korea Dong-hoon Choi Dong-won Gang Soo-jung Lim Yoon-seok Kim - 7/10
7.4 Tomorrows Cantabile 2014 Comedy Drama Music Music Romance South Korea Series Sang Woo Han Joo Won Eun-kyung Shim Yun-shik Baek * 4.4/5
7.2 Inside Men 2015 Action Crime Drama Thriller South Korea Min-ho Woo Byung-Hun Lee, Seung-woo Cho, Yun-shik Baek * 4.5/5
5.7 The Taste of Money 2012 Drama Thriller Sang-soo Im Kang-woo Kim Yun-shik Baek Yuh Jung Youn * 3.0/5

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