Better Rated Movies directory : best films : Great TV shows : Award nominated features :
Genres : Sci-Fi, Foreign, Action, Family, Adventure, Romance, Animation, Fantasy, Crime, Mystery, Thrillers, Musicals, Biographies, History, Westerns, War, Comedies, Dramas, English Language, Documentaries, Sport, Shorts, US : Search on the page

Willard Carroll was born on November 12, 1955 in Easton, Maryland, USA. He is a producer and writer, known for

Willard Carroll movies and series available to watch on
Amazon, Netflix, Hulu : 1st ratings based on IMDB, 2nd rating - Netflix / Rotten Tomatos users:
* Movie Title (sort) Year Genres (sort) Director / CreatorsLeading Actors Netflix
7.7 Playing by Heart 1998 Comedy Drama Romance Willard Carroll Gillian Anderson Ellen Burstyn Sean Connery * 7.2/10
7.2 Nutcracker the Motion Picture 1986 Family Fantasy Music Carroll Ballard Hugh Duncan Bigney Mitchell Vanessa Sharp Patricia Barker - 7.2/10
6.8 The Tangerine Bear 2000 Animation Family Bert Ring Tom Bosley Jenna Elfman Howie Mandel
6.5 My Louisiana Sky 2001 Drama Adam Arkin Juliette Lewis Kelsey Keel Shirley Knight * 3.6/5
6.4 The Brave Little Toaster 1997 Adventure Animation Family Fantasy Fantasy Robert C. Ramirez Jessica Tuck Chris Young Roger Kabler
6.2 Rover Dangerfield 1991 Animation Comedy Family James L. George Rodney Dangerfield Susan Boyd Ronnie Schell - 6.4/10
7.7 The Brave Little Toaster 1987 Animation Adventure Comedy Family Fantasy Musical Jerry Rees Jon Lovitz, Timothy Stack, Timothy E. Day * 3.8/5

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