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With his funky Afro hairstyle, super cool attitude and superb karate skills, Jim Kelly was instantly identifiable, and one of the top martial arts film stars of the early 1970s. After appearing in a minor film role, Kelly's second screen effort was as one of the invited guests to the deadly Han's Island in Enter the Dragon (1973). Kelly quickly ... See full bio

Jim Kelly movies and series available to watch on Amazon, Netflix, Hulu : 1st ratings based on IMDB, 2nd rating - Netflix / Rotten Tomatos users:
* Movie Title (sort) Year Genres (sort) Director / CreatorsLeading Actors Netflix
8.0 Enter the Dragon 1973 Action Crime Drama Drama Thriller Hong Kong Robert Clouse Bruce Lee John Saxon Jim Kelly * 4.0/5
6.6 Black Belt Jones 1974 Action Comedy Robert Clouse Jim Kelly Gloria Hendry Scatman Crothers * 2.7/5
6.8 v A Huey P 2001 Biography Documentary Spike Lee Roger Guenveur Smith Rahum Brown Georgina Ransley - 8/10
6.1 Bruce Lee Immortal Dragon 2001 Documentary Phillip Dye Bruce Lee Greg O'Neil Diane McBain - 8.4/10
6.0 Melinda 1972 Action Crime Drama Hugh A. Robertson Calvin Lockhart Rosalind Cash Vonetta McGee

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