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Celia Johnson was an English actress, once nominated for an Academy Award. Johnson was born in the town of Richmond, Surrey in 1908. Richmond was incorporated into Greater London in 1965, as part of an administrative reform. Celia's parents were John Robert Johnson and Ethel Griffiths. Neither of them was involved in show business. In 1916, 8-... See full bio

Celia Johnson movies and series available to watch on Amazon, Netflix, Hulu : 1st ratings based on IMDB, 2nd rating - Netflix / Rotten Tomatos users:
* Movie Title (sort) Year Genres (sort) Director / CreatorsLeading Actors Netflix
8.4 v Brief Encounter 1945 Drama Romance UK David Lean Celia Johnson Trevor Howard Stanley Holloway * 3.6/5
7.3 v This Happy Breed 1944 Comedy Drama UK David Lean Robert Newton Celia Johnson Amy Veness - 7.8/10
7.8 v Mrs Palfrey at the Claremont 2005 Comedy Drama Dan Ireland Joan Plowright Rupert Friend Zoe Tapper * 3.8/5
7.4 Les Miserables 1978 Drama History UK Glenn Jordan Richard Jordan Anthony Perkins Cyril Cusack * 3.7/5
7.2 In Which We Serve 1942 Drama War UK Noël Coward Noel Coward John Mills Bernard Miles * 3.3/5
7.8 The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie 1969 Drama Romance Ronald Neame Maggie Smith Gordon Jackson Robert Stephens * 3.6/5

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