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Better Rated directory : full rated catalog, best films : Great actors Sci-Fi, Foreign, Action, Family, Adventure, Romance, Animation, Fantasy, Crime, Mystery, Thrillers, Musicals, Biographies, History, Westerns, War, Comedies, Dramas, English Language, Documentaries, Sport, 21st century, Shorts : Expiring leipc-loader__circle--five"cx="24"cy="39"r="4" 32.182.58-3.22a.5.5001.780l2.963.7c. 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* Movie Title (sort) Year: Genres (sort) Director / CreatorsLeading ActorsWriters Netflix
Nicholaus Goossen 5.9 Nigerian Prince 2018genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Easy Ferrer 4.1 Grumpy Christmas 2021 Raditya Dika 3.7 Shaandaar 2015genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=romance&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 3.8 der__container"fill="currentColor" Ishaya Bako Alfred &4.5 40 Love 2021genres=sport&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 5.2 The Final Destination 2009genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" The Gentlemen 2019genres=comedy&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=crime&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Jan Suter 4.4 Rattlesnake 2019genres=horror&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=mystery&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf"
1.9 Kyaa Kool Hain Hum 3 2016 5.1 Katt Williams Kattpacalypse 2012
5.7 LEGO Jurassic World the Indominus Escape 2016genres=action&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=adventure&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Mike Binder 8.3 Titanic 1997genres=romance&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 5.0 Tum Milo Toh Sahi 2010genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 5.4 A New York Christmas Wedding 2020genres=romance&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" João Fonseca0.3 Luccas Neto in the End of Christmas 2019 Micho Rutare Courtney Lakin2.1
9.2 David Attenborough a Life on Our Planet 2020genres=biography&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 8.6 A Silent Voice 2016genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 7.9 Wadjda 2012 Comedy Drama Haifaa Al-Mansour Waad Mohammed Reem Abdullah Abdullrahman Al Gohani Harold Lee Chaney, Peter Scott* 3.7/5
9.0 Inception 2010genres=adventure&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=sci-fi&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Two Catalonias 2018genres=history&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=news&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" No Direction Home Bob Dylan 2005genres=biography&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=music&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Saving Private Ryan 1998genres=war&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" The Departed 2006genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Garfunkel and Oates Trying to be Special 2016 Comedy Music Jeremy Konner Riki Lindhome Riki Lindhome Kate Micucci Anthony Jeselnik Riki Lindhome, Kate Micucci* 3.1/5
Cowspiracy the Sustainability Secret 2014 Django Unchained 2012genres=western&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 6.4 26.6-.26.80zM27v13c01
8.5 Springsteen on Broadway 2018genres=music&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Anne the Film 2021 Drama Valerie Bisscheroux Hanna van Vliet Jouman Fattal Thorn de Vries Piyush Gupta, Hussain Haidry, Shreyas Jain
Blade Runner the 1982genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=sci-fi&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Esperando la carroza 1985 Comedy Alejandro Doria Luis Brandoni China Zorrilla Antonio Gasalla Alejandro Doria, Jacobo Langsner, Jacobo Langsner* *
Full Metal Jacket 1987genres=war&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 6.6"id="iconContext-collections"viewBox="002424"fill="currentColor"role="presentation" Jay Karas8.4 _=tt_ov_mi_sm" Ip Man 2008genres=biography&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" BoJack Horseman Christmas Special Sabrina s Christmas Wish 2014 Animation Comedy Drama Raphael Bob-Waksberg Will Arnett Amy Sedaris Alison Brie Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Guillaume Laurant, Guillaume Laurant* 4.6/5
The Invisible Guest 2016genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=mystery&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 5.8 aseAltipc-button--on-onBaseipc-secondary-buttonsc-a93004d6-3eNzOT"role="button"tabindex="0"aria-label="99+Photos"aria-disabled="false"href="/title/tt0892769/mediaindexref_=tt_ov_mi_sm" Blade Runner 2049 2017genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=mystery&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 5.3 A Remarkable Tale 2019 Dancing with the Birds 2019 Tony Parker the Final Shot 2020 Documentary Biography Sport Florent Bodin Tony Parker Stephanie Perkins, Henry Gayden
Casino Royale 2006genres=adventure&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 100 Days with Tata 2021 The Imitation Game 2014genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Emicida AmarElo Its All for Yesterday 2020genres=music&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 1.8 Bruna Louise Demolition 2022genres=comedy&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Tom Segura Mostly Stories 2016 Comedy Jay Karas Rami Hachache Gabriel G. Alvarez I. Elijah Baughman Brandon Brown Stephanie Perkins, Henry Gayden* 5/5
Ryan Polito Jake
8.2"id="iconContext-video-library"viewBox="002424"fill="currentColor"role="presentation" Stardust 2007genres=family&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=fantasy&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Looop Lapeta 2022genres=comedy&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=crime&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Ricky Gervais SuperNature 2022 The Irishman 2019genres=crime&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 6.0 Kanavu Variyam 2017 Drama Family Arun Chidambaram Arun Chidambaram T.P. Gajendran Gnanasambandam Arun Chidambaram, Arun Chidambaram* 5/5
The Hateful Eight 2015genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=mystery&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 4.5 Christmas Crossfire 2020genres=crime&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Hamad Hassan Ahmad5.6 Im Leaving Now 2019 5.0 Fate of Alakada 2020 Jin-sung Choi
5.3 icon--video-libraryipc-icon--inlinesc-a93004d6-0gVqJqU"id="iconContext-video-library"viewBox="002424"fill="currentColor"role="presentation" Sing 2 2021genres=adventure&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=comedy&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Bling Empire the Afterpart>Triumph in the Skies 2015 Love Actually 2003genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=romance&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Take the Ball Pass the Ball 2018genres=sport&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 5.5 Rip Tide 2017genres=family&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight 2 2021genres=horror&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 6.7"id="iconContext-collections"viewBox="002424"fill="currentColor"role="presentation" The Social Dilemma 2020genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf""viewBox="002424"fill="currentColor"role="presentation" Jeff Dunham Arguing with Myself 2006 Blood Will Tell 2019genres=mystery&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 6.9 5416/>
8.0 Rurouni Kenshin Origins 2012genres=adventure&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 8.0 Gattaca 1997genres=sci-fi&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Budapest 2018 America the Motion Picture 2021 Animation Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy History Sci-Fi War Matt Thompson Channing Tatum Jason Mantzoukas Olivia Munn William Simpson
Ahaan 2021 The Stand Up 2019 4.9 Coffee and Kareem 2020genres=comedy&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=crime&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" ANIMA 2019genres=music&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Dear Ex 2018genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=romance&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 3.8 s"viewBox="002424"fill="currentColor"role="presentation" EVANGELION DEATH TRUE 1998genres=action&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 8.0 Nightcrawler 2014genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" *
8.0"M00h24v24H0V0z" ROMA 2018 Omar 2013 Crime Drama Romance Thriller War Hany Abu-Assad Adam Bakri Leem Lubany Eyad Hourani Nishanth Ravindaran* 3.7/5
7.9 Kuroko s Basketball Last Game 2017genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=sport&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Jim and Andy the Great Beyond Featuring a Very Special Contractually Obligated Mention of Tony Clifton 2017 Documentary Chris Smith Jim Carrey Danny DeVito Milos Forman Gerardo Cadena, Illay Eskinazi, Sergio Mendoza* 3.5 /5
7.9 A Twelve Year Night 2018genres=biography&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=crime&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 7.9 A Nightmare on Elm Street 1984 Horror Wes Craven Heather Langenkamp Johnny Depp Robert Englund Lauren Swickard* 3.5/5
7.9 The Conjuring 2013genres=mystery&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Tell Me Who I Am 2019 Documentary Drama Mystery Ed Perkins Andrew Caley Alex Lewis Marcus Lewis Richard Kramer, Armistead Maupin* *
7.9 Sherlock Holmes a Game of Shadows 2011genres=adventure&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=mystery&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Schumacher 2021 Documentary Biography Sport Michael Wech Hanns-Bruno Kammertöns Vanessa Nöcker Ross Brawn Flavio Briatore Luca Cordero di Montezemolo Ted Griffin
7.9 Miracle in Cell No. 7 2019 7.9 Menace II Society 1993 Crime Drama Thriller Albert Hughes Allen Hughes Tyrin Turner Larenz Tate June Kyoto Lu Allen Hughes, Albert Hughes, Tyger Williams* 4.0/5
7.9 100 Meters 2016 Biography Comedy Drama Marcel Barrena Dani Rovira Karra Elejalde Alexandra Jimenez Solmaz Ghaeli, Solmaz Ghaeli, Setareh Pirkhedri* 5/5
7.9 Ittefaq 2017 Crime Mystery Thriller Abhay Chopra Sidharth Malhotra Sonakshi Sinha Akshaye Khanna Abhay Chopra, Shreyas Jain, Nikhil Mehrotra* 4.8/5
7.9 Mission Blue 2014 Documentary Drama Fisher Stevens Robert Nixon Barbara Block James Cameron Michael deGruy Swaroop Rsj* 4.6/5
7.9 Ip Man 2 2010 Action Biography Drama History Wilson Yip Donnie Yen Xiaoming Huang Sammo Kam-Bo Hung Tai-lee Chan, Hiu-Yan Choi, Edmond Wong* 4.3/5
7.9 Taare Zameen Par 2007 Drama Family Aamir Khan Amole Gupte Darsheel Safary Aamir Khan Tisca Chopra Amole Gupte, Amole Gupte* 4.2/5
7.9 Argo 2012 Biography Drama Thriller Ben Affleck Ben Affleck Bryan Cranston John Goodman Richard Linklater* 4.1/5
7.9 42 2013 Biography Drama Sport Brian Helgeland Chadwick Boseman T.R. Knight Harrison Ford Steven Levenson, Jonathan Larson* 4.1/5
7.9 Mike Birbiglia My Girlfriend s Boyfriend 2013 Documentary Comedy Romance Seth Barrish Mike Birbiglia Danny Jacobson, Paul Reiser, Ron Darian* 4.0/5
7.9 Jim Gaffigan Beyond the Pale 2005 Documentary Comedy Michael Drumm Jim Gaffigan Jeannie Gaffigan Gerardo Cadena, Illay Eskinazi, Sergio Mendoza* 4.0/5
7.9 Donnie Brasco 1997 Biography Crime Drama Mike Newell Al Pacino Johnny Depp Michael Madsen Joseph D. Pistone, Richard Woodley, Paul Attanasio* 3.9/5
7.9 Blow 2001 Biography Crime Drama Ted Demme Johnny Depp Penelope Cruz Franka Potente Bruce Porter, David McKenna, Nick Cassavetes* 3.8/5
7.9 Sherlock Holmes 2009 Action Adventure Mystery Guy Ritchie Robert Downey Jr. Jude Law Rachel McAdams Michael J. Wilson, Rob Letterman, Scott Aukerman* 3.8/5
Wind River 2017 Crime Drama Mystery Thriller Western Taylor Sheridan Elizabeth Olsen Jeremy Renner Graham Greene Aileen Alcampado, Jinky Laurel, Erwin Blanco* 3.8/5
7.9 The End of Evangelion 1997 Animation Action Drama Fantasy Sci-Fi Hideaki Anno Kazuya Tsurumaki Megumi Ogata Megumi Hayashibara Yko Miyamura Yan Peng Cheong, Cynthia Chong, Gim Lan Lim* 3.8 /5
7.9 Road to Perdition 2002 Crime Drama Thriller Sam Mendes Tom Hanks Tyler Hoechlin Rob Maxey Dean Riesner, Irwin Shaw* 3.7/5
7.9 The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind 2019 Biography Drama History Chiwetel Ejiofor Chiwetel Ejiofor Maxwell Simba Felix Lemburo Chiwetel Ejiofor, William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer* 3.6 /5
7.9 Black Friday 2004 Action Crime Drama History Anurag Kashyap Kay Kay Menon Pawan Malhotra Aditya Srivastav Hugo Blick* 3.6/5
7.9 Jerry Seinfeld I m Telling You for the Last Time 1998 Comedy Marty Callner Jerry Seinfeld Michael Barryte Grace Bustos Gerardo Cadena, Illay Eskinazi, Sergio Mendoza* 3.5 /5
7.9 Anbe Sivam 2003 Adventure Comedy Drama Sundar C. Kamal Haasan Madhavan Kiran Rathod Christopher Demos-Brown* 3.2/5
7.9 A Sun 2019 Crime Drama Mong-Hong Chung Chien-Ho Wu Yi-wen Chen Samantha Shu-Chin Ko Yaosheng Chang, Mong-Hong Chung* 3.2 /5
7.9 Dangal 2016 Action Biography Drama Sport Nitesh Tiwari Aamir Khan Sakshi Tanwar Fatima Sana Shaikh Piyush Gupta, Shreyas Jain, Nikhil Mehrotra* 3.0/5
7.9 Jim Jefferies BARE 2014 Comedy Shannon Hartman Jim Jefferies William Simpson* 1.9/5
7.9 Eddie Murphy Raw 1987 Documentary Comedy Robert Townsend Eddie Murphy Tatyana Ali Billie Allen Hideaki Anno, Yoshiki Sakurai* *
7.9 Pahuna 2018 Drama Mystery Paakhi A. Tyrewala Anmoul Limboo Ishika Gurung Manju Chhetri Ken Pontac, Marcy Brown, Marcy Brown* *
7.9 Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl 1982 Documentary Comedy Musical Terry Hughes Ian MacNaughton John Cleese Michael Palin Eric Idle David Lipscomb, Graham Chapman, John Cleese* *
7.9 Taylor Swift reputation Stadium Tour 2018 Documentary Music Paul Dugdale Taylor Swift Matt Billingslea Camila Cabello Rusty Cundieff, Darin Scott* *
7.9 Baahubali 2 the Conclusion Tamil Version 2017 Action Drama S.S. Rajamouli Prabhas Rana Daggubati Anushka Shetty Vijayendra Prasad, S.S. Rajamouli, C.H. Vijay Kumar* *
7.9 Struggle the Life and Lost Art of Szukalski 2018 Documentary Ireneusz Dobrowolski Stanislav Szukalski Glenn Bray Robert Williams Stephen Cooper, Irek Dobrowolski* *
7.9 Baahubali 2 the Conclusion Malayalam Version 2017 Action Drama S.S. Rajamouli Prabhas Rana Daggubati Anushka Shetty Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely, Stan Lee* *
7.9 Happy as Lazzaro 2018 Drama Fantasy Mystery Alice Rohrwacher Adriano Tardiolo Agnese Graziani Alba Rohrwacher Grant Morrison, Grant Morrison, Grant Morrison* *
7.9 Baahubali 2 the Conclusion Hindi Version 2017 Action Drama S.S. Rajamouli Prabhas Rana Daggubati Anushka Shetty Vijayendra Prasad, S.S. Rajamouli, C.H. Vijay Kumar* *
7.9 The Silence of Others 2019 Documentary Robert Bahar Almudena Carracedo Maria Martin Francisco Franco Adolf Hitler Ricardo Acosta, Robert Bahar, Almudena Carracedo
7.9 The Hand of God 2021 Drama Paolo Sorrentino Filippo Scotti Toni Servillo Teresa Saponangelo Tunde Babalola, Wale Okediran
7.9 The Devils Advocate 1997 Drama Mystery Thriller Taylor Hackford Keanu Reeves Al Pacino Charlize Theron Tim Fehlbaum, Mariko Minoguchi, Jo Rogers
7.9 Lift Like a Girl 2021 Documentary Mayye Zayed Gary Stebbins
7.9 I Am Not Your Negro 2017 Documentary History Raoul Peck Samuel L. Jackson James Baldwin Martin Luther King Sanjay Chauhan, Protiqe Mojoomdar, Nila Madhab Panda
7.9 Hilda and the Mountain King 2021 Animation Adventure Comedy Drama Family Fantasy Andy Coyle Bella Ramsey Ameerah Falzon-Ojo Oliver Nelson Tade Ogidan
7.8 Rurouni Kenshin the Final 2021 Action Adventure Drama Keishi Ohtomo Takeru Satoh Shin& Y Aoi Ed Bignell, Hanah Lee Cook, Eric Lewald
7.8 Undefeated 2011 Documentary Sport T.J. Martin Daniel Lindsay Bill Courtney O.C. Brown Montrail & Taranveer Singh* 4.1/5
7.8 Jana Gana Mana 2022genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" I Lost My Body 2019genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=fantasy&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Girl Interrupted 1999 Biography Drama James Mangold Winona Ryder Angelina Jolie Clea DuVall Shiloh Levine, Shiloh Levine* 3.7/5
7.8 True Grit 2010genres=western&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Trailer Park Boys Xmas Special 2004 Comedy Crime Mike Clattenburg Robb Wells John Paul Tremblay Mike Smith Mike Smith, John Paul Tremblay, Robb Wells* 4.7/5
7.8 What Happened Miss Simone 2015 Documentary Biography Music Liz Garbus Nina Simone Lisa Simone Kelly Roger Nupie Zoe Berriatúa* 4.6/5
7.8 The Ivory Game 2016 Documentary Kief Davidson Richard Ladkani Andrea Crosta Ian Stevenson Prince William Jason Harris* 4.3 /5
7.8 Begin Again 2013 Comedy Drama Music Romance John Carney Keira Knightley Mark Ruffalo Adam Levine Zack Snyder, Shay Hatten, Zack Snyder* 4.1/5
7.8 Chamatkar 1992 Comedy Drama Fantasy Rajiv Mehra Naseeruddin Shah Shah Rukh Khan Urmila Matondkar Shaukat Baig, Shaukat Baig, Lilliput* 4.0/5
7.8 3 Idiots 2009 Comedy Drama Rajkumar Hirani Aamir Khan Madhavan Mona Singh Rajkumar Hirani, Abhijat Joshi, Vidhu Vinod Chopra* 3.9/5
7.8 Felon 2008 Thriller Ric Roman Waugh Stephen Dorff Marisol Nichols Vincent Miller Lance Crouther, Connor McSpadden, Bobby Miyamoto* 3.9/5
7.8 Trailer Park Boys the Movie 2006 Comedy Crime Mike Clattenburg Robb Wells John Paul Tremblay Mike Smith Mike Clattenburg, Robb Wells, Mike Clattenburg* 3.8/5
7.8 The Guns of Navarone 1961 Action Adventure Drama War J. Lee Thompson David Niven Gregory Peck Anthony Quinn Alistair MacLean, Carl Foreman* 3.8/5
7.8 Corpse Bride 2005 Animation Drama Family Fantasy Musical Romance Tim Burton Mike Johnson Johnny Depp Helena Bonham Carter Emily Watson Tim Burton, Carlos Grangel, John August* 3.7/5
7.8 Don 2 2011 Action Crime Thriller Farhan Akhtar Shah Rukh Khan Florian Lukas Om Puri Farhan Akhtar, Farhan Akhtar, Javed Akhtar* 3.7/5
7.8 TE3N 2016 Drama Mystery Thriller Ribhu Dasgupta Amitabh Bachchan Nawazuddin Siddiqui Vidya Balan Bijesh Jayarajan, Geun-seop Jeong, Suresh Nair* 3.6 /5
7.8 The Two Popes 2019 Comedy Drama Fernando Meirelles Anthony Hopkins Jonathan Pryce Juan Minujin Dominick Dunne, Derek Marlowe* 3.6 /5
7.8 Mirage 2018 Drama Fantasy Mystery Romance Thriller Oriol Paulo Adriana Ugarte Chino Darin Javier Gutierrez Oriol Paulo, Lara Sendim* 3.1/5
7.8 Article 15 2019 Crime Drama Mystery Thriller Anubhav Sinha Ayushmann Khurrana Nassar Manoj Pahwa Anubhav Sinha, Gaurav Solanki* *
7.8 Andhadhun 2018 Comedy Crime Music Mystery Thriller Sriram Raghavan Ayushmann Khurrana Tabu Radhika Apte Arijit Biswas, Yogesh Chandekar, Sriram Raghavan* *
7.8 Mallesham 2019 Biography Raj Rachakonda Priyadarshi Jhansi Ananya Nagalla Danielle Calvert, Jed Elinoff, Molly Haldeman* *
7.8 The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society 2018 Drama Romance War Mike Newell Jessica Brown Findlay Tom Courtenay Michiel Huisman Don Roos, Kevin Hood, Thomas Bezucha* *
7.8 Katt Williams the Pimp Chronicles Pt. one 2006 Documentary Comedy Anthony Anderson Gary Binkow James Yukich Katt Williams Anthony Anderson Andre 3000 Christian La Monte, Rachel Robinson, Homura Kawamoto* *
7.8 Merku Thodarchi Malai 2018 Drama Leninbharati Antony Aaru Bala Gayatri Krishnaa Shiu-wa Lou, Philip Yung* *
7.8 Saawan 2016 Drama Thriller Farhan Alam Saleem Mairaj Syed Karam Hussain Arif Bahalim Jalen K. Cassell, Rachel Robinson, Toshiki Inoue* *
7.8 Violet Evergarden the Movie 2020 Animation Drama Fantasy Romance Taichi Ishidate Yui Ishikawa Daisuke Namikawa Takehito Koyasu Diana Moore
7.8 The Sparks Brothers 2021 Documentary Comedy Music Edgar Wright Ron Mael Russell Mael Beck Connor McSpadden, Tom Brunelle, Lance Crouther
7.8 The Show Must Go on the Queen Adam Lambert Story 2019 Documentary Christopher Bird Simon Lupton Freddie Mercury Queen Rami Malek Richard Warlow, Richard Warlow, Toby Finlay
Five Feet Apart 2019 Drama Romance Justin Baldoni Haley Lu Richardson Cole Sprouse Moises Arias John Maloof, Charlie Siskel
7.7 Barfi 2012 Comedy Drama Romance Anurag Basu Ranbir Kapoor Priyanka Chopra Jonas Ileana D& Anurag Basu, Tani Basu, Sanjeev Dutta* 4.1/5
7.7 Dumb and Dumber 1994 7.7 Coach Carter 2005 Biography Drama Sport Thomas Carter Samuel L. Jackson Rick Gonzalez Robert Ri& Mark Schwahn, John Gatins* 3.9/5
7.7 Boyka Undisputed 2016 Action Drama Sport Todor Chapkanov Scott Adkins Teodora Duhovnikova Alon Aboutboul Boaz Davidson, David N. White* 4.6/5
7.7 Gifted Hands the Ben Carson Story 2009 Biography Drama Thomas Carter Cuba Gooding Jr. Kimberly Elise Aunjanue Ellis John Pielmeier* 4.4/5
7.7 Judah Friedlander America is the Greatest Country in the United States 2017 Comedy Judah Friedlander Judah Friedlander Pouyasaki Bakang Sebatjane, Busisiwe Ntintili* 4.3/5
7.7 Lagaan 2001 Drama Musical Sport Ashutosh Gowariker Aamir Khan Raghuvir Yadav Gracy Singh Ashutosh Gowariker, Ashutosh Gowariker, Kumar Dave* 4.2/5
7.7 Jim Gaffigan Mr. Universe 2012 Documentary Comedy Jay Karas Jim Gaffigan Jim Gaffigan, Jeannie Gaffigan* 4.1 /5
7.7 Jim Gaffigan King Baby 2009 Documentary Comedy Troy Miller Jim Gaffigan Jim Gaffigan, Jeannie Gaffigan* 4.0/5
7.7 Swades 2004 Drama Ashutosh Gowariker Shah Rukh Khan Gayatri Joshi Kishori Ballal K.P. Saxena, Amin Hajee, M.G. Sathya* 4.0/5
7.7 Kevin James Sweat the Small Stuff 2001 Documentary Comedy Paul Miller Kevin James Kevin Hart, Joey Wells, Harry Ratchford* 3.9 /5
7.7 Little Women 1994 Drama Family Romance Gillian Armstrong Susan Sarandon Winona Ryder Kirsten Dunst Gaurav Malani, Vivashwan Chaudhary, Jovita DSouza* 3.8/5
7.7 Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara 2011 Comedy Drama Zoya Akhtar Hrithik Roshan Farhan Akhtar Abhay Deol Farhan Akhtar, Reema Kagti, Zoya Akhtar* 3.8/5
7.7 Memoirs of a Geisha 2005 Drama Romance Rob Marshall Ziyi Zhang Ken Watanabe Michelle Yeoh Aziz Ansari, Alan Yang, Zoe Jarman* 3.7/5
7.7 Drishyam 2015 Crime Drama Mystery Thriller Nishikant Kamat Ajay Devgn Shriya Saran Tabu Jeethu Joseph, Upendra Sidhaye* 3.6 /5
7.7 Tom Segura Completely Normal 2014 Documentary Comedy Jay Chapman Tom Segura Timothy Ciancio, Brian Firenzi, Ben Gigli* 3.6/5
7.7 Shot Caller 2017 Crime Drama Thriller Ric Roman Waugh Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Omari Hardwick Lake Bell Matthew James Kinmonth, Ross Hastings* 3.6/5
7.7 Anthony Jeselnik Thoughts and Prayers 2015 Comedy Adam Dubin Anthony Jeselnik Peggy N. Linguswamy, Brindha Sarathy, N. Linguswamy* 3.5/5
7.7 Queen 2014 Adventure Comedy Drama Vikas Bahl Kangana Ranaut Rajkummar Rao Lisa Haydon Qi Dai, Eva, Xueying Wu* 2.6/5
7.7 What We Started 2017 Documentary Bert Marcus Cyrus Saidi Steve Angello Carl Cox Chip Eberhart Bert Marcus, Cyrus Saidi - 10/10
7.7 Hey Arnold the Jungle Movie 2017 Animation Adventure Comedy Family Fantasy Raymie Muzquiz, Stu Livingston Mason Vale Cotton Benjamin Flores Jr. Francesca Marie Smith Craig Bartlett, Craig Bartlett, Joseph Purdy* *
7.7 Mike Birbiglia the New One 2019 Comedy Seth Barrish Mike Birbiglia Bhargav Chatterjee, Bhargav Chatterjee, Bhargav Chatterjee* *
7.7 Baahubali the Beginning Malayalam Version 2015 Action Drama S.S. Rajamouli Prabhas Rana Daggubati Ramya Krishnan Vijayendra Prasad, S.S. Rajamouli, C.H. Vijay Kumar* *
7.7 Period. End of Sentence. 2018 Documentary Short Rayka Zehtabchi Ajeya Anita Gouri Choudari Kroll Azry, Azril Hamzah, Alfie Palermo* *
7.7 Baahubali the Beginning Hindi Version 2015 Action Drama S.S. Rajamouli Prabhas Rana Daggubati Ramya Krishnan Vijayendra Prasad, S.S. Rajamouli, C.H. Vijay Kumar* *
7.7 Paan Singh Tomar 2010 Action Biography Crime Sport Thriller Tigmanshu Dhulia Irrfan Khan Mahie Gill Rajesh Abhay Sanjay Chauhan, Tigmanshu Dhulia* *
7.7 On My Skin 2018 Biography Drama Alessio Cremonini Alessandro Borghi Massimiliano Tortora Milvia Marigliano Alessio Cremonini, Lisa Nur Sultan* *
7.7 Oprah Winfrey Presents When They See Us Now 2019 Talk-Show Mark Ritchie Asante Blackk Ava DuVernay Caleel Harris Mike McFarland, One, Tomohiro Suzuki* *
7.7 Lola Igna 2019 Drama Eduardo W. Roy Jr. Angie Ferro Yves Flores Meryll Soriano Jon Brown, Assaf Harel, D.C. Jackson* *
7.7 Baahubali the Beginning Tamil Version 2015 Action Drama S.S. Rajamouli Prabhas Rana Daggubati Ramya Krishnan Vijayendra Prasad, S.S. Rajamouli, C.H. Vijay Kumar* *
7.7 Last Breath 2019 Documentary Richard da Costa Alex Parkinson Duncan Allcock Duncan Allcock Kjetil Ove Alvestad Juliana Barrera, Andrés Burgos, Said Chamie* *
7.7 Tarung Sarung 2020 Action Adventure Drama Sport Thriller Archie Hekagery Panji Zoni Yayan Ruhian Maizura Rusty Cundieff, Darin Scott* *
7.7 Islands of Faith 2018 Documentary Chairun Nissa Soraya Cassandra Marselus Hasan Agustinus Pius Inam Todd Casey, Henry Gilroy, Joe Simon* *
7.7 Kara Bela 2015 Action Adventure Comedy Drama Burak Aksak Cengiz Bozkurt Seda Bakan Erkan Kolcak Kostendil Burak Aksak, Burak Aksak* 0/5
7.7 The Witcher Nightmare of the Wolf 2021 Animation Action Adventure Drama Fantasy Mystery Kwang Il Han Theo James Mary McDonnell Lara Pulver Brian Clark, Mark McAdam, Delaney Yeager
The Tinder Swindler 2022 Documentary Crime Felicity Morris Kristoffer Kumar Pernilla Sjoholm Erlend Ofte Arntsen David Kendall
7.7 The Beginning of Life 2016 Documentary Family Estela Renner Laura Schichvarger Ixchelt Bueno, Maude Thomas
7.7 Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb 2020 Documentary History James Tovell Ahmed Zikrey Abdellhak Ghareeb Ali Mohammed Abushousha Nabil Eldaleel Scott Alexander, Larry Karaszewski
7.7 Kannathil Muthamittal 2002 Action Drama War Mani Ratnam Madhavan Simran Prakash Raj Vikas Giri
7.7 High and Low the Movie 3 Final Mission 2017 Action Drama Tsuyoshi Nakakuki Shigeaki Kubo Ryohei Abe Akira Shintaro Akiyama Norihisa Hiranuma, Kei Watanabe, Daisuke Kamijô
7.7 Fantastic Fungi 2019 Documentary Louie Schwartzberg Brie Larson Andrew Weil Giuliana Furci Karen Barroeta, Perla Farías, Perla Farías
Blanche Gardin I talk to myself 2017 Comedy Blanche Gardin Blanche Gardin Eylem Canpolat, Sema Ergenekon
7.6 Crip Camp a Disability Revolution 2020 Documentary History James Lebrecht Nicole Newnham James Lebrecht Lionel Je& Joseph O& James Lebrecht, Nicole Newnham* *
7.6 American Factory 2019 Documentary Steven Bognar Julia Reichert Junming & Robert Allen Sherrod Brown William Simpson* 3.5 /5
7.6 Untold Breaking Point 2021 Documentary Sport Chapman Way Maclain Way Mardy Fish Kevin O& Tom Fish Hugo Gonçalves, Tiago Santos, João Tordo
7.6 Anchorman the Legend of Ron Burgundy 2004 A River Runs Through It 1992 Drama Robert Redford Craig Sheffer Brad Pitt Tom Skerritt John Cleese, Charles Crichton, John Cleese* 3.9/5
7.6 Troy 2004genres=history&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 7.6 This Changes Everything 2019 Documentary Tom Donahue Reese Witherspoon Mira Nair Shonda Rhimes Gerard Duran, Cristina Garcia, Manel Guillot
7.6 The Bleeding Edge 2018 Sudani from Nigeria 2018 Comedy Sport Zakariya Mohammed Soubin Shahir Samuel Abiola Robinson Savithri Sreedharan Zakariya Mohammed, Zakariya Mohammed, Muhsin Parari* *
7.6 The Mist 2007genres=sci-fi&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" The Legend of Bhagat Singh 2002 Action Biography Drama History Rajkumar Santoshi Ajay Devgn Sushant Singh D. Santosh Juliet Lammers, Lorraine Price* 3.9/5
7.6 The King 2019genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=history&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Madness in the Desert 2004 Documentary Satyajit Bhatkal Ashutosh Gowariker Aamir Khan Gracy Singh Shen Feixuan, Man Gu, Wen Ting* 5/5
7.6 Secret Superstar 2017 Drama Music Advait Chandan Zaira Wasim Meher Vij Raj Arjun Angela Betzien, Matt Cameron, Belinda Chayko* 5/5
7.6 Soul Surfer 2011 Biography Drama Family Sport Sean McNamara AnnaSophia Robb Dennis Quaid Helen Hunt Sanchit Bedre, Vidhi Ghodgaonkar, Yunus Sajawal* 4.1/5
7.6 Lee Daniels the Butler 2013 Biography Drama Lee Daniels Forest Whitaker Oprah Winfrey John Cusack Eric Summer, Eric Summer, Laurent Zeitoun* 4.1/5
7.6 St. Vincent 2014 Comedy Drama Theodore Melfi Bill Murray Melissa McCarthy Naomi Watts Nancy Meyers* 4.1/5
7.6 The Professionals 1966 Action Adventure Western Richard Brooks Burt Lancaster Lee Marvin Robert Ryan Ron Clements, John Musker, Greg Erb* 3.9/5
7.6 Rang De Basanti 2006 Comedy Crime Drama Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra Aamir Khan Soha Ali Khan Siddharth Renzil DSilva, Prasoon Joshi, Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra* 3.9/5
7.6 Mike Birbiglia What I Should Have Said Was Nothing Tales from My Secret Public Journal 2008 Comedy Mike Birbiglia Joe Birbiglia Mike Birbiglia Joe Birbiglia, Mike Birbiglia* 3.8/5
7.6 PK 2014 Comedy Drama Musical Sci-Fi Rajkumar Hirani Aamir Khan Anushka Sharma Sanjay Dutt Rajkumar Hirani, Abhijat Joshi* 3.8 /5
7.6 Ordinary People 2016 Drama Eduardo W. Roy Jr. Ronwaldo Martin Hasmine Kilip John Kenji Montoro Petra Costa, Lea Glob* 3.7/5
7.6 Miles Davis Birth of the Cool 2019 Biography Gregory Davis Nathan Skulnik See more at IMDbPro Bhargav Chatterjee, Bhargav Chatterjee, Bhargav Chatterjee* 3.7 /5
7.6 Lady Bird 2017 Comedy Drama Greta Gerwig Saoirse Ronan Laurie Metcalf Tracy Letts Steven Bochco, Terry Louise Fisher, David E. Kelley* 3.7/5
7.6 Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani 2000 Comedy Drama Musical Romance Aziz Mirza Shah Rukh Khan Juhi Chawla Johnny Lever Sanjay Chhel, Raaj Kumar Dahima, Manoj Lalwani* 3.7/5
7.6 Blue Jay 2016 Drama Romance Alex Lehmann Mark Duplass Sarah Paulson Clu Gulager Kazue Katô, Toshiya Ôno, Seiko Takagi* 3.6/5
7.6 Main Hoon Na 2004 Action Comedy Drama Musical Romance Thriller Farah Khan Shah Rukh Khan Sushmita Sen Sunil Shetty Farah Khan, Abbas Tyrewala, Farah Khan* 3.6 /5
7.6 The Edge of Seventeen 2016 Comedy Drama Kelly Fremon Craig Hailee Steinfeld Haley Lu Richardson Blake Jenner Roger Drew, Ed Dyson* 3.5/5
7.6 Starship Troopers 1997 Action Adventure Sci-Fi Thriller Paul Verhoeven Casper Van Dien Denise Richards Dina Meyer Robert A. Heinlein, Flint Dille, Shinji Aramaki* 3.5/5
7.6 El Camino a Breaking Bad Movie 2019 Action Crime Drama Vince Gilligan Aaron Paul Jonathan Banks Matt Jones Vince Gilligan, Vince Gilligan* 3.5 /5
7.6 Dolemite is My Name 2019 Biography Comedy Drama Craig Brewer Eddie Murphy Keegan-Michael Key Mike Epps Scott Alexander, Larry Karaszewski* 3.4 /5
7.6 The Disaster Artist 2017 Biography Comedy Drama James Franco James Franco Dave Franco Ari Graynor Scott Neustadter, Michael H. Weber, Greg Sestero* 3.4/5
7.6 Bombay 1995 Drama Romance Mani Ratnam Arvind Swamy Manisha Koirala Nassar Jorge M. Fontana* 3.3/5
7.6 Closer 2004 Drama Romance Mike Nichols Natalie Portman Jude Law Clive Owen John Loy, Glen MacDonough* 3.2/5
7.6 Bathtubs Over Broadway 2018 Documentary Comedy Music Dava Whisenant David Letterman Martin Short Chita Rivera Ozzy Inguanzo, Dava Whisenant* 3.0/5
7.6 Dedh Ishqiya 2014 Comedy Drama Romance Thriller Abhishek Chaubey Huma Qureshi Madhuri Dixit Naseeruddin Shah Johnnie Johnson, Vernon Snoop Robinson* 3.0/5
7.6 Shootout at Lokhandwala 2007 Action Crime History Apoorva Lakhia Amitabh Bachchan Sanjay Dutt Suniel Shetty Apoorva Lakhia, Suresh Nair, Raj Vasant* 3.0/5
7.6 The Battleship Island 2017 Action Drama History Seung-wan Ryoo Jung-min Hwang So Ji-seob Song Joong-ki Tunde Babalola, Wale Okediran* 2.6/5
7.6 Black Mirror Bandersnatch 2018 Drama Fantasy Mystery Sci-Fi Thriller David Slade Fionn Whitehead Craig Parkinson Alice Lowe Stephen J. Rivele, Christopher Wilkinson, Michael Dorgan* *
7.6 Grizzlies 2018 Biography Drama Miranda de Pencier Jack Anawak Fred Bailey Seth Burke Zoya Akhtar, Dibakar Banerjee, Dibakar Banerjee* *
7.6 Love and Shukla 2017 Comedy Drama Romance Jatla Siddartha Saharsh Kumar Shukla Taneea Rajawat Hima Singh Amanda Mooney, Naseem Shah, Jatla Siddartha* *
7.6 Live Twice Love Once 2020 Comedy Drama Maria Ripoll Oscar Martinez Inma Cuesta Mafalda Carbonell Vivashwan Chaudhary, Jovita DSouza, Praveen Fernandes* *
7.6 Cairo Station 1958 Crime Drama Youssef Chahine Farid Shawqi Hind Rustum Youssef Chahine Heba Mashari Hamada* *
7.6 Tim Minchin and the Heritage Orchestra Live 2011 Comedy Matt Askem Tim Minchin Jules Buckley Pete Clements Becky Overton, Andrew Brenner, Wilbert Awdry* *
7.6 Monty Python Live Mostly One Down Five to Go 2014 Documentary Comedy Musical Eric Idle Aubrey Powell John Cleese Terry Gilliam Eric Idle Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam* *
7.6 Invader Zim Enter the Florpus 2019 Animation Action Adventure Comedy Family Sci-Fi Jhonen Vasquez Hae Young Jung Young Kyun Park Richard Steven Horvitz Rikki Simons Andy Berman Jhonen Vasquez, Jhonen Vasquez, Breehn Burns* *
7.6 Nate Bargatze the Tennessee Kid 2019 Comedy Ryan Polito Nate Bargatze Loretto Bernal, Andres Feddersen* *
7.6 Ani Dr. Kashinath Ghanekar 2018 Drama Abhijeet Shirish Deshpande Subodh Bhave Sumeet Raghavan Sonali Kulkarni Bruna Capozzoli, Kim Helminen, Joe Lawson* *
7.6 Pad Man 2018 Comedy Drama R. Balki Akshay Kumar Radhika Apte Sonam Kapoor R. Balki, Swanand Kirkire* *
7.6 Quincy 2018 Documentary Biography Rashida Jones Alan Hicks Quincy Jones Rashida Jones Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Alan Hicks, Rashida Jones* *
7.6 Bert Kreischer the Machine 2016 Comedy Ryan Polito Bert Kreischer Daniel Powell, Elizabeth Rohrbaugh, Rebecca Drysdale* *
7.6 Luciano Mellera Infantiloide 2018 Comedy Jan Suter Raúl Campos Luciano Mellera Shen Feixuan, Man Gu, Wen Ting* *
7.6 It 2017 The Patriot 2000 Action Drama History War Roland Emmerich Mel Gibson Heath Ledger Joely Richardson Ashleigh Powell, E.T.A. Hoffmann, Ashleigh Powell
7.6 The Nightingale 2018 Adventure Drama Thriller Jennifer Kent Aisling Franciosi Maya Christie Baykali Ganambarr Lorne Cameron, Allen Morgan, Craig Young
7.6 The Married Couples 1981 Comedy Hassan AbdulSalam Samir Ghanem George Sidhum Sherine John Mikulak, Joshua Brown
7.6 The Last Forest 2021 Documentary Drama Luiz Bolognesi Davi Kopenawa Daucirene Yanomami Ehuana Yaira Yanomami Tunde Babalola, Wale Okediran
7.6 The Last Days 1998 Documentary War James Moll Bill Basch Martin Basch Randolph Braham Julian Adams, Julian Adams, Weston Adams
7.6 The Hows of Us 2018 Drama Romance Cathy Garcia-Molina Kathryn Bernardo Daniel Padilla Jean Garcia Carmi Raymundo, Gilliann Ebreo, Crystal S. San Miguel
7.6 Rurouni Kenshin the Beginning 2021 Action Adventure Drama Keishi Ohtomo Masanobu Ando Towa Araki Kasumi Arimura Ed Bignell, Hanah Lee Cook, Eric Lewald
7.6 Rolling Thunder Revue a Bob Dylan Story by Martin Scorsese 2019 Documentary Biography History Music Martin Scorsese Bob Dylan Allen Ginsberg Patti Smith Ed Bignell, Hanah Lee Cook, Eric Lewald
7.6 One Day Well Talk About Today 2020 Drama Family Angga Dwimas Sasongko Rio Dewanto Sheila Dara Aisha Rachel Amanda Tumas Satunas
7.6 Official Secrets 2019 Biography Crime Drama Thriller War Gavin Hood Keira Knightley Matt Smith Matthew Goode Jon Lucas, Scott Moore, Timothy Dowling
7.6 La ley de Herodes 1999 Comedy Crime Mystery Luis Estrada Damian Alcazar Pedro Armendariz Jr. Delia Casanova Juliana Barrera, Andrés Burgos, Said Chamie
7.6 Facing Mecca 2018 Short Drama Jan-Eric Mack Peter Freiburghaus Jay Abdo Ruth Schwegler Zach Helm, Patricia Highsmith, Sam Levinson
9to5 the Story of a Movement 2021 Documentary History Steven Bognar Julia Reichert Rosalinda Aguirre Verna Barksdale Laurie Brown
7.5 GANTZ O 2016 Animation Action Drama Fantasy Horror Sci-Fi Thriller Kei& Yasushi Kawamura Daisuke Ono Mao Ichimichi Tomohiro Kaku Hiroya Oku, Tsutomu Kuroiwa* 4.2/5
7.5 Rocks 2019 Drama Sarah Gavron Bukky Bakray Kosar Ali D& Joe Murray, Joe Murray, Mr. Lawrence
7.5 Michael Clayton 2007genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=mystery&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa 1994 Comedy Drama Music Musical Romance Kundan Shah Shah Rukh Khan Suchitra Krishnamoorthi Deepak Tijori Pankaj Advani, Pankaj Advani, Ranjit Kapoor* 4.0/5
7.5 The Danish Girl 2015genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=romance&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" The Book of Sun 2020 Comedy Faris Godus Sohayb Godus Baraa Alem Ismail Alhassan Daniel Myrick, Eduardo Sánchez, Heather Donahue
7.5 Summerland 2020genres=romance&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=war&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Shes Dating the Gangster 2014 Comedy Drama Romance Cathy Garcia-Molina Daniel Padilla Kathryn Bernardo Richard Gomez Renae Bluitt, Trizonna McClendon* *
7.5 Forgetting Sarah Marshall 2008genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=romance&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 7.5 Eddie Strongman 2015 Documentary Matt Bell Hafor Jlius Bjornsson Colin Bryce Geoff Capes Steven Altiere, Steven Altiere, Laura Bowes* *
7.5 Tom Segura Disgraceful 2018 Documentary Comedy Jay Karas Tom Segura Stephanie Perkins, Henry Gayden* 4.9/5
7.5 Jim Gaffigan Obsessed 2014 Documentary Comedy Jay Chapman Jim Gaffigan Jeannie Gaffigan, Jim Gaffigan* 4.2/5
7.5 Paddington 2014 Adventure Comedy Family Fantasy Paul King Hugh Bonneville Sally Hawkins Julie Walters Paul King, Hamish McColl, Paul King* 4.0/5
7.5 Dil Chahta Hai 2001 Comedy Drama Romance Farhan Akhtar Aamir Khan Saif Ali Khan Akshaye Khanna Kassim Jagmagia, Farhan Akhtar, Farhan Akhtar* 4.0/5
7.5 Sanju 2018 Biography Comedy Drama Rajkumar Hirani Ranbir Kapoor Paresh Rawal Manisha Koirala Abhiruchi Chand, Rajkumar Hirani, Abhijat Joshi* 4.0/5
7.5 Talaash 2012 Crime Drama Mystery Thriller Reema Kagti Aamir Khan Kareena Kapoor Rani Mukerji Farhan Akhtar, Anurag Kashyap, Zoya Akhtar* 3.9/5
7.5 Jeff Dunham Controlled Chaos 2011 Comedy Michael Simon Matthew McNeil Jeff Dunham William Simpson* 3.9/5
7.5 Kal Ho Naa Ho 2003 Comedy Drama Musical Romance Nikkhil Advani Preity Zinta Shah Rukh Khan Saif Ali Khan Lilly Wachowski, Lana Wachowski* 3.8/5
7.5 Identity 2003 Mystery Thriller James Mangold John Cusack Ray Liotta Amanda Peet Michael Berg, Peter Ackerman, Mike Reiss* 3.6/5
7.5 Badla 2019 Crime Drama Mystery Thriller Sujoy Ghosh Amitabh Bachchan Taapsee Pannu Amrita Singh Oriol Paulo, Sujoy Ghosh, Sujoy Ghosh* 3.6/5
7.5 Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle 2004 Adventure Comedy Danny Leiner John Cho Kal Penn Ethan Embry Jon Hurwitz, Hayden Schlossberg* 3.6/5
7.5 Rambo 2008 Action Adventure Thriller Sylvester Stallone Sylvester Stallone Julie Benz Matthew Marsden David Morrell, Sylvester Stallone, Sheldon Lettich* 3.5/5
7.5 Monster 2003 Biography Crime Drama Thriller Patty Jenkins Charlize Theron Christina Ricci Bruce Dern Gemma Baker, Eddie Gorodetsky, Chuck Lorre* 3.5/5
7.5 Hairspray 2007 Comedy Drama Musical Romance Adam Shankman John Travolta Queen Latifah Nikki Blonsky Leslie Dixon, John Waters, Mark ODonnell* 3.5/5
7.5 Dil Se 1998 Drama Romance Mani Ratnam Shah Rukh Khan Manisha Koirala Preity Zinta Mani Ratnam, Sujatha, Tigmanshu Dhulia* 3.3/5
7.5 The Ballad of Buster Scruggs 2018 Comedy Drama Musical Mystery Romance Western Ethan Coen Tim Blake Nelson Willie Watson Clancy Brown Joel Coen, Ethan Coen, Jack London* 3.3 /5
7.5 What the Health 2017 Documentary Keegan Kuhn Kip Andersen Kip Andersen Larry Baldwin Neal Barnard Kip Andersen, Kip Andersen, Keegan Kuhn* 3.2/5
7.5 Whisky 2004 Comedy Drama Juan Pablo Rebella Pablo Stoll Andres Pazos Mirella Pascual Jorge Bolani Gonzalo Delgado, Juan Pablo Rebella, Pablo Stoll* 3.1 /5
7.5 Joan Didion the Center Will Not Hold 2017 Documentary Griffin Dunne Hilton Als Tom Brokaw Dick Cheney Hirohiko Araki, Yasuko Kobayashi, Yasuko Kobayashi* 3.0/5
7.5 Jim Jefferies Freedumb 2016 Comedy Ryan Polito Jim Jefferies William Simpson* 1.7/5
7.5 Aziz Ansari RIGHT NOW 2019 Comedy Spike Jonze Aziz Ansari Hui-Chen Chen, Wei-ling Chen, Wei-ling Chen* *
7.5 Then Came You 2019 Adventure Comedy Drama Peter Hutchings Asa Butterfield Maisie Williams Nina Dobrev Jerry Sun* *
7.5 Derren Brown the Push 2018 Reality-TV Jon Richards Ben Adams Dave Bibby Derren Brown Dana Carvey* *
7.5 Paddleton 2019 Comedy Drama Alex Lehmann Christine Woods Mark Duplass Ray Romano Mark Duplass, Alex Lehmann* *
7.5 The Meaning of Monty Python 2013 Documentary Albert Sharpe John Cleese Terry Gilliam Eric Idle Sera Gamble, Sera Gamble, Sera Gamble* *
7.5 ZZ TOP THAT LITTLE OL BAND FROM TEXAS 2019 Documentary Biography Music Sam Dunn Billy Gibbons Dusty Hill Frank Beard Ralph Chapman, Sam Dunn* *
7.5 Free Rein the Twelve Neighs of Christmas 2018 Adventure Comedy Drama Family Marek Losey Jaylen Barron Billy Angel Manpreet Bambra Vicki Lutas, Anna McCleery, Vicki Lutas* *
7.5 Ben Platt Live from Radio City Music Hall 2020 Music Sam Wrench Alex Timbers Ben Platt Crystal Monee Hall Kojo Littles Bodunrin Sasore* *
7.5 Haider 2014 Action Crime Drama Thriller Vishal Bhardwaj Shahid Kapoor Tabu Shraddha Kapoor William Shakespeare, Basharat Peer, Vishal Bhardwaj* *
7.5 Hitler a Career 1977 Documentary History Joachim Fest Christian Herrendoerfer Gert Westphal Stephen Murray Artur Axmann Kevin Schini, Nicole Becannon, Nicole Becannon* *
7.5 Riphagen the Untouchable 2016genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=war&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Violet Evergarden Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll 2019 Animation Drama Family Haruka Fujita Yui Ishikawa Bob Buchholz Kira Buckland Kana Akatsuki, Reiko Yoshida, Takaaki Suzuki
7.5 Tim Minchin So Fuuking Rock 2008 Comedy Music Matt Askem Tim Minchin Britt Allcroft, Wilbert Awdry, Andrew Brenner
7.5 The Tambour of Retribution 2021 Drama Abdulaziz Alshlahei Adwa Fahad Rawya Ahmed Ajeba Aldosary Christian James Durso, Christian James Durso, Chawanwit Imchai
The Making of a King 2021 Documentary John Herzfeld Sylvester Stallone Dolph Lundgren Brigitte Nielsen Maggie Gyllenhaal, Elena Ferrante
7.5 The Endless Trench 2019 Action Drama History Thriller War Jose Mari Goenaga Jon Garaño Aitor Arregi Antonio de la Torre Belen Cuesta Vicente Vergara Luiso Berdejo, Jose Mari Goenaga
7.5 The Dirt 2019 Biography Comedy Drama Music Jeff Tremaine Douglas Booth Iwan Rheon Machine Gun Kelly Amanda Adelson, Tommy Lee, Mick Mars
7.5 The Dig 2021 Biography Drama History Simon Stone Carey Mulligan Ralph Fiennes Lily James Kayvon Saremi, Sean Patrick Shaul
7.5 The Blazing Sun 1954 Crime Drama Romance Youssef Chahine Faten Hamamah Omar Sharif Zaki Rustum Ixchelt Bueno, Maude Thomas
7.5 Stars in the Sky a Hunting Story 2018 Documentary Steven Rinella Steven Rinella Robert Abernathy Greg Blascovich Mason Steinberg
7.5 Serious Men 2020 Comedy Drama Sudhir Mishra Sachin Krishn Nawazuddin Siddiqui Nassar Aakshath Das Niren Bhatt, Manu Joseph, Abhijeet Khuman
7.5 Retablo 2017 Drama Alvaro Delgado Aparicio Magaly Solier Amiel Cayo Junior Bejar Woo-jung Lee, Ran Joo Kim, Sun Hye Lee
7.5 Picture a Scientist 2020 Documentary Ian Cheney Sharon Shattuck Mahzarin Banaji Raychelle Burks Kathryn Clancy Jeon Go-Woon, Kim Jong-Kwan, Pil-sung Yim
7.5 One Piece Film Z 2012 Animation Action Adventure Fantasy Tatsuya Nagamine Mayumi Tanaka Kazuya Nakai Akemi Okamura Eiichiro Oda, Osamu Suzuki
7.5 Nayattu 2021 Thriller Martin Prakkat Kunchacko Boban Joju George Nimisha Sajayan Lee Eun-Mi, Hun
7.5 Mimi 2021 Comedy Drama Laxman Utekar Rajesh Bhatia Kriti Sanon Evelyn Edwards Pankaj Tripathi Bhargav Chatterjee, Bhargav Chatterjee, Bhargav Chatterjee
Ip Man 4 the Finale 2019 Action Biography Drama History Wilson Yip Donnie Yen Scott Adkins Danny Kwok-Kwan Chan Karan Chavan, Vikram Patil
0043396258754:INTHELINEOFFIRE(1993)-Amazon...">In the Line of Fire
1993 Action Crime Drama Thriller Wolfgang Petersen Clint Eastwood John Malkovich Rene Russo Ricki Stern, Anne Sundberg, Pax Wassermann
Girl 2018 Drama Lukas Dhont Victor Polster Arieh Worthalter Oliver Bodart Lukas Dhont, Angelo Tijssens
7.5 Angamaly Diaries 2017 Action Comedy Thriller Lijo Jose Pellissery Antony Varghese Sarath Kumar Tito Wilson William Simpson
A Boy Called Christmas 2021 Adventure Drama Family Fantasy Gil Kenan Maggie Smith Isabella O& Joel Fry Joe Ballarini, Joe Ballarini
7.4 The Lake House 2006genres=fantasy&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=romance&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" The Great Hack 2019 Documentary Biography History Jehane Noujaim Karim Amer Brittany Kaiser David Carroll Paul-Olivier Dehaye Karim Amer, Erin Barnett, Pedro Kos* *
7.4 We Are Marshall 2006genres=sport&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Uyare 2019 7.4 Untold Malice at the Palace 2021 Documentary Crime Sport Floyd Russ Jermaine O& Stephen Jackson Metta World Peace Kevin Grevioux, Len Wiseman, Danny McBride
7.4 Project X 2012 Parmanu the Story of Pokhran 2018 Action Drama History Abhishek Sharma John Abraham Boman Irani Diana Penty Saiwyn Quadras, Sanyuktha Chawla Shaikh, Abhishek Sharma* *
7.4 Margin Call 2011genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 7.4 Lakshya 2004 Action Drama Romance War Farhan Akhtar Hrithik Roshan Preity Zinta Amitabh Bachchan Javed Akhtar, Javed Akhtar, Javed Akhtar* 3.7 /5
7.4 Rita Moreno Just a Girl Who Decided to Go for It 2021genres=biography&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Qismat 2018 Drama Romance Jagdeep Sidhu Ammy Virk Sargun Mehta Guggu Gill Jagdeep Sidhu* *
7.4 The Amazing Spider Man 2012genres=adventure&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=sci-fi&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 7.4 Taylor Tomlinson Quarter Life Crisis 2020 Comedy Marcus Raboy Taylor Tomlinson Richard Kramer, Armistead Maupin* *
7.4 Jersey 2022genres=sport&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 6.4 The B Side Elsa Dorfman s Portrait Photography 2016 Documentary Errol Morris Elsa Dorfman Jordi Gasull, Javier López Barreira, Jordi Gasull* 3.0/5
7.4 Kung Fu Panda 3 2016 Animation Action Adventure Comedy Family Fantasy Jennifer Yuh Nelson Alessandro Carloni Jack Black Bryan Cranston Dustin Hoffman Katt Williams* 4.3/5
7.4 Justin Timberlake the Tennessee Kids 2016 Documentary Music Jonathan Demme Adam Blackstone Aaron Camper Devine Evans Lilly Wachowski, Lana Wachowski* 4.3/5
7.4 Naruto the Movie Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow 2004 Animation Action Adventure Fantasy Tensai Okamura Junko Takeuchi Chie Nakamura Noriaki Sugiyama Masashi Kishimoto, Katsuyuki Sumizawa* 4.2/5
7.4 Into the Inferno 2016 Documentary Werner Herzog Werner Herzog Clive Oppenheimer Katia Krafft Sarah Sellers* 4.1/5
7.4 Jeff Dunhams Very Special Christmas Special 2008 Comedy Michael Simon Jeff Dunham Brian Haner Ivo Graham, Clyde Holcroft, James Kettle* 4.0/5
7.4 Jab We Met 2007 Comedy Drama Romance Imtiaz Ali Shahid Kapoor Kareena Kapoor Tarun Arora Karan Chavan, Vikram Patil* 4.0/5
7.4 Kai Po Che 2013 Drama Sport Abhishek Kapoor Amit Sadh Sushant Singh Rajput Rajkummar Rao Chetan Bhagat, Abhishek Kapoor, Supratik Sen* 4 /5
7.4 Kuch Kuch Hota Hai 1998 Comedy Drama Musical Romance Karan Johar Shah Rukh Khan Kajol Rani Mukerji Rajeev Jhaveri, Anurag Prapanna, Umesh Shukla* 3.9/5
7.4 InuYasha the Movie 4 Fire on the Mystic Island 2004 Animation Action Adventure Comedy Toshiya Shinohara Kappei Yamaguchi Satsuki Yukino Koji Tsujitani Katsuyuki Sumizawa, Rumiko Takahashi* 3.9/5
7.4 The Railway Man 2013 Biography Drama Romance War Jonathan Teplitzky Colin Firth Nicole Kidman Stellan Skarsgerd Posuka Demizu, Kaiu Shirai* 3.9/5
7.4 Arthur Christmas 2011 Animation Adventure Comedy Drama Family Fantasy Barry Cook Sarah Smith James McAvoy Jim Broadbent Bill Nighy Peter Baynham, Sarah Smith* 3.9/5
7.4 Harishchandrachi Factory 2009 Biography Comedy Drama Paresh Mokashi Nandu Madhav Vibhawari Deshpande Atharva Karve Mike Cockayne, Martin Maloney, Chris Tordoff* 3.8 /5
7.4 Top Gun 1986 Action Drama Tony Scott Tom Cruise Tim Robbins Kelly McGillis Stephanie Perkins, Henry Gayden* 3.7/5
7.4 Udta Punjab 2016 Action Crime Drama Abhishek Chaubey Shahid Kapoor Alia Bhatt Kareena Kapoor Sudip Sharma, Abhishek Chaubey, Sudip Sharma* 3.7 /5
7.4 Blade 1998 Action Horror Sci-Fi Stephen Norrington Wesley Snipes Stephen Dorff Kris Kristofferson Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Guillaume Laurant, Guillaume Laurant* 3.7/5
7.4 Chup Chup Ke 2006 Comedy Drama Romance Priyadarshan, Kookie Gulati Shahid Kapoor Kareena Kapoor Om Puri Priyadarshan, Neeraj Vora, Meccartin* 3.5 /5
7.4 Dear Zindagi 2016 Drama Romance Gauri Shinde Alia Bhatt Shah Rukh Khan Kunal Kapoor Matthew Ireland Beans, Matthew Ireland Beans, Matthew Ireland Beans* 3.4 /5
7.4 American Masters Inventing David Geffen 2012 Documentary Biography Susan Lacy David Geffen Irving Azoff Jackson Browne Susan Lacy* 3.3/5
7.4 Dev.D 2009 Comedy Drama Romance Anurag Kashyap Abhay Deol Mahie Gill Kalki Koechlin Saratchandra Chatterjee, Abhay Deol, Vikramaditya Motwane* 3.2/5
7.4 Desperado 1995 Action Crime Thriller Robert Rodriguez Antonio Banderas Salma Hayek Joaquim de Almeida Ayush Banker, Michelle Beyda-Scott, Helene Gonze* 3.2/5
7.4 Bon Cop Bad Cop 2006 Action Comedy Crime Thriller Erik Canuel Michel Beaudry Patrice Belanger Pierre Boudreau Leila Basen, Alex Epstein, Patrick Huard* 3.2/5
7.4 Veteran 2015 Action Comedy Crime Thriller Seung-wan Ryoo Jung-min Hwang Yoo Ah-in Hae-Jin Yoo Taranveer Singh* 2.9/5
7.4 Tangerine 2015 Comedy Crime Drama Sean Baker Kitana Kiki Rodriguez Mya Taylor Karren Karagulian John Fusco, Michael Lucker* 2.8/5
7.4 Alexandria Why 1979 Drama Youssef Chahine Naglaa Fathi Ahmed Zaki Farid Shawqi Youssef Chahine, Yusri Nasrullah* 2.6/5
7.4 Naruto Shippuden the Movie Blood Prison 2011 Animation Action Mystery Thriller Masahiko Murata Junko Takeuchi Chie Nakamura Rikiya Koyama Akira Higashiyama, Masashi Kishimoto* 2.0/5
7.4 Private Life 2018 Comedy Drama Tamara Jenkins Kathryn Hahn Paul Giamatti Gabrielle Reid Bo-Hoon Jung* 1.8/5
7.4 Kartini Princess of Java 2017 Biography Drama Family History Hanung Bramantyo Dian Sastrowardoyo Reza Rahadian Adinia Wirasti Lilly Wachowski, Lana Wachowski* *
7.4 Bad Seeds 2018 Comedy Kheiron Kheiron Catherine Deneuve Andre Dussollier Kheiron, Kheiron* *
7.4 Fire in Paradise 2019 Documentary Short Zackary Canepari Drea Cooper Joy Beeson Beth Bowersox Abbie Davis Omer Genc, Altug Küçük, Altug Küçük* *
7.4 Mersal 2017 Action Thriller Atlee Kumar Joseph Vijay Nithya Menen S.J. Suryah Atlee Kumar, Vijayendra Prasad, Ramanagirivasan* *
7.4 Bert Kreischer Secret Time 2018 Comedy Todd Biermann Bert Kreischer Bodunrin Sasore* *
7.4 The Speed Cubers 2020 Documentary Short Sport Sue Kim Max Park Schwan Park Philipp Weyer Ricardo Acosta, Robert Bahar, Almudena Carracedo* *
7.4 Ali Wong Hard Knock Wife 2018 Comedy Jay Karas Ali Wong Ana Guevara, Leticia Jorge* *
7.4 DreamKiller 2015 Documentary Crime Andrew Jenks Kevin Crane Chuck Erickson Bill Ferguson Steven Altiere, Steven Altiere, Laura Bowes* *
7.4 Your Name Engraved Herein 2020 Drama Romance Kuang-Hui Liu Edward Chen Jing-Hua Tseng Leon Dai José Luis Acosta, José Camacho, Fran Carballal* *
7.4 Seth Meyers Lobby Baby 2019 Comedy Neal Brennan Jonathan Chacko Seth Meyers Nicole Jefferson Asher, ALelia Bundles, Elle Johnson* *
7.4 Ronny Chieng Asian Comedian Destroys America 2019 Comedy Sebastian DiNatale Ronny Chieng Christian Baker, Dan Benamor, Brian Burstein* *
7.4 Rooting for Roona 2020 Documentary Short Drama Pavitra Chalam Akshay Shankar* *
7.4 Destiny 1997 Comedy Drama History Musical Romance Youssef Chahine Khairiya A-Mansour Nour El-Sherif Layla Olwi Mahmoud Hemida Youssef Chahine, Khaled Youssef* *
7.4 Love You to the Stars and Back 2017 Adventure Comedy Drama Romance Antoinette Jadaone Julia Barretto Joshua Garcia Cherry Pie Picache Shen Feixuan, Man Gu, Wen Ting* *
7.4 Dave Chappelle the Kennedy Center Mark Twain Prize for American Humor 2020 Comedy Chris Robinson Dave Chappelle Mohammed Amer Aziz Ansari Mark Banker, Mike Benner, Mike Benner* *
7.4 The Night Comes for Us 2018 Action Thriller Timo Tjahjanto Iko Uwais Joe Taslim Julie Estelle Tom Brunelle, Lance Crouther, Connor McSpadden* *
7.4 Colin Quinn Red State Blue State 2019 Comedy Bobby Moresco Colin Quinn Cem Yilmaz* *
7.4 Bhavesh Joshi Superhero 2018 Action Crime Drama Vikramaditya Motwane Harshvardhan Kapoor Priyanshu Painyuli Ashish Verma Vikramaditya Motwane, Anurag Kashyap, Abhay Koranne* *
7.4 Us and Them 2018 Drama Romance Rene Liu Boran Jing Dongyu Zhou Zhuangzhuang Tian Wei An, Shing-Ming Ho, Rene Liu* *
7.4 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the Movie 1990 Action Adventure Comedy Family Sci-Fi Steve Barron Judith Hoag Elias Koteas Josh Pais Kevin Eastman, Peter Laird, Bobby Herbeck* *
7.4 Aggretsuko We Wish You a Metal Christmas 2018 Animation Comedy Drama Music Musical Romance Rareko Kaolip Shingo Kato Komegumi Koiwasaki Florian Dedio, Anna Kwak, Barbara Necek* *
7.4 Vivo 2021 Animation Adventure Comedy Family Musical Kirk DeMicco Lin-Manuel Miranda Ynairaly Simo Zoe Saldana Ángela Armero, Estíbaliz Burgaleta, Ramón Campos
7.4 Untold Crime and Penalties 2021 Documentary Crime Sport Chapman Way Maclain Way Richard Brosal James Galante A.J. Galante Taranveer Singh
The Forgotten Battle 2021 Drama War Matthijs van Heijningen Jr. Gijs Blom Jamie Flatters Susan Radder Tunde Babalola, Wale Okediran
Return to Space 2022 Documentary Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi Jimmy Chin Luis Ara
Moxie 2021 Comedy Drama Music Amy Poehler Hadley Robinson Lauren Tsai Alycia Pascual-Pena Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam
7.4 iend+Pinto+2011> My Friend Pinto 2011genres=crime&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Satria Heroes Revenge of the Darkness 7.4
7.4 Eric ldle s What About Dick 2012 Comedy Eric Idle Aubrey Powell Russell Brand Billy Connolly Tim Curry Taku Kishimoto, Taku Kishimoto, Kei Sambe
7.4 Eeb Allay Ooo 2019 Comedy Drama Prateek Vats Shardul Bharadwaj Mahender Nath Nutan Sinha Sabina Iqbal, Natasha Likimani, Silas Miami
7.4 Bully 2012 Documentary Lee Hirsch Alex Libby Kelby Johnson Lona Johnson Elmer L. Gatchalian, Jun Lana, Ivan Andrew Payawal
7.4 BLACKPINK Light Up the Sky 2020 Documentary Music Caroline Suh Reila Post Blackpink Jennie Kim R.D. Chamberlain, Keisuke Itagaki, Tatsuhiko Urahata
7.3 Den of Thieves 2018 Action Crime Drama Thriller Christian Gudegast Gerard Butler Pablo Schreiber O& Ayush Banker, Michelle Beyda-Scott, Helene Gonze* 3.6/5
7.3 War Dogs 2016genres=comedy&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=crime&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Tune in for Love 2019 Drama Romance Ji-woo Jung Kim Go-eun Jung Hae-In Park Hae-joon Taranveer Singh* *
7.3 The Book of Eli 2010genres=adventure&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Suffragette 2015 Drama History Sarah Gavron Carey Mulligan Anne-Marie Duff Helena Bonham Carter Durul Taylan, Yagmur Taylan, Berkun Oya* 3.4/5
7.3 Pieces of a Woman 2020 7.3 Penguin Bloom 2021 Drama Glendyn Ivin Naomi Watts Griffin Murray-Johnston Andrew Lincoln Kroll Azry, Azril Hamzah, Alfie Palermo* *
7.3 Servant of the People 2017 Sturgill Simpson Presents Sound and Fury 2019 Animation Short Michael Arias Masaru Matsumoto Junpei Mizusaki Junpei Mizusaki Sturgill Simpson Chiyuki Kanazawa Jumpei Mizusaki, Sturgill Simpson* *
7.3 Naruto Shippden the Movie the Will of Fire 2009 Animation Action Fantasy Masahiko Murata Junko Takeuchi Chie Nakamura Satoshi Hino Pippa Ehrlich, James Reed* 5/5
7.3 From One Second to the Next 2013 Documentary Short Werner Herzog Valetta Bradford Xzavier Davis-Bilbo Aurie Parris Francesca Delbanco, Nicholas Stoller, Tiffany Barrett* 4.8/5
7.3 Blood and Bone 2009 Action Crime Drama Sport Ben Ramsey Michael Jai White Julian Sands Eamonn Walker Francesco De Francesco* 4.1/5
7.3 Sky Ladder the Art of Cai Guo Qiang 2016 Documentary Kevin Macdonald Ian Buruma Guo-Qiang Cai Wen-You Cai Limbert Fabian, William Joyce, Brandon Oldenburg* 4.1 /5
7.3 Mr. Peabody and Sherman 2014 Animation Adventure Comedy Family Sci-Fi Rob Minkoff Ty Burrell Max Charles Stephen Colbert Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Eric Idle* 4.0/5
7.3 Donald Glover Weirdo 2012 Comedy Shannon Hartman Donald Glover Thomas Ian Griffith, Gary Grubbs, Mary Page Keller* 4.0/5
7.3 Loving 2016 Biography Drama Romance Jeff Nichols Ruth Negga Joel Edgerton Will Dalton J.J. Abrams, Jeffrey Lieber, Damon Lindelof* 4.0/5
7.3 Marc Maron Thinky Pain 2013 Comedy Lance Bangs Marc Maron Sam Lipsyte Tom Scharpling Danielle Calvert, Jed Elinoff, Molly Haldeman* 3.9/5
7.3 Mary Kom 2014 Action Biography Drama Sport Omung Kumar Priyanka Chopra Jonas Sunil Thapa Robin Das Saiwyn Quadras, Ramendra Vasishth, Karan Singh Rathore* 3.9 /5
7.3 The Foreigner 2017 Action Thriller Martin Campbell Katie Leung Jackie Chan Rufus Jones David Marconi, Stephen Leather* 3.9/5
7.3 My Girl 1991 Comedy Drama Family Romance Howard Zieff Anna Chlumsky Macaulay Culkin Dan Aykroyd Rocky Russo, Jeremy Sosenko, Ricky Blitt* 3.7/5
7.3 Zach Galifianakis Live at the Purple Onion 2006 Documentary Comedy Michael Blieden Zach Galifianakis Joe Wagner Brian Unger Zach Galifianakis* 3.6/5
7.3 Sir No Sir 2005 Documentary War David Zeiger Michael Alaimo Ed Asner Joe Bangert Muhammad Omar Faruk, Eun-hee Kim* 3.6/5
7.3 Guru 2007 Drama Mani Ratnam Mithun Chakraborty Abhishek Bachchan Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Mani Ratnam, Vijay Krishna Acharya, Anurag Kashyap* 3.6 /5
7.3 Public Enemies 2009 Action Biography Crime Drama History Michael Mann Christian Bale Johnny Depp Christian Stolte Andy Samberg, Akiva Schaffer, Jorma Taccone* 3.5/5
7.3 The Long Riders 1980 Biography Crime Western Walter Hill David Carradine Stacy Keach Dennis Quaid Brent Dawes, Edward James, Kurt Kelly* 3.4/5
7.3 I Called Him Morgan 2016 Documentary Drama History Music Kasper Collin Lee Morgan Helen Morgan Wayne Shorter Kasper Collin, Jesper Osmund* 3.4/5
7.3 Indian Horse 2017 Drama Sport Stephen S. Campanelli Ajuawak Kapashesit Wayne Baker Sladen Peltier Karan Chavan, Vikram Patil* 3.4 /5
7.3 It Follows 2015 Horror Mystery Thriller David Robert Mitchell Maika Monroe Keir Gilchrist Olivia Luccardi Paul T. Scheuring* 3.3/5
7.3 Legend 2015 Biography Crime Drama Thriller Brian Helgeland Tom Hardy Emily Browning Taron Egerton Brian Helgeland, John Pearson* 3.3/5
7.3 Chappie 2015 Action Crime Drama Sci-Fi Thriller Neill Blomkamp Sharlto Copley Dev Patel Hugh Jackman Deborah Kaplan, Harry Elfont* 3.2/5
7.3 The Butterfly s Dream 2013 Biography Drama History Romance Yilmaz Erdogan Ismail Ciydem Kivanc Tatlitug Mert Firat Belcim Bilgin Madeleine Sami, Jackie van Beek* 3.2 /5
7.3 Gangaajal 2003 Action Crime Drama Prakash Jha Ajay Devgn Gracy Singh Mohan Joshi Garance Li-Wen Wang, Kuo-Kuang Wang* 3.1/5
7.3 Sorry to Bother You 2018 Comedy Drama Fantasy Sci-Fi Boots Riley LaKeith Stanfield Tessa Thompson Jermaine Fowler Charles Leavitt, Steven Knight, Matt Greenberg* 3.1 /5
7.3 Mirai 2018 Animation Adventure Drama Family Fantasy Mamoru Hosoda Rebecca Hall Daniel Dae Kim John Cho Irwin Franklyn, Pierre Gendron, Martin Mooney* 3.0/5
7.3 The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson 2017 Documentary David France Kurt Wolfe Sue Yacka Catherine Shugrue Dos Santos David France, Mark Blane* 1.5/5
7.3 Miss Granny 2014 Comedy Fantasy Music Hwang Dong-hyuk Shim Eun-kyung Moon-hee Na In-hwan Park Gaurav Malani, Vivashwan Chaudhary, Jovita DSouza - 8.2/10
7.3 Theyll Love Me When Im Dead 2018 Documentary Morgan Neville Alan Cumming Peter Bogdanovich Oja Kodar Stephanie Perkins, Henry Gayden* *
7.3 Miss Americana 2020 Documentary Biography Music Lana Wilson Taylor Swift Andrea Swift Scott Swift Gazal Dhaliwal, Sunayana Kumari, Aarsh Vora* *
7.3 Joe Rogan Strange Times 2018 Comedy Anthony Giordano Joe Rogan Hirohiko Araki, Yasuko Kobayashi, Jalen K. Cassell* *
7.3 Reversing Roe 2018 Documentary Ricki Stern Anne Sundberg Donna Howard John Seago Brigitte Amiri Harry Williams, Jack Williams* *
7.3 Jim Jefferies This is Me Now 2018 Comedy Scott Zabielski Jim Jefferies Gerardo Cadena, Illay Eskinazi, Sergio Mendoza* *
7.3 Tom Segura Ball Hog 2020 Comedy Rami Hachache Tom Segura Rob W. King, Max Mannix, Toru Takagi* *
7.3 The Wolfs Call 2019 Action Adventure Sci-Fi Thriller Antonin Baudry Francois Civil Omar Sy Mathieu Kassovitz Kris Pearn, Mark Stanleigh, Kris Pearn* *
7.3 I Am Kalam 2010 Comedy Drama Family Nila Madhab Panda Gulshan Grover Harsh Mayar Pitobash Sanjay Chauhan, Protiqe Mojoomdar, Nila Madhab Panda* *
7.3 Accomplice 2021 Documentary Jeremy Grant Graham Agassiz Paul Basagoitia Garett Buehler Mark Burton, Jon Brown, Richard Starzak* *
7.3 Hannah Gadsby Douglas 2020 Comedy Madeleine Parry Hannah Gadsby Christopher Cantwell, Christopher C. Rogers, Jamie Pachino* *
7.3 Shirkers 2018 Documentary Sandi Tan Sandi Tan Jasmine Kin Kia Ng Philip Cheah Nikolai Rozhkov, Vinay Shukla, Ulmas Umarbekov* *
7.3 FYRE the Greatest Party That Never Happened 2019 Documentary Crime Music Chris Smith Billy McFarland Jason Bell Gabrielle Bluestone * *
7.3 Da Kath and Kim Code 2005 Comedy Ted Emery Jane Turner Gina Riley Glenn Robbins Bruno Garotti, Flávia Lins e Silva, Paula Pimenta* *
7.3 Sad Hill Unearthed 2017 Documentary Guillermo de Oliveira Ennio Morricone James Hetfield Joe Dante Scot McFadyen, Sam Dunn, Mike Munn* *
7.3 2 States 2014 Comedy Drama Romance Abhishek Varman Arjun Kapoor Alia Bhatt Amrita Singh Chetan Bhagat, Abhishek Varman, Hussain Dalal* *
7.3 37 Seconds 2020 Drama Hikari Makiko Watanabe Nanami Kawakami Shunsuke Daito Tomasz Klimala, Tomasz Mandes, Barbara Bialowas* *
7.3 Gabriel Fluffy Iglesias One Show Fits All 2019 Comedy Manny Rodriguez Gabriel Iglesias Gen Urobuchi, Gen Urobuchi, Gen Urobuchi* *
7.3 ROAD TO ROMA 2020 Documentary Gabriel Nuncio Andres Clariond Yalitza Aparicio Odin Ayala Eugenio Caballero Charukphong Anuvong, Idiyaz Baharuddin, Melissa Ismail Celestial* *
7.3 Frank and Cindy 2007 Documentary Biography Drama Music G.J. Echternkamp Cynthia Brown Frank Garcia Shunji Iwai, Hitoshi Ône, Christian La Monte* *
7.3 The Wedding Shaman 2019 Drama Romance Farishad I. Latjuba Atiqah Hasiholan Arifin Putra Tutie Kirana Kin Chung Chan, Suet Lam, Roy Szeto
7.3"role="presentation" Prayers for the Stolen 2021 Drama Tatiana Huezo Mayra Batalla Ana Cristina Ordonez Gonzalez Memo Villegas Will Gluck, Patrick Burleigh, Beatrix Potter
7.3 Found 2021 Documentary Drama Amanda Lipitz Lily Bolka Chloe Lipitz Sadie Mangelsdorf Dave Chappelle
7.3" A Whisker Away 2020 Animation Adventure Family Fantasy Romance Jun& Tomotaka Shibayama Mirai Shida Natsuki Hanae Johnny Yong Bosch Shih-Ming Huang, Hsien-Yung Pai
7.2 Ma Rainey s Black Bottom 2020genres=music&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham 2001 Drama Musical Romance Karan Johar Shah Rukh Khan Kajol Amitabh Bachchan Lilly Wachowski, Lana Wachowski* 4.1/5
7.2 Jackass the Movie 2002genres=action&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=comedy&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Iliza Shlesinger Elder Millennial 2018 Comedy Steve Paley Hunter Hill Iliza Shlesinger Sergi Belbel, Cristina Clemente, Roc Esquius* *
7.2 Quartet 2012genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=music&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 7.2 Outlaw King 2018 Action Biography Drama History War David Mackenzie Chris Pine Stephen Dillane Rebecca Robin Bathsheba Doran, David Mackenzie, James MacInnes* *
7.2 Ankhon Dekhi 2013 Comedy Drama Rajat Kapoor Sanjay Mishra Abhinay Raj Singh Seema Bhargava N. Linguswamy, Brindha Sarathy, N. Linguswamy* 5/5
7.2 The Perfect Dictatorship 2014 Comedy Drama Luis Estrada Damian Alcazar Alfonso Herrera Joaquin Cosio Luis Estrada, Luis Estrada, Luis Estrada* 4.9/5
7.2 Smoke and Mirrors 2016 Short Comedy Grant Singer Julia Cavanaugh Chris Ferro Limbert Fabian, William Joyce, Brandon Oldenburg* 4.4/5
7.2 The Ryan White Story 1989 Biography Drama John Herzfeld Judith Light Lukas Haas Michael Bowen Phil Penningroth, Phil Penningroth, John Herzfeld* 4.4/5
7.2 Naruto Shippuden the Movie 2007 Animation Action Fantasy Hajime Kamegaki Junko Takeuchi Chie Nakamura Noriaki Sugiyama Masashi Kishimoto, Junki Takegami* 4.2/5
7.2 Home 2015 Animation Adventure Comedy Family Fantasy Sci-Fi Tim Johnson Jim Parsons Rihanna Steve Martin Óscar Pérez, Mia de Ribot* 4.1/5
7.2 Madras Cafe 2013 Action Drama Thriller Shoojit Sircar John Abraham Nargis Fakhri Raashi Khanna Shubhendu Bhattacharya, Juhi Chaturvedi, Somnath Dey* 4.1/5
7.2 Four Brothers 2005 Action Crime Drama Mystery Thriller John Singleton Mark Wahlberg Tyrese Gibson Andre 3000 John Maloof, Charlie Siskel* 3.9/5
7.2 Jodhaa Akbar 2008 Action Drama History Romance War Ashutosh Gowariker Hrithik Roshan Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Sonu Sood Haidar Ali, Haidar Ali, Ashutosh Gowariker* 3.8/5
7.2 Rock on 2008 Drama Music Abhishek Kapoor Arjun Rampal Farhan Akhtar Luke Kenny Farhan Akhtar, Pubali Chaudhuri, Abhishek Kapoor* 3.7/5
7.2 Guzaarish 2010 Drama Romance Sanjay Leela Bhansali Hrithik Roshan Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Shernaz Patel Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Bhavani Iyer, Bhavani Iyer* 3.7/5
7.2 Delhi Belly 2011 Action Comedy Crime Akshat Verma Abhinay Deo Imran Khan Vir Das Kunaal Roy Kapur Mr. Moris, Akshat Verma* 3.6/5
7.2 Hum Aapke Hain Koun 1994 Comedy Drama Musical Romance Sooraj R. Barjatya Madhuri Dixit Salman Khan Mohnish Bahl Sooraj R. Barjatya, Sooraj R. Barjatya* 3.6 /5
7.2 The Highwaymen 2019 Biography Crime Drama Mystery Thriller John Lee Hancock Kevin Costner Woody Harrelson Kathy Bates Scot Armstrong, Leslie Dixon, Bobby Farrelly* 3.5 /5
7.2 Mumbai Meri Jaan 2008 Drama Nishikant Kamat Paresh Rawal Kay Kay Menon Irrfan Khan Yogesh Vinayak Joshi, Upendra Sidhaye* 3.5 /5
7.2 Any Given Sunday 1999 Drama Sport Oliver Stone Al Pacino Dennis Quaid Cameron Diaz Daniel Pyne, John Logan, John Logan* 3.4/5
7.2 Just Another Love Story 2007 Crime Drama Thriller Ole Bornedal Anders W. Berthelsen Rebecka Hemse Nikolaj Lie Kaas Lilly Wachowski, Lana Wachowski* 3.4/5
7.2 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 2005 Adventure Comedy Family Fantasy Musical Tim Burton Johnny Depp Freddie Highmore David Kelly Roald Dahl, John August* 3.4/5
7.2 Annie 1982 Comedy Drama Family Musical John Huston Aileen Quinn Albert Finney Carol Burnett John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton, Joe Ranft* 3.4/5
7.2 Under the Shadow 2016 Drama Fantasy Horror Thriller War Babak Anvari Narges Rashidi Avin Manshadi Bobby Naderi Philippe Aractingi, Michel Léviant* 3.3/5
7.2 Christine 2016 Biography Drama Antonio Campos Rebecca Hall Michael C. Hall Tracy Letts Nidhi Anand, Teja Pratap* 2.9/5
7.2 Damini 1993 Crime Drama Rajkumar Santoshi Meenakshi Sheshadri Rishi Kapoor Sunny Deol Sutanu Gupta, Dilip Shukla - 8.2/10
7.2 Eyes of a Thief 2014 Drama Najwa Najjar Kal Naga Souad Massi Suhail Haddad Barbara Schroeder - 7/10
7.2 Dil Dhadakne Do 2015 Comedy Drama Romance Zoya Akhtar Anil Kapoor Shefali Shah Priyanka Chopra Jonas Zoya Akhtar, Reema Kagti, Javed Akhtar - 7.4/10
7.2 Next Gen 2018 Animation Action Adventure Comedy Family Sci-Fi Ricardo Curtis Joe Ksander Kevin R. Adams John Krasinski Charlyne Yi Jason Sudeikis Kevin R. Adams, Joe Ksander, Wang Nima* *
7.2 Bending the Arc 2017 Documentary Kief Davidson Pedro Kos Paul Farmer Ophelia Dahl Jim Yong Kim Francesco De Francesco* *
7.2 Hamid 2018 Drama Aijaz Khan Talha Arshad Reshi Vikas Kumar Rasika Dugal Ravinder Randhawa, Sumit Saxena* *
7.2 Maktub 2018 Comedy Drama Oded Raz Guy Amir Hanan Savyon Gal Amitai Shen Feixuan, Man Gu, Wen Ting* *
7.2 Bareilly Ki Barfi 2017 Comedy Romance Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari Ayushmann Khurrana Kriti Sanon Rajkummar Rao Bareilly Ki Barfi, Shreyas Jain, Nitesh Tiwari* *
7.2 Highway 2014 Crime Drama Romance Imtiaz Ali Alia Bhatt Randeep Hooda Durgesh Kumar Byron Perry, Sebastian Perry* *
7.2 Clive Davis the Soundtrack of Our Lives 2017 Documentary Chris Perkel Clive Davis Simon Cowell Jimmy Iovine Cavi Borges, André Sampaio, Luciano Vidigal* *
7.2 Dumplin 2018 Comedy Drama Anne Fletcher Danielle Macdonald Jennifer Aniston Odeya Rush Kristin Hahn, Julie Murphy* *
7.2 Have a Good Trip Adventures in Psychedelics 2020 Documentary Comedy Donick Cary Nick Offerman Sting ASAP Rocky Robert Osman, Nathanael Wiseman* *
7.2 Michael McIntyre Showman 2020 Comedy Chris Howe Michael McIntyre Allen Hughes, Albert Hughes, Tyger Williams* *
7.2 Monty Python the Meaning of Live 2014 Documentary Roger Graef James Rogan Eric Idle Terry Gilliam John Cleese Katelyn Barr, Yoshiko Nakamura, Izumi Tsubaki* *
7.2 Sugar High 2020 Reality-TV Ariel Boles Hunter March Jackie Sorkin Rebecca DeAngelis Lie Boon Kao, Lie Boon Kao, Kai Yee Phang* *
7.2 Jindua 2017 Family Navaniat Singh Jimmy Sheirgill Sargun Mehta Neeru Bajwa Gerardo Cadena, Illay Eskinazi, Sergio Mendoza* *
7.2 Mard Ko Dard Nahi Hota 2018 Action Comedy Vasan Bala Abhimanyu Dasani Radhika Madan Mahesh Manjrekar Vasan Bala, Santanu Ghatak, Hussain Haidry* *
7.2 Jimmy Carr the Best of Ultimate Gold Greatest Hits 2019 Comedy Brian Klein Jimmy Carr Gerardo Cadena, Illay Eskinazi, Sergio Mendoza* *
7.2 Once Again 2018 Drama Romance Kanwal Sethi Shefali Shah Neeraj Kabi Bidita Bag Kanwal Sethi, Ajitpal Singh* *
7.2 Crazy Beautiful You 2015 Comedy Drama Romance Mae Czarina Cruz Lorna Tolentino Kathryn Bernardo Daniel Padilla Jancy E. Nicolas, Bianca B. Bernardino, Maan Dimaculangan* *
7.2 ReMastered the Two Killings of Sam Cooke 2019 Documentary Music Kelly Duane Sam Cooke Quincy Jones Smokey Robinson Jeff Zimbalist, Michael Zimbalist* *
7.2 The Seven Deadly Sins the Movie Prisoners of the Sky 2018 Animation Action Fantasy Noriyuki Abe Yasuto Nishikata Yki Kaji Sora Amamiya Misaki Kuno Makoto Uezu, Nakaba Suzuki* *
7.2 Always Be My Maybe 2019 Comedy Romance Nahnatchka Khan Ali Wong Randall Park James Saito Michael Golamco, Randall Park, Ali Wong* *
7.2 Budhia Singh Born to Run 2016 Biography Drama Sport Soumendra Padhi Manoj Bajpayee Mayur Mahendra Patole Gajraj Rao Eng Tee Ang, Eng Tee Ang* 0/5
Sillu Karuppatti 2019 Drama Romance Halitha Shameem Sara Arjun Leela Samson Samuthirakani Muhammad Omar Faruk, Eun-hee Kim
STAND BY ME Doraemon 2014 Animation Comedy Drama Family Sci-Fi Tony Oliver Takashi Yamazaki Ryuichi Yagi Wasabi Mizuta Megumi Ohara Satoshi Tsumabuki Laurence Malkin, Andy McNab
7.2 Gather 2020 Documentary Sanjay Rawal Richard Price, Richard Price
Enola Holmes 2020 Action Adventure Crime Drama Mystery Harry Bradbeer Millie Bobby Brown Henry Cavill Sam Claflin Prakriti Kargeti, Jasdeep Singh
7.2 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2009 Animation Adventure Comedy Family Fantasy Sci-Fi Phil Lord Christopher Miller Anna Faris Bill Hader Bruce Campbell Phil Lord, Christopher Miller, Judi Barrett
7.1 Derren Brown Sacrifice 2018 Reality-TV Andrew O& Stephen Long Bob Cable Derren Brown Derren Brown Megan Affonso Derren Brown Megan Affonso Bob Cable Derren Brown, Stephen Long, Andrew OConnor* *
7.1 Grandmaster 2012genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 7.2 InuYasha the Movie 3 Swords of an Honorable Ruler 2003 Animation Action Adventure Fantasy Thriller Toshiya Shinohara Kappei Yamaguchi Satsuki Yukino Koji Tsujitani Katsuyuki Sumizawa, Rumiko Takahashi* 3.9 /5
7.1 Shes Gotta Have It 1986genres=romance&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Sergio 2009 Documentary Biography Greg Barker Sergio Vieira de Mello Tony Blair Samantha Power David Zucker, Pat Proft, Shawn Wayans - 7.6/10
7.1 Kung Fu Panda Secrets of the Scroll 2016 Animation Short Action Adventure Comedy Family Rodolphe Guenoden Jack Black Eliott Guenoden James Hong Paul McEvoy, Ethan Reiff, Cyrus Voris* 4.5/5
7.1 Dragons Dawn of the Dragon Racers 2014 Animation Short Adventure Comedy Family Fantasy John Sanford Elaine Bogan Jay Baruchel America Ferrera Christopher Mintz-Plasse Cressida Cowell, Art Edler Brown, Douglas Sloan* 4.3/5
7.1 Bleach 2018 Action Adventure Fantasy Shinsuke Sato Sota Fukushi Hana Sugisaki Ryo Yoshizawa Gajendra Ahire, Abhay Dakhane, Viju Mane* 4.3/5
7.1 Keith Richards Under the Influence 2015 Documentary Music Morgan Neville Keith Richards Anthony DeCurtis Steve Jordan Muhammed Musthafa, Sudhas, Nikhil Vahid* 4.2/5
7.1 Olympus Has Fallen 2013 Action Thriller Antoine Fuqua Gerard Butler Aaron Eckhart Morgan Freeman Creighton Rothenberger, Katrin Benedikt* 4.1/5
7.1 Jeff Dunham Minding the Monsters 2012 Comedy Manny Rodriguez Matthew McNeil Jeff Dunham William Simpson* 3.9/5
7.1 Insidious Chapter 2 2013 Horror Mystery Thriller James Wan Patrick Wilson Rose Byrne Barbara Hershey Charles Eric Johnson* 3.8/5
7.1 Greg Davies You Magnificent Beast 2018 Comedy Peter Orton Greg Davies The Phoenix Choir of Wales Freddy Cordoba, Romain van Liemt* 3.7/5
7.1 Unknown 2011 Action Mystery Thriller Jaume Collet-Serra Liam Neeson Diane Kruger January Jones Diana Moore* 3.7/5
7.1 Somethings Gotta Give 2003 Comedy Drama Romance Nancy Meyers Jack Nicholson Diane Keaton Keanu Reeves Nancy Meyers* 3.7 /5
7.1 Dostana 2008 Comedy Drama Romance Tarun Mansukhani Abhishek Bachchan John Abraham Priyanka Chopra Jonas Kyu Hayashida, Hiroshi Seko* 3.7/5
7.1 The Other Boleyn Girl 2008 Biography Drama History Romance Justin Chadwick Natalie Portman Scarlett Johansson Eric Bana David Kendall* 3.6/5
7.1 A Shaun the Sheep Movie Farmageddon 2019 Animation Adventure Comedy Family Fantasy Sci-Fi Will Becher Richard Phelan Justin Fletcher John Sparkes Amalia Vitale Jon Brown, Mark Burton, Nick Park* 3.6 /5
7.1 The Replacements 2000 Comedy Sport Howard Deutch Keanu Reeves Gene Hackman Brooke Langton Chun Sung-il* 3.5/5
7.1 Under the Bombs 2007 Drama Romance War Philippe Aractingi Nada Abou Farhat Georges Khabbaz Rawia Elchab Philippe Aractingi, Michel Léviant* 3.5/5
7.1 One Piece Episode of Alabasta 2007 Animation Action Adventure Comedy Drama Takahiro Imamura Charles Baker Troy Baker Anthony Bowling Lukasz Grzegorzek* 3.5/5
7.1 Gabriel lglesias I Sorry for What I Said When I Was Hungry 2016 Comedy Manny Rodriguez Gabriel Iglesias Gen Urobuchi, Gen Urobuchi, Sadayuki Murai* 3.5/5
7.1 Oye Lucky Lucky Oye 2008 Action Comedy Crime Drama Dibakar Banerjee Abhay Deol Paresh Rawal Neetu Chandra Dibakar Banerjee, Urmi Juvekar, Manu Rishi Chadha* 3.4/5
7.1 Joe Rogan Triggered 2016 Comedy Anthony Giordano Joe Rogan William Simpson* 3.3/5
7.1 Manorama Six Feet Under 2007 Crime Drama Mystery Thriller Navdeep Singh Abhay Deol Gul Panag Raima Sen Danielle Calvert, Jed Elinoff, Molly Haldeman* 3.2/5
7.1 I Am Mother 2019 Drama Mystery Sci-Fi Thriller Grant Sputore Luke Hawker Rose Byrne Maddie Lenton Michael Lloyd Green, Grant Sputore, Michael Lloyd Green* 3.2 /5
7.1 Avengement 2019 Action Crime Jesse V. Johnson Scott Adkins Craig Fairbrass Thomas Turgoose Jesse V. Johnson, Stu Small* 3.2 /5
7.1 Bill Burr Walk Your Way Out 2017 Comedy Jay Karas Bill Burr Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Guillaume Laurant, Guillaume Laurant* 3.0/5
7.1 Freaks 2018 Drama Mystery Sci-Fi Thriller Zach Lipovsky Adam B. Stein Emile Hirsch Bruce Dern Grace Park Zach Lipovsky, Adam B. Stein* 3 /5
7.1 Screwball 2018 Documentary Billy Corben Frankie Diaz Bryan Blanco Ian Mackles Billy Corben, David Cypkin* 2.7/5
7.1 Steve Martin and Martin Short An Evening You Will Forget for the Rest of Your Life 2018 Comedy Marcus Raboy Steve Martin Martin Short Jeff Babko Steve Martin, Martin Short* 2.4/5
7.1 Vivah 2006 Drama Musical Romance Sooraj R. Barjatya Shahid Kapoor Amrita Rao Anupam Kher Ronald Bronstein, Josh Safdie, Benny Safdie* 8.6/10
7.1 Agneepath 1990 Action Crime Drama Musical Mukul Anand Amitabh Bachchan Mithun Chakraborty Madhavi Jon Brown, Richard Starzak, Nick Park - 8.6/10
7.1 Penguins of Madagascar the Movie 2014 Animation Adventure Comedy Family Sci-Fi Eric Darnell Simon J. Smith Tom McGrath Chris Miller Christopher Knights Michael Colton, John Aboud, Brandon Sawyer* *
7.1 Jim Jefferies Intolerant 2020 Comedy Scott Zabielski Jim Jefferies Stephen Chbosky, Josh Schaer, Jonathan E. Steinberg* *
7.1 Demetri Martin the Overthinker 2018 Comedy Jay Karas Demetri Martin Mr. Moris, Akshat Verma* *
7.1 Seven Sundays 2017 Comedy Drama Cathy Garcia-Molina Ronaldo Valdez Aga Muhlach Dingdong Dantes Vanessa R. Valdez, Roumella Monge, Kiko Abrillo* *
7.1 Dance Dreams Hot Chocolate Nutcracker 2020 Documentary Family Oliver Bokelberg Debbie Allen Tichina Arnold Ryan Phuong Bruno Garotti, Flávia Lins e Silva, Paula Pimenta* *
7.1 Mobile Suit Gundam III Encounters in Space 1982 Animation Action Drama Sci-Fi War Yoshiyuki Tomino Yoshikazu Yasuhiko Toru Furuya Shichi Ikeda Hirotaka Suzuoki Kei Kunii, One, Reiko Yoshida* *
7.1 Mo Amer the Vagabond 2018 Documentary Comedy Stan Lathan Mohammed Amer Beatrix, Yi-Lin Lai, Yi-Chun Lin* *
7.1 Sebastian Maniscalco Stay Hungry 2019 Comedy Rik Reinholdtsen Sebastian Maniscalco Craig Mazin, Jim Abrahams, Pat Proft* *
7.1 The Red Sea Diving Resort 2019 Drama History Thriller Gideon Raff Mbulelo Grootboom Sizo Mahlangu Michael Kenneth Williams Tom Brunelle, Lance Crouther, Connor McSpadden* *
7.1 Arjun the Warrior Prince 2011 Animation Action Adventure K.K. Raina Arnab Chaudhuri Pavan Buragohain Yudhveer Bakoliya Ashok Banthia Ravi Khanvilkar Shin Ha-Eun, Yeongsin Jeon, Wongyu Ju* *
7.1 El Pepe a Supreme Life 2018 Documentary Biography Emir Kusturica Pepe Mujica Shabbir Ahmed, Khalid Azmi, Shakeel Azmi* *
7.1 The Photographer of Mauthausen 2018 Biography Drama History Thriller War Mar Targarona Mario Casas Richard van Weyden Alain Hernandez Roger Danès, Alfred Pérez Fargas* *
7.1 Father Soldier Son 2020 Documentary War Catrin Einhorn Leslye Davis Brian Eisch Isaac Eisch Joey Eisch Akira Hiyama, Tatsuki Ichinose, Michael McConnohie* *
7.1 Toc Toc 2017 Comedy Vicente Villanueva Paco Leon Alexandra Jimenez Rossy de Palma Laurent Baffie, Vicente Villanueva* *
7.1 Ray Romano Right Here Around the Corner 2019 Documentary Comedy Michael Showalter Ray Romano Richard Sarvate Ryan Reiss Srivinay Salian, Srivinay Salian, Ranjan Chandel* *
7.1 Anthony Jeselnik Fire in the Maternity Ward 2019 Comedy Marcus Raboy Anthony Jeselnik N. Linguswamy, Brindha Sarathy, N. Linguswamy* *
7.1 ReMastered Tricky Dick and the Man in Black 2018 Documentary Biography Barbara Kopple Sara Dosa Johnny Cash Richard Nixon Aram Bakshian Jeff Zimbalist, Michael Zimbalist* *
7.1 Saladin 1963 Action Adventure Drama History Romance War Youssef Chahine Ahmad Mazhar Salah Zulfikar Nadia Lutfi Scot McFadyen, Sam Dunn, Mike Munn* *
7.1 22 July 2018 Crime Drama History Thriller Paul Greengrass Anders Danielsen Lie Jonas Strand Gravli Jon igarden Paul Greengrass, Åsne Seierstad* *
7.1 All the Bright Places 2020 Drama Romance Brett Haley Elle Fanning Justice Smith Alexandra Shipp Liz Hannah, Jennifer Niven, Jennifer Niven* *
7.1 Big Time Movie 2012 Comedy Family Music Savage Steve Holland Kendall Schmidt James Maslow Carlos PenaVega Jennifer Flackett, Jennifer Flackett, Jennifer Flackett* *
7.1 Circus of Books 2020 Documentary Biography History Rachel Mason Karen Mason Barry Mason Micah Mason Yolanda Ramke* *
7.1 City of Joy 2018 Documentary Crime Drama Thriller War Madeleine Gavin Christine Schuler-Deschryver Denis Mukwege Mukengere Eve Ensler Carlos Ballarta* *
7.1 Bulbul Can Sing 2018 Drama Rima Das Pakija Begam Arnali Das Manoranjan Das Elmer L. Gatchalian, Jun Lana, Ivan Andrew Payawal* *
7.1 Awe 2018 Drama Fantasy Horror Mystery Sci-Fi Thriller Prasanth Varma Kajal Aggarwal Nithya Menen Srinivas Avasarala Fabrizio Copano, Valeria Hofmann* *
7.1 Wanda Sykes Not Normal 2019 Comedy Linda Mendoza Wanda Sykes Anthony Roux, Olivier Vannelle, Anne-Charlotte Roux* *
7.1 Shubh Aarambh 2017 Comedy Drama Family Amit Barot Harsh Chhaya Prachi Shah Bharat Chawda Abhinay Banker, Abhinay Banker, Vipul Sharma* 0/5
The Queen 1968 Documentary Frank Simon Jack Doroshow International Chrysis Jim Dine Gideon Defoe, Gideon Defoe
7.1 STAND BY ME Doraemon 2 2020 Animation Comedy Drama Family Fantasy Sci-Fi Takashi Yamazaki Ryuichi Yagi Bakarhythm Brian Beacock Johnny Yong Bosch Abdulelah Alqurashi, Yaser Hammad
1986genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Audrey 2020 Documentary Biography Helena Coan Audrey Hepburn Robin Ager Michael Avedon Fabrizio Copano, Valeria Hofmann
7.1 Asakusa Kid 2021 Biography Drama Gekidan Hitori Feodor Chin Mugi Kadowaki Morio Kazama Gekidan Hitori, Takeshi Kitano
Jaane Tu... Ya Jaane Na 2008 Comedy Drama Romance Abbas Tyrewala Imran Khan Genelia D& Manjari Fadnnis Takashige Ichise, Hiroshi Takahashi* 3.7 /5
7.0 Annabelle Creation 2017genres=mystery&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 7.5 Let Me in 2010genres=fantasy&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=horror&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 6.5 The Day I lost My Shadow 2018 Drama Soudade Kaadan Reham Alkassar Sawsan Arshid Samer Ismail Danny Pang, Oxide Chun Pang, Thomas Pang
Okko s Inn 2018genres=adventure&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Yaar Gaddar 1994genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 7.3
7.0 Kappela 2020genres=romance&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Jonaki 2018 Drama Aditya Vikram Sengupta Lolita Chatterjee Sahana Basu Ratnabali Bhattacharjee Shih-Yi Chiu, Sima15, Pei-hua Wang* *
7.0 Puss in Boots 2011genres=adventure&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=comedy&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 7.0 Petta Telugu Version 2019 Action Drama Karthik Subbaraj Rajinikanth Vijay Sethupathi Nawazuddin Siddiqui Jeon Go-Woon, Kim Jong-Kwan, Pil-sung Yim* *
7.0 Jackass 3.5 the Unrated Movie 2011 Isi and Ossi 2020 Comedy Romance Oliver Kienle Lisa Vicari Darcy Rose Byrnes Langston Uibel Erica Chang, Shih-Wei Kuo, Wen-Hsi Lan
7.0 Metallica Through the Never 2013 Khoobsurat 2014 Comedy Romance Shashanka Ghosh Sonam Kapoor Fawad Khan Ratna Pathak Shah D.N. Mukherjee, Indira Bisht, Juhi Chaturvedi* *
7.0 Sundays Illness 2017 7.0 Salt of This Sea 2008 Drama Romance Annemarie Jacir Suheir Hammad Saleh Bakri Riyad Ideis Ted Griffin* 3.6/5
7.0 Tu Hai Mera Sunday 2016 Comedy Drama Milind Dhaimade Barun Sobti Shahana Goswami Avinash Tiwary Diana Moore* 5/5
7.0 Trailer Park Boys Say Goodnight to the Bad Guys 2008 Comedy Crime Mike Clattenburg Robb Wells John Paul Tremblay Mike Smith Mike Clattenburg, Timm Hannebohm* 4.9/5
7.0 Norm Macdonald Hitler s Dog Gossip and Trickery 2017 Documentary Comedy Liz Plonka Norm MacDonald Takashi Aoshima, Clint Bickham, Jukki Hanada* 4.9/5
7.0 Triumph of the Heart 1991 Biography Drama Sport Richard Michaels Mario Van Peebles Susan Ruttan Lane R. Davis Amy Andelson, Emily Meyer, Kirsten Smith* 4.8/5
7.0 Adam His Song Continues 1986 Crime Drama Robert Markowitz Daniel J. Travanti JoBeth Williams Richard Masur Thomas Cailley, Sébastien Mounier* 4.8/5
7.0 The Art of Loving 2017 Biography Comedy Drama Romance Maria Sadowska Danuta Stenka Tomasz Kot Karolina Gruszka Krzysztof Bernas, Blazej Dzikowski, Dominika Hilszczanska* 4.6/5
7.0 Mike Birbiglia Thank God for Jokes 2017 Comedy Seth Barrish Mike Birbiglia Mike Birbiglia Bhargav Chatterjee, Bhargav Chatterjee, Bhargav Chatterjee* 4.5/5
7.0 Gabbar is Back 2015 Action Comedy Crime Drama Musical Radha Krishna Jagarlamudi Akshay Kumar Shruti Haasan Kareena Kapoor A.R. Murugadoss, Rajat Arora, Rajat Arora* 4.0/5
7.0 Print the Legend 2014 Documentary Biography Drama History Luis Lopez Clay Tweel Chris Anderson Bruce Bradshaw Craig Broady Luis Ara* 3.9/5
7.0 InuYasha the Movie 2 the Castle Beyond the Looking Glass 2002 Action Animation Comedy Romance Toshiya Shinohara Kappei Yamaguchi Satsuki Yukino Koji Tsujitani Katsuyuki Sumizawa, Rumiko Takahashi* 3.9/5
7.0 Trailer Park Boys Countdown to Liquor Day 2009 Comedy Crime Mike Clattenburg Robb Wells John Paul Tremblay Mike Smith Mike Clattenburg, Robb Wells, John Paul Tremblay* 3.9/5
7.0 Wake Up Sid 2009 Comedy Drama Romance Ayan Mukherjee Ranbir Kapoor Konkona Sen Sharma Supriya Pathak Ayan Mukherjee, Niranjan Iyengar* 3.7/5
7.0 Billu 2009 Comedy Drama Priyadarshan Irrfan Khan Lara Dutta Om Puri Manisha Korde, Priyadarshan, Mushtaq Sheikh* 3.7/5
7.0 Initial D 2005 Action Comedy Drama Romance Andrew Lau Alan Mak Ralph Rieckermann Jay Chou Anthony Chau-Sang Wong Edison Chen Shuichi Shigeno, Felix Chong* 3.7 /5
7.0 Eagle Eye 2008 Action Mystery Thriller D.J. Caruso Shia LaBeouf Michelle Monaghan Rosario Dawson Zach Helm, Sam Levinson, Patricia Highsmith* 3.7/5
7.0 The Berlin File 2013 Action Thriller Seung-wan Ryoo Ha Jung-woo Han Suk-kyu Ryoo Seung-bum Tunde Babalola, Wale Okediran* 3.7/5
7.0 White Fang 2018 Animation Adventure Alexandre Espigares Raphael Personnaz Virginie Efira Dominique Pinon Jack London, Philippe Lioret, Serge Frydman* 3.7/5
7.0 Other People 2016 Comedy Drama Chris Kelly Jesse Plemons Molly Shannon Bradley Whitford Petra Costa, Lea Glob* 3.6/5
7.0 Quiet Victory the Charlie Wedemeyer Story 1988 Drama Roy Campanella II Pam Dawber Michael Nouri Bess Meyer Becca Barnes, Alwyn Dale, Judd Lynn* 3.5/5
7.0 Zoolander 2001 Comedy Ben Stiller Ben Stiller Owen Wilson Christine Taylor Robert Van Scoyk, Don McDougall, David E. Peckinpah* 3.5/5
7.0 Monster House 2006 Animation Comedy Family Fantasy Mystery Gil Kenan Mitchel Musso Sam Lerner Spencer Locke Dan Harmon, Rob Schrab, Pamela Pettler* 3.5 /5
7.0 Extremely Wicked Shockingly Evil and Vile 2019 Biography Crime Drama Thriller Joe Berlinger Lily Collins Zac Efron Angela Sarafyan Elizabeth Kendall, Michael Werwie* 3.4 /5
7.0 Hush 2016 Horror Thriller Mike Flanagan John Gallagher Jr. Kate Siegel Michael Trucco Mike Flanagan, Kate Siegel* 3.4/5
7.0 Wild Things 1998 Crime Drama Mystery Thriller John McNaughton Kevin Bacon Neve Campbell Matt Dillon Stephen Peters* 3.4/5
7.0 Peepli Live 2010 Comedy Drama Mahmood Farooqui Anusha Rizvi Omkar Das Manikpuri Raghuvir Yadav Shalini Vatsa Jack Barth, Russell Beard, Daniel Davies* 3.4/5
7.0 Yuva 2004 Action Drama Thriller Mani Ratnam Ajay Devgn Abhishek Bachchan Rani Mukerji Anurag Kashyap, Mani Ratnam* 3.4/5
7.0 Kaminey 2009 Action Crime Drama Thriller Vishal Bhardwaj Shahid Kapoor Priyanka Chopra Jonas Deb Mukherjee Cajetan Boy, Supratik Sen, Abhishek Chaubey* 3.3/5
7.0 Atlantics 2019 Drama Mystery Romance Mati Diop Mame Bineta Sane Amadou Mbow Traore Mati Diop, Olivier Demangel* 3.3 /5
7.0 Bird Box 2018 Horror Sci-Fi Susanne Bier Sandra Bullock Trevante Rhodes John Malkovich Eric Heisserer, Josh Malerman* 3.3 /5
7.0 Hello My Name is Doris 2015 Comedy Drama Romance Michael Showalter Sally Field Max Greenfield Tyne Daly Steve Balderson, Steve Balderson, Michael Page* 3.2/5
7.0 Toilet Ek Prem Katha 2017 Comedy Drama Shree Narayan Singh Akshay Kumar Anupam Kher Bhumi Pednekar Siddharth Singh, Garima Wahal* 3.2 /5
7.0 Aamir 2008 Action Crime Drama Thriller Raj Kumar Gupta Rajeev Khandelwal Aishwarya Vasan Bala Brian Athey, Yuuichi Nomura, Rachel Robinson* 3.1 /5
7.0 Mom 2017 Crime Drama Thriller Ravi Udyawar Sridevi Sajal Ali Akshaye Khanna Girish Kohli, Girish Kohli, Girish Kohli* 3.1 /5
7.0 Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani 2009 Action Comedy Romance Rajkumar Santoshi Ranbir Kapoor Katrina Kaif Darshan Jariwala Jim Abrahams, David Zucker, Jerry Zucker* 3.0/5
7.0 Beerfest 2006 Comedy Jay Chandrasekhar Jay Chandrasekhar Kevin Heffernan Steve Lemme Francesco De Francesco* 2.9/5
7.0 Petta 2019 Action Drama Karthik Subbaraj Rajinikanth Vijay Sethupathi Nawazuddin Siddiqui Jeon Go-Woon, Kim Jong-Kwan, Pil-sung Yim* *
7.0 The Lonely Island Presents the Unauthorized Bash Brothers Experience 2019 Short Comedy Music Sport Akiva Schaffer Mike Diva Andy Samberg Akiva Schaffer Jorma Taccone * *
7.0 The Boys in the Band Something Personal 2020 Documentary Joel Kazuo Knoernschild Matt Bomer Charlie Carver Mart Crowley Sarah Katin, J.D. Ryznar, Brandon Sawyer* *
7.0 Heneral Luna 2015 Action Biography History War Jerrold Tarog John Arcilla Arron Villaflor Mon Confiado Henry Francia, E.A. Rocha, Jerrold Tarog* *
7.0 ReMastered Massacre at the Stadium 2019 Documentary Drama Bent-Jorgen Perlmutt B.J. Perlmutt Victor Jara Joan Jara Pascale Bonnefoy Catalina Ausin, John Meroney, Jeff Zimbalist* *
7.0 Evvarikee Cheppoddu 2019 Drama Basava Shankar Eeday Rajsekhar Aningi Keshav Deepak Durgaprasad K Taku Kishimoto, Kei Sambe, Yutaka Yasunaga* *
7.0 Rhys Nicholson Live at the Athenaeum 2020 Comedy Toby Parkinson Rhys Nicholson Geraldine Hickey Glen Goei, Gavin Yap* *
7.0 The Crystal Calls Making the Dark Crystal Age of Resistance 2019 Documentary Randall Lobb Taron Egerton Stephen Christy Natalie Dormer Karolina Aleksa, Igor Brejdygant, Slawomir Fabicki* *
7.0 Ronnie Coleman the King 2018 Documentary Vlad Yudin Ronnie Coleman Jay Cutler Rich Gaspari Christian Baker, Dan Benamor, Brian Burstein* *
7.0 Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Kimmy vs. the Reverend 2020 Adventure Comedy Mystery Romance Sci-Fi Claire Scanlon Ellie Kemper Tituss Burgess Carol Kane Robert Carlock, Tina Fey, Sam Means* *
7.0 Andhaghaaram 2020 Horror Mystery Thriller V. Vignarajan Vinoth Kishan Arjun Das Pooja Ramachandran Troy Espiritu* *
7.0 Flavors of Youth International Version 2018 Animation Drama Romance Yoshitaka Takeuch Xiaoxing Yi Haoling Li George Ackles Taito Ban Dorothy Elias-Fahn Mark Harris, Mark Harris* *
7.0 Pyaar Ka Punchnama 2011 Comedy Drama Romance Luv Ranjan Kartik Aaryan Raayo S. Bakhirta Divyendu Sharma Luv Ranjan, Sumit Saxena, Sumit Saxena* 0/5
7.0 Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop 2021 Animation Drama Music Romance Kyohei Ishiguro Somegoro Ichikawa Hana Sugisaki Kimberley Wong Guillermo del Toro, Guillermo del Toro, Chad Quandt
7.0 The Spiderwick Chronicles 2008 Action Adventure Drama Family Fantasy Thriller Mark Waters Freddie Highmore Sarah Bolger David Strathairn Karey Kirkpatrick, David Berenbaum, John Sayles
7.0"role="presentation" New Gods Nezha Reborn 2021 Animation Action Fantasy Ji Zhao Nicole Fong Victoria Grace Jason Ko Muchuan
7.0 Nate Bargatze the Greatest Average American 2021 Comedy Troy Miller Nate Bargatze Leonard François
7.0 Isa Pa with Feelings 2019 Comedy Romance Prime Cruz Maine Mendoza Carlo Aquino Lotlot De Leon Karan Chavan, Vikram Patil
7.0 Dreamy Eyes 2019 Drama Romance Victor Vu Trc Anh Tran Nghia Tran Phong Kay Nguyen, Victor Vu
7.0 Cat Burglar 2022 Animation Short Comedy James Bowman Alan Lee James Adomian Trevor Devall Charlie Brooker, Mike Hollingsworth, James Bowman
7.0 CO Kaadhal 2021 Drama Jasti Hemambar Aayira Deepann Sonia Giri Shinichirô Watanabe, Shinichirô Watanabe, Hitomi Mieno
Anjaam 1994 Drama Thriller Rahul Rawail Madhuri Dixit Shah Rukh Khan Tinnu Anand David Barba, James Pellerito
7.0 3000 Nights 2015 Drama Mai Masri Maisa Abd Elhadi Nadira Omran Rakeen Saad