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* Movie Title (sort) Year: Genres (sort) Director / CreatorsLeading ActorsWriters Netflix
9.2 David Attenborough a Life on Our Planet 2020genres=biography&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 8.6 A Silent Voice 2016genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 7.9 Wadjda 2012 Comedy Drama Haifaa Al-Mansour Waad Mohammed Reem Abdullah Abdullrahman Al Gohani Harold Lee Chaney, Peter Scott* 3.7/5
8.5 Springsteen on Broadway 2018genres=music&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Anne the Film 2021 Drama Valerie Bisscheroux Hanna van Vliet Jouman Fattal Thorn de Vries Piyush Gupta, Hussain Haidry, Shreyas Jain
Ip Man 2008genres=biography&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" BoJack Horseman Christmas Special Sabrina s Christmas Wish 2014 Animation Comedy Drama Raphael Bob-Waksberg Will Arnett Amy Sedaris Alison Brie Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Guillaume Laurant, Guillaume Laurant* 4.6/5
The Irishman 2019genres=crime&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 6.0 Kanavu Variyam 2017 Drama Family Arun Chidambaram Arun Chidambaram T.P. Gajendran Gnanasambandam Arun Chidambaram, Arun Chidambaram* 5/5
7.9 ROMA 2018 Omar 2013 Crime Drama Romance Thriller War Hany Abu-Assad Adam Bakri Leem Lubany Eyad Hourani Nishanth Ravindaran* 3.7/5
7.9 The Conjuring 2013genres=mystery&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Tell Me Who I Am 2019 Documentary Drama Mystery Ed Perkins Andrew Caley Alex Lewis Marcus Lewis Richard Kramer, Armistead Maupin* *
7.9 Miracle in Cell No. 7 2019 7.9 Menace II Society 1993 Crime Drama Thriller Albert Hughes Allen Hughes Tyrin Turner Larenz Tate June Kyoto Lu Allen Hughes, Albert Hughes, Tyger Williams* 4.0/5
7.9 100 Meters 2016 Biography Comedy Drama Marcel Barrena Dani Rovira Karra Elejalde Alexandra Jimenez Solmaz Ghaeli, Solmaz Ghaeli, Setareh Pirkhedri* 5/5
7.9 Mission Blue 2014 Documentary Drama Fisher Stevens Robert Nixon Barbara Block James Cameron Michael deGruy Swaroop Rsj* 4.6/5
7.9 Ip Man 2 2010 Action Biography Drama History Wilson Yip Donnie Yen Xiaoming Huang Sammo Kam-Bo Hung Tai-lee Chan, Hiu-Yan Choi, Edmond Wong* 4.3/5
7.9 Taare Zameen Par 2007 Drama Family Aamir Khan Amole Gupte Darsheel Safary Aamir Khan Tisca Chopra Amole Gupte, Amole Gupte* 4.2/5
7.9 Argo 2012 Biography Drama Thriller Ben Affleck Ben Affleck Bryan Cranston John Goodman Richard Linklater* 4.1/5
7.9 42 2013 Biography Drama Sport Brian Helgeland Chadwick Boseman T.R. Knight Harrison Ford Steven Levenson, Jonathan Larson* 4.1/5
7.9 Donnie Brasco 1997 Biography Crime Drama Mike Newell Al Pacino Johnny Depp Michael Madsen Joseph D. Pistone, Richard Woodley, Paul Attanasio* 3.9/5
7.9 Blow 2001 Biography Crime Drama Ted Demme Johnny Depp Penelope Cruz Franka Potente Bruce Porter, David McKenna, Nick Cassavetes* 3.8/5
Wind River 2017 Crime Drama Mystery Thriller Western Taylor Sheridan Elizabeth Olsen Jeremy Renner Graham Greene Aileen Alcampado, Jinky Laurel, Erwin Blanco* 3.8/5
7.9 The End of Evangelion 1997 Animation Action Drama Fantasy Sci-Fi Hideaki Anno Kazuya Tsurumaki Megumi Ogata Megumi Hayashibara Yko Miyamura Yan Peng Cheong, Cynthia Chong, Gim Lan Lim* 3.8 /5
7.9 Road to Perdition 2002 Crime Drama Thriller Sam Mendes Tom Hanks Tyler Hoechlin Rob Maxey Dean Riesner, Irwin Shaw* 3.7/5
7.9 The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind 2019 Biography Drama History Chiwetel Ejiofor Chiwetel Ejiofor Maxwell Simba Felix Lemburo Chiwetel Ejiofor, William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer* 3.6 /5
7.9 Black Friday 2004 Action Crime Drama History Anurag Kashyap Kay Kay Menon Pawan Malhotra Aditya Srivastav Hugo Blick* 3.6/5
7.9 Anbe Sivam 2003 Adventure Comedy Drama Sundar C. Kamal Haasan Madhavan Kiran Rathod Christopher Demos-Brown* 3.2/5
7.9 A Sun 2019 Crime Drama Mong-Hong Chung Chien-Ho Wu Yi-wen Chen Samantha Shu-Chin Ko Yaosheng Chang, Mong-Hong Chung* 3.2 /5
7.9 Dangal 2016 Action Biography Drama Sport Nitesh Tiwari Aamir Khan Sakshi Tanwar Fatima Sana Shaikh Piyush Gupta, Shreyas Jain, Nikhil Mehrotra* 3.0/5
7.9 Pahuna 2018 Drama Mystery Paakhi A. Tyrewala Anmoul Limboo Ishika Gurung Manju Chhetri Ken Pontac, Marcy Brown, Marcy Brown* *
7.9 Baahubali 2 the Conclusion Tamil Version 2017 Action Drama S.S. Rajamouli Prabhas Rana Daggubati Anushka Shetty Vijayendra Prasad, S.S. Rajamouli, C.H. Vijay Kumar* *
7.9 Baahubali 2 the Conclusion Malayalam Version 2017 Action Drama S.S. Rajamouli Prabhas Rana Daggubati Anushka Shetty Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely, Stan Lee* *
7.9 Happy as Lazzaro 2018 Drama Fantasy Mystery Alice Rohrwacher Adriano Tardiolo Agnese Graziani Alba Rohrwacher Grant Morrison, Grant Morrison, Grant Morrison* *
7.9 Baahubali 2 the Conclusion Hindi Version 2017 Action Drama S.S. Rajamouli Prabhas Rana Daggubati Anushka Shetty Vijayendra Prasad, S.S. Rajamouli, C.H. Vijay Kumar* *
7.9 The Hand of God 2021 Drama Paolo Sorrentino Filippo Scotti Toni Servillo Teresa Saponangelo Tunde Babalola, Wale Okediran
7.9 The Devils Advocate 1997 Drama Mystery Thriller Taylor Hackford Keanu Reeves Al Pacino Charlize Theron Tim Fehlbaum, Mariko Minoguchi, Jo Rogers
7.9 Hilda and the Mountain King 2021 Animation Adventure Comedy Drama Family Fantasy Andy Coyle Bella Ramsey Ameerah Falzon-Ojo Oliver Nelson Tade Ogidan
7.8 Rurouni Kenshin the Final 2021 Action Adventure Drama Keishi Ohtomo Takeru Satoh Shin& Y Aoi Ed Bignell, Hanah Lee Cook, Eric Lewald
7.8 Jana Gana Mana 2022genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" I Lost My Body 2019genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=fantasy&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Girl Interrupted 1999 Biography Drama James Mangold Winona Ryder Angelina Jolie Clea DuVall Shiloh Levine, Shiloh Levine* 3.7/5
7.8 Begin Again 2013 Comedy Drama Music Romance John Carney Keira Knightley Mark Ruffalo Adam Levine Zack Snyder, Shay Hatten, Zack Snyder* 4.1/5
7.8 Chamatkar 1992 Comedy Drama Fantasy Rajiv Mehra Naseeruddin Shah Shah Rukh Khan Urmila Matondkar Shaukat Baig, Shaukat Baig, Lilliput* 4.0/5
7.8 3 Idiots 2009 Comedy Drama Rajkumar Hirani Aamir Khan Madhavan Mona Singh Rajkumar Hirani, Abhijat Joshi, Vidhu Vinod Chopra* 3.9/5
7.8 The Guns of Navarone 1961 Action Adventure Drama War J. Lee Thompson David Niven Gregory Peck Anthony Quinn Alistair MacLean, Carl Foreman* 3.8/5
7.8 Corpse Bride 2005 Animation Drama Family Fantasy Musical Romance Tim Burton Mike Johnson Johnny Depp Helena Bonham Carter Emily Watson Tim Burton, Carlos Grangel, John August* 3.7/5
7.8 TE3N 2016 Drama Mystery Thriller Ribhu Dasgupta Amitabh Bachchan Nawazuddin Siddiqui Vidya Balan Bijesh Jayarajan, Geun-seop Jeong, Suresh Nair* 3.6 /5
7.8 The Two Popes 2019 Comedy Drama Fernando Meirelles Anthony Hopkins Jonathan Pryce Juan Minujin Dominick Dunne, Derek Marlowe* 3.6 /5
7.8 Mirage 2018 Drama Fantasy Mystery Romance Thriller Oriol Paulo Adriana Ugarte Chino Darin Javier Gutierrez Oriol Paulo, Lara Sendim* 3.1/5
7.8 Article 15 2019 Crime Drama Mystery Thriller Anubhav Sinha Ayushmann Khurrana Nassar Manoj Pahwa Anubhav Sinha, Gaurav Solanki* *
7.8 The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society 2018 Drama Romance War Mike Newell Jessica Brown Findlay Tom Courtenay Michiel Huisman Don Roos, Kevin Hood, Thomas Bezucha* *
7.8 Merku Thodarchi Malai 2018 Drama Leninbharati Antony Aaru Bala Gayatri Krishnaa Shiu-wa Lou, Philip Yung* *
7.8 Saawan 2016 Drama Thriller Farhan Alam Saleem Mairaj Syed Karam Hussain Arif Bahalim Jalen K. Cassell, Rachel Robinson, Toshiki Inoue* *
7.8 Violet Evergarden the Movie 2020 Animation Drama Fantasy Romance Taichi Ishidate Yui Ishikawa Daisuke Namikawa Takehito Koyasu Diana Moore
7.8 Five Feet Apart 2019 Drama Romance Justin Baldoni Haley Lu Richardson Cole Sprouse Moises Arias John Maloof, Charlie Siskel
7.7 Barfi 2012 Comedy Drama Romance Anurag Basu Ranbir Kapoor Priyanka Chopra Jonas Ileana D& Anurag Basu, Tani Basu, Sanjeev Dutta* 4.1/5
7.7 Dumb and Dumber 1994 7.7 Coach Carter 2005 Biography Drama Sport Thomas Carter Samuel L. Jackson Rick Gonzalez Robert Ri& Mark Schwahn, John Gatins* 3.9/5
7.7 Boyka Undisputed 2016 Action Drama Sport Todor Chapkanov Scott Adkins Teodora Duhovnikova Alon Aboutboul Boaz Davidson, David N. White* 4.6/5
7.7 Gifted Hands the Ben Carson Story 2009 Biography Drama Thomas Carter Cuba Gooding Jr. Kimberly Elise Aunjanue Ellis John Pielmeier* 4.4/5
7.7 Lagaan 2001 Drama Musical Sport Ashutosh Gowariker Aamir Khan Raghuvir Yadav Gracy Singh Ashutosh Gowariker, Ashutosh Gowariker, Kumar Dave* 4.2/5
7.7 Swades 2004 Drama Ashutosh Gowariker Shah Rukh Khan Gayatri Joshi Kishori Ballal K.P. Saxena, Amin Hajee, M.G. Sathya* 4.0/5
7.7 Little Women 1994 Drama Family Romance Gillian Armstrong Susan Sarandon Winona Ryder Kirsten Dunst Gaurav Malani, Vivashwan Chaudhary, Jovita DSouza* 3.8/5
7.7 Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara 2011 Comedy Drama Zoya Akhtar Hrithik Roshan Farhan Akhtar Abhay Deol Farhan Akhtar, Reema Kagti, Zoya Akhtar* 3.8/5
7.7 Memoirs of a Geisha 2005 Drama Romance Rob Marshall Ziyi Zhang Ken Watanabe Michelle Yeoh Aziz Ansari, Alan Yang, Zoe Jarman* 3.7/5
7.7 Drishyam 2015 Crime Drama Mystery Thriller Nishikant Kamat Ajay Devgn Shriya Saran Tabu Jeethu Joseph, Upendra Sidhaye* 3.6 /5
7.7 Shot Caller 2017 Crime Drama Thriller Ric Roman Waugh Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Omari Hardwick Lake Bell Matthew James Kinmonth, Ross Hastings* 3.6/5
7.7 Queen 2014 Adventure Comedy Drama Vikas Bahl Kangana Ranaut Rajkummar Rao Lisa Haydon Qi Dai, Eva, Xueying Wu* 2.6/5
7.7 Baahubali the Beginning Malayalam Version 2015 Action Drama S.S. Rajamouli Prabhas Rana Daggubati Ramya Krishnan Vijayendra Prasad, S.S. Rajamouli, C.H. Vijay Kumar* *
7.7 Baahubali the Beginning Hindi Version 2015 Action Drama S.S. Rajamouli Prabhas Rana Daggubati Ramya Krishnan Vijayendra Prasad, S.S. Rajamouli, C.H. Vijay Kumar* *
7.7 On My Skin 2018 Biography Drama Alessio Cremonini Alessandro Borghi Massimiliano Tortora Milvia Marigliano Alessio Cremonini, Lisa Nur Sultan* *
7.7 Lola Igna 2019 Drama Eduardo W. Roy Jr. Angie Ferro Yves Flores Meryll Soriano Jon Brown, Assaf Harel, D.C. Jackson* *
7.7 Baahubali the Beginning Tamil Version 2015 Action Drama S.S. Rajamouli Prabhas Rana Daggubati Ramya Krishnan Vijayendra Prasad, S.S. Rajamouli, C.H. Vijay Kumar* *
7.7 Tarung Sarung 2020 Action Adventure Drama Sport Thriller Archie Hekagery Panji Zoni Yayan Ruhian Maizura Rusty Cundieff, Darin Scott* *
7.7 Kara Bela 2015 Action Adventure Comedy Drama Burak Aksak Cengiz Bozkurt Seda Bakan Erkan Kolcak Kostendil Burak Aksak, Burak Aksak* 0/5
7.7 The Witcher Nightmare of the Wolf 2021 Animation Action Adventure Drama Fantasy Mystery Kwang Il Han Theo James Mary McDonnell Lara Pulver Brian Clark, Mark McAdam, Delaney Yeager
7.7 Kannathil Muthamittal 2002 Action Drama War Mani Ratnam Madhavan Simran Prakash Raj Vikas Giri
7.7 High and Low the Movie 3 Final Mission 2017 Action Drama Tsuyoshi Nakakuki Shigeaki Kubo Ryohei Abe Akira Shintaro Akiyama Norihisa Hiranuma, Kei Watanabe, Daisuke Kamijô
7.6 Anchorman the Legend of Ron Burgundy 2004 A River Runs Through It 1992 Drama Robert Redford Craig Sheffer Brad Pitt Tom Skerritt John Cleese, Charles Crichton, John Cleese* 3.9/5
7.6 The Mist 2007genres=sci-fi&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" The Legend of Bhagat Singh 2002 Action Biography Drama History Rajkumar Santoshi Ajay Devgn Sushant Singh D. Santosh Juliet Lammers, Lorraine Price* 3.9/5
7.6 Secret Superstar 2017 Drama Music Advait Chandan Zaira Wasim Meher Vij Raj Arjun Angela Betzien, Matt Cameron, Belinda Chayko* 5/5
7.6 Soul Surfer 2011 Biography Drama Family Sport Sean McNamara AnnaSophia Robb Dennis Quaid Helen Hunt Sanchit Bedre, Vidhi Ghodgaonkar, Yunus Sajawal* 4.1/5
7.6 Lee Daniels the Butler 2013 Biography Drama Lee Daniels Forest Whitaker Oprah Winfrey John Cusack Eric Summer, Eric Summer, Laurent Zeitoun* 4.1/5
7.6 St. Vincent 2014 Comedy Drama Theodore Melfi Bill Murray Melissa McCarthy Naomi Watts Nancy Meyers* 4.1/5
7.6 Rang De Basanti 2006 Comedy Crime Drama Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra Aamir Khan Soha Ali Khan Siddharth Renzil DSilva, Prasoon Joshi, Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra* 3.9/5
7.6 PK 2014 Comedy Drama Musical Sci-Fi Rajkumar Hirani Aamir Khan Anushka Sharma Sanjay Dutt Rajkumar Hirani, Abhijat Joshi* 3.8 /5
7.6 Ordinary People 2016 Drama Eduardo W. Roy Jr. Ronwaldo Martin Hasmine Kilip John Kenji Montoro Petra Costa, Lea Glob* 3.7/5
7.6 Lady Bird 2017 Comedy Drama Greta Gerwig Saoirse Ronan Laurie Metcalf Tracy Letts Steven Bochco, Terry Louise Fisher, David E. Kelley* 3.7/5
7.6 Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani 2000 Comedy Drama Musical Romance Aziz Mirza Shah Rukh Khan Juhi Chawla Johnny Lever Sanjay Chhel, Raaj Kumar Dahima, Manoj Lalwani* 3.7/5
7.6 Blue Jay 2016 Drama Romance Alex Lehmann Mark Duplass Sarah Paulson Clu Gulager Kazue Katô, Toshiya Ôno, Seiko Takagi* 3.6/5
7.6 Main Hoon Na 2004 Action Comedy Drama Musical Romance Thriller Farah Khan Shah Rukh Khan Sushmita Sen Sunil Shetty Farah Khan, Abbas Tyrewala, Farah Khan* 3.6 /5
7.6 The Edge of Seventeen 2016 Comedy Drama Kelly Fremon Craig Hailee Steinfeld Haley Lu Richardson Blake Jenner Roger Drew, Ed Dyson* 3.5/5
7.6 El Camino a Breaking Bad Movie 2019 Action Crime Drama Vince Gilligan Aaron Paul Jonathan Banks Matt Jones Vince Gilligan, Vince Gilligan* 3.5 /5
7.6 Dolemite is My Name 2019 Biography Comedy Drama Craig Brewer Eddie Murphy Keegan-Michael Key Mike Epps Scott Alexander, Larry Karaszewski* 3.4 /5
7.6 The Disaster Artist 2017 Biography Comedy Drama James Franco James Franco Dave Franco Ari Graynor Scott Neustadter, Michael H. Weber, Greg Sestero* 3.4/5
7.6 Bombay 1995 Drama Romance Mani Ratnam Arvind Swamy Manisha Koirala Nassar Jorge M. Fontana* 3.3/5
7.6 Closer 2004 Drama Romance Mike Nichols Natalie Portman Jude Law Clive Owen John Loy, Glen MacDonough* 3.2/5
7.6 Dedh Ishqiya 2014 Comedy Drama Romance Thriller Abhishek Chaubey Huma Qureshi Madhuri Dixit Naseeruddin Shah Johnnie Johnson, Vernon Snoop Robinson* 3.0/5
7.6 The Battleship Island 2017 Action Drama History Seung-wan Ryoo Jung-min Hwang So Ji-seob Song Joong-ki Tunde Babalola, Wale Okediran* 2.6/5
7.6 Black Mirror Bandersnatch 2018 Drama Fantasy Mystery Sci-Fi Thriller David Slade Fionn Whitehead Craig Parkinson Alice Lowe Stephen J. Rivele, Christopher Wilkinson, Michael Dorgan* *
7.6 Grizzlies 2018 Biography Drama Miranda de Pencier Jack Anawak Fred Bailey Seth Burke Zoya Akhtar, Dibakar Banerjee, Dibakar Banerjee* *
7.6 Love and Shukla 2017 Comedy Drama Romance Jatla Siddartha Saharsh Kumar Shukla Taneea Rajawat Hima Singh Amanda Mooney, Naseem Shah, Jatla Siddartha* *
7.6 Live Twice Love Once 2020 Comedy Drama Maria Ripoll Oscar Martinez Inma Cuesta Mafalda Carbonell Vivashwan Chaudhary, Jovita DSouza, Praveen Fernandes* *
7.6 Cairo Station 1958 Crime Drama Youssef Chahine Farid Shawqi Hind Rustum Youssef Chahine Heba Mashari Hamada* *
7.6 Ani Dr. Kashinath Ghanekar 2018 Drama Abhijeet Shirish Deshpande Subodh Bhave Sumeet Raghavan Sonali Kulkarni Bruna Capozzoli, Kim Helminen, Joe Lawson* *
7.6 Pad Man 2018 Comedy Drama R. Balki Akshay Kumar Radhika Apte Sonam Kapoor R. Balki, Swanand Kirkire* *
7.6 The Patriot 2000 Action Drama History War Roland Emmerich Mel Gibson Heath Ledger Joely Richardson Ashleigh Powell, E.T.A. Hoffmann, Ashleigh Powell
7.6 The Nightingale 2018 Adventure Drama Thriller Jennifer Kent Aisling Franciosi Maya Christie Baykali Ganambarr Lorne Cameron, Allen Morgan, Craig Young
7.6 The Last Forest 2021 Documentary Drama Luiz Bolognesi Davi Kopenawa Daucirene Yanomami Ehuana Yaira Yanomami Tunde Babalola, Wale Okediran
7.6 The Hows of Us 2018 Drama Romance Cathy Garcia-Molina Kathryn Bernardo Daniel Padilla Jean Garcia Carmi Raymundo, Gilliann Ebreo, Crystal S. San Miguel
7.6 Rurouni Kenshin the Beginning 2021 Action Adventure Drama Keishi Ohtomo Masanobu Ando Towa Araki Kasumi Arimura Ed Bignell, Hanah Lee Cook, Eric Lewald
7.6 One Day Well Talk About Today 2020 Drama Family Angga Dwimas Sasongko Rio Dewanto Sheila Dara Aisha Rachel Amanda Tumas Satunas
7.6 Official Secrets 2019 Biography Crime Drama Thriller War Gavin Hood Keira Knightley Matt Smith Matthew Goode Jon Lucas, Scott Moore, Timothy Dowling
7.6 Facing Mecca 2018 Short Drama Jan-Eric Mack Peter Freiburghaus Jay Abdo Ruth Schwegler Zach Helm, Patricia Highsmith, Sam Levinson
7.5 GANTZ O 2016 Animation Action Drama Fantasy Horror Sci-Fi Thriller Kei& Yasushi Kawamura Daisuke Ono Mao Ichimichi Tomohiro Kaku Hiroya Oku, Tsutomu Kuroiwa* 4.2/5
7.5 Rocks 2019 Drama Sarah Gavron Bukky Bakray Kosar Ali D& Joe Murray, Joe Murray, Mr. Lawrence
7.5 Michael Clayton 2007genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=mystery&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa 1994 Comedy Drama Music Musical Romance Kundan Shah Shah Rukh Khan Suchitra Krishnamoorthi Deepak Tijori Pankaj Advani, Pankaj Advani, Ranjit Kapoor* 4.0/5
7.5 Summerland 2020genres=romance&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=war&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Shes Dating the Gangster 2014 Comedy Drama Romance Cathy Garcia-Molina Daniel Padilla Kathryn Bernardo Richard Gomez Renae Bluitt, Trizonna McClendon* *
7.5 Dil Chahta Hai 2001 Comedy Drama Romance Farhan Akhtar Aamir Khan Saif Ali Khan Akshaye Khanna Kassim Jagmagia, Farhan Akhtar, Farhan Akhtar* 4.0/5
7.5 Sanju 2018 Biography Comedy Drama Rajkumar Hirani Ranbir Kapoor Paresh Rawal Manisha Koirala Abhiruchi Chand, Rajkumar Hirani, Abhijat Joshi* 4.0/5
7.5 Talaash 2012 Crime Drama Mystery Thriller Reema Kagti Aamir Khan Kareena Kapoor Rani Mukerji Farhan Akhtar, Anurag Kashyap, Zoya Akhtar* 3.9/5
7.5 Kal Ho Naa Ho 2003 Comedy Drama Musical Romance Nikkhil Advani Preity Zinta Shah Rukh Khan Saif Ali Khan Lilly Wachowski, Lana Wachowski* 3.8/5
7.5 Badla 2019 Crime Drama Mystery Thriller Sujoy Ghosh Amitabh Bachchan Taapsee Pannu Amrita Singh Oriol Paulo, Sujoy Ghosh, Sujoy Ghosh* 3.6/5
7.5 Monster 2003 Biography Crime Drama Thriller Patty Jenkins Charlize Theron Christina Ricci Bruce Dern Gemma Baker, Eddie Gorodetsky, Chuck Lorre* 3.5/5
7.5 Hairspray 2007 Comedy Drama Musical Romance Adam Shankman John Travolta Queen Latifah Nikki Blonsky Leslie Dixon, John Waters, Mark ODonnell* 3.5/5
7.5 Dil Se 1998 Drama Romance Mani Ratnam Shah Rukh Khan Manisha Koirala Preity Zinta Mani Ratnam, Sujatha, Tigmanshu Dhulia* 3.3/5
7.5 The Ballad of Buster Scruggs 2018 Comedy Drama Musical Mystery Romance Western Ethan Coen Tim Blake Nelson Willie Watson Clancy Brown Joel Coen, Ethan Coen, Jack London* 3.3 /5
7.5 Whisky 2004 Comedy Drama Juan Pablo Rebella Pablo Stoll Andres Pazos Mirella Pascual Jorge Bolani Gonzalo Delgado, Juan Pablo Rebella, Pablo Stoll* 3.1 /5
7.5 Then Came You 2019 Adventure Comedy Drama Peter Hutchings Asa Butterfield Maisie Williams Nina Dobrev Jerry Sun* *
7.5 Paddleton 2019 Comedy Drama Alex Lehmann Christine Woods Mark Duplass Ray Romano Mark Duplass, Alex Lehmann* *
7.5 Free Rein the Twelve Neighs of Christmas 2018 Adventure Comedy Drama Family Marek Losey Jaylen Barron Billy Angel Manpreet Bambra Vicki Lutas, Anna McCleery, Vicki Lutas* *
7.5 Haider 2014 Action Crime Drama Thriller Vishal Bhardwaj Shahid Kapoor Tabu Shraddha Kapoor William Shakespeare, Basharat Peer, Vishal Bhardwaj* *
7.5 Violet Evergarden Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll 2019 Animation Drama Family Haruka Fujita Yui Ishikawa Bob Buchholz Kira Buckland Kana Akatsuki, Reiko Yoshida, Takaaki Suzuki
7.5 The Tambour of Retribution 2021 Drama Abdulaziz Alshlahei Adwa Fahad Rawya Ahmed Ajeba Aldosary Christian James Durso, Christian James Durso, Chawanwit Imchai
7.5 The Endless Trench 2019 Action Drama History Thriller War Jose Mari Goenaga Jon Garaño Aitor Arregi Antonio de la Torre Belen Cuesta Vicente Vergara Luiso Berdejo, Jose Mari Goenaga
7.5 The Dirt 2019 Biography Comedy Drama Music Jeff Tremaine Douglas Booth Iwan Rheon Machine Gun Kelly Amanda Adelson, Tommy Lee, Mick Mars
7.5 The Dig 2021 Biography Drama History Simon Stone Carey Mulligan Ralph Fiennes Lily James Kayvon Saremi, Sean Patrick Shaul
7.5 The Blazing Sun 1954 Crime Drama Romance Youssef Chahine Faten Hamamah Omar Sharif Zaki Rustum Ixchelt Bueno, Maude Thomas
7.5 Serious Men 2020 Comedy Drama Sudhir Mishra Sachin Krishn Nawazuddin Siddiqui Nassar Aakshath Das Niren Bhatt, Manu Joseph, Abhijeet Khuman
7.5 Retablo 2017 Drama Alvaro Delgado Aparicio Magaly Solier Amiel Cayo Junior Bejar Woo-jung Lee, Ran Joo Kim, Sun Hye Lee
7.5 Mimi 2021 Comedy Drama Laxman Utekar Rajesh Bhatia Kriti Sanon Evelyn Edwards Pankaj Tripathi Bhargav Chatterjee, Bhargav Chatterjee, Bhargav Chatterjee
7.5 Ip Man 4 the Finale 2019 Action Biography Drama History Wilson Yip Donnie Yen Scott Adkins Danny Kwok-Kwan Chan Karan Chavan, Vikram Patil
0043396258754:INTHELINEOFFIRE(1993)-Amazon...">In the Line of Fire
1993 Action Crime Drama Thriller Wolfgang Petersen Clint Eastwood John Malkovich Rene Russo Ricki Stern, Anne Sundberg, Pax Wassermann
7.5 Girl 2018 Drama Lukas Dhont Victor Polster Arieh Worthalter Oliver Bodart Lukas Dhont, Angelo Tijssens
7.4 A Boy Called Christmas 2021 Adventure Drama Family Fantasy Gil Kenan Maggie Smith Isabella O& Joel Fry Joe Ballarini, Joe Ballarini
7.4 Project X 2012 Parmanu the Story of Pokhran 2018 Action Drama History Abhishek Sharma John Abraham Boman Irani Diana Penty Saiwyn Quadras, Sanyuktha Chawla Shaikh, Abhishek Sharma* *
7.4 Margin Call 2011genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 7.4 Lakshya 2004 Action Drama Romance War Farhan Akhtar Hrithik Roshan Preity Zinta Amitabh Bachchan Javed Akhtar, Javed Akhtar, Javed Akhtar* 3.7 /5
7.4 Rita Moreno Just a Girl Who Decided to Go for It 2021genres=biography&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Qismat 2018 Drama Romance Jagdeep Sidhu Ammy Virk Sargun Mehta Guggu Gill Jagdeep Sidhu* *
7.4 Jab We Met 2007 Comedy Drama Romance Imtiaz Ali Shahid Kapoor Kareena Kapoor Tarun Arora Karan Chavan, Vikram Patil* 4.0/5
7.4 Kai Po Che 2013 Drama Sport Abhishek Kapoor Amit Sadh Sushant Singh Rajput Rajkummar Rao Chetan Bhagat, Abhishek Kapoor, Supratik Sen* 4 /5
7.4 Kuch Kuch Hota Hai 1998 Comedy Drama Musical Romance Karan Johar Shah Rukh Khan Kajol Rani Mukerji Rajeev Jhaveri, Anurag Prapanna, Umesh Shukla* 3.9/5
7.4 The Railway Man 2013 Biography Drama Romance War Jonathan Teplitzky Colin Firth Nicole Kidman Stellan Skarsgerd Posuka Demizu, Kaiu Shirai* 3.9/5
7.4 Arthur Christmas 2011 Animation Adventure Comedy Drama Family Fantasy Barry Cook Sarah Smith James McAvoy Jim Broadbent Bill Nighy Peter Baynham, Sarah Smith* 3.9/5
7.4 Harishchandrachi Factory 2009 Biography Comedy Drama Paresh Mokashi Nandu Madhav Vibhawari Deshpande Atharva Karve Mike Cockayne, Martin Maloney, Chris Tordoff* 3.8 /5
7.4 Top Gun 1986 Action Drama Tony Scott Tom Cruise Tim Robbins Kelly McGillis Stephanie Perkins, Henry Gayden* 3.7/5
7.4 Udta Punjab 2016 Action Crime Drama Abhishek Chaubey Shahid Kapoor Alia Bhatt Kareena Kapoor Sudip Sharma, Abhishek Chaubey, Sudip Sharma* 3.7 /5
7.4 Chup Chup Ke 2006 Comedy Drama Romance Priyadarshan, Kookie Gulati Shahid Kapoor Kareena Kapoor Om Puri Priyadarshan, Neeraj Vora, Meccartin* 3.5 /5
7.4 Dear Zindagi 2016 Drama Romance Gauri Shinde Alia Bhatt Shah Rukh Khan Kunal Kapoor Matthew Ireland Beans, Matthew Ireland Beans, Matthew Ireland Beans* 3.4 /5
7.4 Dev.D 2009 Comedy Drama Romance Anurag Kashyap Abhay Deol Mahie Gill Kalki Koechlin Saratchandra Chatterjee, Abhay Deol, Vikramaditya Motwane* 3.2/5
7.4 Tangerine 2015 Comedy Crime Drama Sean Baker Kitana Kiki Rodriguez Mya Taylor Karren Karagulian John Fusco, Michael Lucker* 2.8/5
7.4 Alexandria Why 1979 Drama Youssef Chahine Naglaa Fathi Ahmed Zaki Farid Shawqi Youssef Chahine, Yusri Nasrullah* 2.6/5
7.4 Private Life 2018 Comedy Drama Tamara Jenkins Kathryn Hahn Paul Giamatti Gabrielle Reid Bo-Hoon Jung* 1.8/5
7.4 Kartini Princess of Java 2017 Biography Drama Family History Hanung Bramantyo Dian Sastrowardoyo Reza Rahadian Adinia Wirasti Lilly Wachowski, Lana Wachowski* *
7.4 Your Name Engraved Herein 2020 Drama Romance Kuang-Hui Liu Edward Chen Jing-Hua Tseng Leon Dai José Luis Acosta, José Camacho, Fran Carballal* *
7.4 Rooting for Roona 2020 Documentary Short Drama Pavitra Chalam Akshay Shankar* *
7.4 Destiny 1997 Comedy Drama History Musical Romance Youssef Chahine Khairiya A-Mansour Nour El-Sherif Layla Olwi Mahmoud Hemida Youssef Chahine, Khaled Youssef* *
7.4 Love You to the Stars and Back 2017 Adventure Comedy Drama Romance Antoinette Jadaone Julia Barretto Joshua Garcia Cherry Pie Picache Shen Feixuan, Man Gu, Wen Ting* *
7.4 Bhavesh Joshi Superhero 2018 Action Crime Drama Vikramaditya Motwane Harshvardhan Kapoor Priyanshu Painyuli Ashish Verma Vikramaditya Motwane, Anurag Kashyap, Abhay Koranne* *
7.4 Us and Them 2018 Drama Romance Rene Liu Boran Jing Dongyu Zhou Zhuangzhuang Tian Wei An, Shing-Ming Ho, Rene Liu* *
7.4 Aggretsuko We Wish You a Metal Christmas 2018 Animation Comedy Drama Music Musical Romance Rareko Kaolip Shingo Kato Komegumi Koiwasaki Florian Dedio, Anna Kwak, Barbara Necek* *
7.4 The Forgotten Battle 2021 Drama War Matthijs van Heijningen Jr. Gijs Blom Jamie Flatters Susan Radder Tunde Babalola, Wale Okediran
7.4 Moxie 2021 Comedy Drama Music Amy Poehler Hadley Robinson Lauren Tsai Alycia Pascual-Pena Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam
7.4 Eeb Allay Ooo 2019 Comedy Drama Prateek Vats Shardul Bharadwaj Mahender Nath Nutan Sinha Sabina Iqbal, Natasha Likimani, Silas Miami
7.3 Den of Thieves 2018 Action Crime Drama Thriller Christian Gudegast Gerard Butler Pablo Schreiber O& Ayush Banker, Michelle Beyda-Scott, Helene Gonze* 3.6/5
7.3 War Dogs 2016genres=comedy&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=crime&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Tune in for Love 2019 Drama Romance Ji-woo Jung Kim Go-eun Jung Hae-In Park Hae-joon Taranveer Singh* *
7.3 The Book of Eli 2010genres=adventure&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Suffragette 2015 Drama History Sarah Gavron Carey Mulligan Anne-Marie Duff Helena Bonham Carter Durul Taylan, Yagmur Taylan, Berkun Oya* 3.4/5
7.3 Pieces of a Woman 2020 7.3 Penguin Bloom 2021 Drama Glendyn Ivin Naomi Watts Griffin Murray-Johnston Andrew Lincoln Kroll Azry, Azril Hamzah, Alfie Palermo* *
7.3 Blood and Bone 2009 Action Crime Drama Sport Ben Ramsey Michael Jai White Julian Sands Eamonn Walker Francesco De Francesco* 4.1/5
7.3 Loving 2016 Biography Drama Romance Jeff Nichols Ruth Negga Joel Edgerton Will Dalton J.J. Abrams, Jeffrey Lieber, Damon Lindelof* 4.0/5
7.3 Mary Kom 2014 Action Biography Drama Sport Omung Kumar Priyanka Chopra Jonas Sunil Thapa Robin Das Saiwyn Quadras, Ramendra Vasishth, Karan Singh Rathore* 3.9 /5
7.3 My Girl 1991 Comedy Drama Family Romance Howard Zieff Anna Chlumsky Macaulay Culkin Dan Aykroyd Rocky Russo, Jeremy Sosenko, Ricky Blitt* 3.7/5
7.3 Guru 2007 Drama Mani Ratnam Mithun Chakraborty Abhishek Bachchan Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Mani Ratnam, Vijay Krishna Acharya, Anurag Kashyap* 3.6 /5
7.3 Public Enemies 2009 Action Biography Crime Drama History Michael Mann Christian Bale Johnny Depp Christian Stolte Andy Samberg, Akiva Schaffer, Jorma Taccone* 3.5/5
7.3 I Called Him Morgan 2016 Documentary Drama History Music Kasper Collin Lee Morgan Helen Morgan Wayne Shorter Kasper Collin, Jesper Osmund* 3.4/5
7.3 Indian Horse 2017 Drama Sport Stephen S. Campanelli Ajuawak Kapashesit Wayne Baker Sladen Peltier Karan Chavan, Vikram Patil* 3.4 /5
7.3 Legend 2015 Biography Crime Drama Thriller Brian Helgeland Tom Hardy Emily Browning Taron Egerton Brian Helgeland, John Pearson* 3.3/5
7.3 Chappie 2015 Action Crime Drama Sci-Fi Thriller Neill Blomkamp Sharlto Copley Dev Patel Hugh Jackman Deborah Kaplan, Harry Elfont* 3.2/5
7.3 The Butterfly s Dream 2013 Biography Drama History Romance Yilmaz Erdogan Ismail Ciydem Kivanc Tatlitug Mert Firat Belcim Bilgin Madeleine Sami, Jackie van Beek* 3.2 /5
7.3 Gangaajal 2003 Action Crime Drama Prakash Jha Ajay Devgn Gracy Singh Mohan Joshi Garance Li-Wen Wang, Kuo-Kuang Wang* 3.1/5
7.3 Sorry to Bother You 2018 Comedy Drama Fantasy Sci-Fi Boots Riley LaKeith Stanfield Tessa Thompson Jermaine Fowler Charles Leavitt, Steven Knight, Matt Greenberg* 3.1 /5
7.3 Mirai 2018 Animation Adventure Drama Family Fantasy Mamoru Hosoda Rebecca Hall Daniel Dae Kim John Cho Irwin Franklyn, Pierre Gendron, Martin Mooney* 3.0/5
7.3 I Am Kalam 2010 Comedy Drama Family Nila Madhab Panda Gulshan Grover Harsh Mayar Pitobash Sanjay Chauhan, Protiqe Mojoomdar, Nila Madhab Panda* *
7.3 2 States 2014 Comedy Drama Romance Abhishek Varman Arjun Kapoor Alia Bhatt Amrita Singh Chetan Bhagat, Abhishek Varman, Hussain Dalal* *
7.3 37 Seconds 2020 Drama Hikari Makiko Watanabe Nanami Kawakami Shunsuke Daito Tomasz Klimala, Tomasz Mandes, Barbara Bialowas* *
7.3 Frank and Cindy 2007 Documentary Biography Drama Music G.J. Echternkamp Cynthia Brown Frank Garcia Shunji Iwai, Hitoshi Ône, Christian La Monte* *
7.3 The Wedding Shaman 2019 Drama Romance Farishad I. Latjuba Atiqah Hasiholan Arifin Putra Tutie Kirana Kin Chung Chan, Suet Lam, Roy Szeto
7.3 Prayers for the Stolen 2021 Drama Tatiana Huezo Mayra Batalla Ana Cristina Ordonez Gonzalez Memo Villegas Will Gluck, Patrick Burleigh, Beatrix Potter
7.3 Found 2021 Documentary Drama Amanda Lipitz Lily Bolka Chloe Lipitz Sadie Mangelsdorf Dave Chappelle
7.2 Ma Rainey s Black Bottom 2020genres=music&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham 2001 Drama Musical Romance Karan Johar Shah Rukh Khan Kajol Amitabh Bachchan Lilly Wachowski, Lana Wachowski* 4.1/5
7.2 Quartet 2012genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=music&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 7.2 Outlaw King 2018 Action Biography Drama History War David Mackenzie Chris Pine Stephen Dillane Rebecca Robin Bathsheba Doran, David Mackenzie, James MacInnes* *
7.2 Ankhon Dekhi 2013 Comedy Drama Rajat Kapoor Sanjay Mishra Abhinay Raj Singh Seema Bhargava N. Linguswamy, Brindha Sarathy, N. Linguswamy* 5/5
7.2 The Perfect Dictatorship 2014 Comedy Drama Luis Estrada Damian Alcazar Alfonso Herrera Joaquin Cosio Luis Estrada, Luis Estrada, Luis Estrada* 4.9/5
7.2 The Ryan White Story 1989 Biography Drama John Herzfeld Judith Light Lukas Haas Michael Bowen Phil Penningroth, Phil Penningroth, John Herzfeld* 4.4/5
7.2 Madras Cafe 2013 Action Drama Thriller Shoojit Sircar John Abraham Nargis Fakhri Raashi Khanna Shubhendu Bhattacharya, Juhi Chaturvedi, Somnath Dey* 4.1/5
7.2 Four Brothers 2005 Action Crime Drama Mystery Thriller John Singleton Mark Wahlberg Tyrese Gibson Andre 3000 John Maloof, Charlie Siskel* 3.9/5
7.2 Jodhaa Akbar 2008 Action Drama History Romance War Ashutosh Gowariker Hrithik Roshan Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Sonu Sood Haidar Ali, Haidar Ali, Ashutosh Gowariker* 3.8/5
7.2 Rock on 2008 Drama Music Abhishek Kapoor Arjun Rampal Farhan Akhtar Luke Kenny Farhan Akhtar, Pubali Chaudhuri, Abhishek Kapoor* 3.7/5
7.2 Guzaarish 2010 Drama Romance Sanjay Leela Bhansali Hrithik Roshan Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Shernaz Patel Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Bhavani Iyer, Bhavani Iyer* 3.7/5
7.2 Hum Aapke Hain Koun 1994 Comedy Drama Musical Romance Sooraj R. Barjatya Madhuri Dixit Salman Khan Mohnish Bahl Sooraj R. Barjatya, Sooraj R. Barjatya* 3.6 /5
7.2 The Highwaymen 2019 Biography Crime Drama Mystery Thriller John Lee Hancock Kevin Costner Woody Harrelson Kathy Bates Scot Armstrong, Leslie Dixon, Bobby Farrelly* 3.5 /5
7.2 Mumbai Meri Jaan 2008 Drama Nishikant Kamat Paresh Rawal Kay Kay Menon Irrfan Khan Yogesh Vinayak Joshi, Upendra Sidhaye* 3.5 /5
7.2 Any Given Sunday 1999 Drama Sport Oliver Stone Al Pacino Dennis Quaid Cameron Diaz Daniel Pyne, John Logan, John Logan* 3.4/5
7.2 Just Another Love Story 2007 Crime Drama Thriller Ole Bornedal Anders W. Berthelsen Rebecka Hemse Nikolaj Lie Kaas Lilly Wachowski, Lana Wachowski* 3.4/5
7.2 Annie 1982 Comedy Drama Family Musical John Huston Aileen Quinn Albert Finney Carol Burnett John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton, Joe Ranft* 3.4/5
7.2 Under the Shadow 2016 Drama Fantasy Horror Thriller War Babak Anvari Narges Rashidi Avin Manshadi Bobby Naderi Philippe Aractingi, Michel Léviant* 3.3/5
7.2 Christine 2016 Biography Drama Antonio Campos Rebecca Hall Michael C. Hall Tracy Letts Nidhi Anand, Teja Pratap* 2.9/5
7.2 Damini 1993 Crime Drama Rajkumar Santoshi Meenakshi Sheshadri Rishi Kapoor Sunny Deol Sutanu Gupta, Dilip Shukla - 8.2/10
7.2 Eyes of a Thief 2014 Drama Najwa Najjar Kal Naga Souad Massi Suhail Haddad Barbara Schroeder - 7/10
7.2 Dil Dhadakne Do 2015 Comedy Drama Romance Zoya Akhtar Anil Kapoor Shefali Shah Priyanka Chopra Jonas Zoya Akhtar, Reema Kagti, Javed Akhtar - 7.4/10
7.2 Hamid 2018 Drama Aijaz Khan Talha Arshad Reshi Vikas Kumar Rasika Dugal Ravinder Randhawa, Sumit Saxena* *
7.2 Maktub 2018 Comedy Drama Oded Raz Guy Amir Hanan Savyon Gal Amitai Shen Feixuan, Man Gu, Wen Ting* *
7.2 Highway 2014 Crime Drama Romance Imtiaz Ali Alia Bhatt Randeep Hooda Durgesh Kumar Byron Perry, Sebastian Perry* *
7.2 Dumplin 2018 Comedy Drama Anne Fletcher Danielle Macdonald Jennifer Aniston Odeya Rush Kristin Hahn, Julie Murphy* *
7.2 Once Again 2018 Drama Romance Kanwal Sethi Shefali Shah Neeraj Kabi Bidita Bag Kanwal Sethi, Ajitpal Singh* *
7.2 Crazy Beautiful You 2015 Comedy Drama Romance Mae Czarina Cruz Lorna Tolentino Kathryn Bernardo Daniel Padilla Jancy E. Nicolas, Bianca B. Bernardino, Maan Dimaculangan* *
7.2 Budhia Singh Born to Run 2016 Biography Drama Sport Soumendra Padhi Manoj Bajpayee Mayur Mahendra Patole Gajraj Rao Eng Tee Ang, Eng Tee Ang* 0/5
7.2 Sillu Karuppatti 2019 Drama Romance Halitha Shameem Sara Arjun Leela Samson Samuthirakani Muhammad Omar Faruk, Eun-hee Kim
7.2 STAND BY ME Doraemon 2014 Animation Comedy Drama Family Sci-Fi Tony Oliver Takashi Yamazaki Ryuichi Yagi Wasabi Mizuta Megumi Ohara Satoshi Tsumabuki Laurence Malkin, Andy McNab
7.2 Enola Holmes 2020 Action Adventure Crime Drama Mystery Harry Bradbeer Millie Bobby Brown Henry Cavill Sam Claflin Prakriti Kargeti, Jasdeep Singh
7.1 Somethings Gotta Give 2003 Comedy Drama Romance Nancy Meyers Jack Nicholson Diane Keaton Keanu Reeves Nancy Meyers* 3.7 /5
7.1 Dostana 2008 Comedy Drama Romance Tarun Mansukhani Abhishek Bachchan John Abraham Priyanka Chopra Jonas Kyu Hayashida, Hiroshi Seko* 3.7/5
7.1 The Other Boleyn Girl 2008 Biography Drama History Romance Justin Chadwick Natalie Portman Scarlett Johansson Eric Bana David Kendall* 3.6/5
7.1 Under the Bombs 2007 Drama Romance War Philippe Aractingi Nada Abou Farhat Georges Khabbaz Rawia Elchab Philippe Aractingi, Michel Léviant* 3.5/5
7.1 One Piece Episode of Alabasta 2007 Animation Action Adventure Comedy Drama Takahiro Imamura Charles Baker Troy Baker Anthony Bowling Lukasz Grzegorzek* 3.5/5
7.1 Oye Lucky Lucky Oye 2008 Action Comedy Crime Drama Dibakar Banerjee Abhay Deol Paresh Rawal Neetu Chandra Dibakar Banerjee, Urmi Juvekar, Manu Rishi Chadha* 3.4/5
7.1 Manorama Six Feet Under 2007 Crime Drama Mystery Thriller Navdeep Singh Abhay Deol Gul Panag Raima Sen Danielle Calvert, Jed Elinoff, Molly Haldeman* 3.2/5
7.1 I Am Mother 2019 Drama Mystery Sci-Fi Thriller Grant Sputore Luke Hawker Rose Byrne Maddie Lenton Michael Lloyd Green, Grant Sputore, Michael Lloyd Green* 3.2 /5
7.1 Freaks 2018 Drama Mystery Sci-Fi Thriller Zach Lipovsky Adam B. Stein Emile Hirsch Bruce Dern Grace Park Zach Lipovsky, Adam B. Stein* 3 /5
7.1 Vivah 2006 Drama Musical Romance Sooraj R. Barjatya Shahid Kapoor Amrita Rao Anupam Kher Ronald Bronstein, Josh Safdie, Benny Safdie* 8.6/10
7.1 Agneepath 1990 Action Crime Drama Musical Mukul Anand Amitabh Bachchan Mithun Chakraborty Madhavi Jon Brown, Richard Starzak, Nick Park - 8.6/10
7.1 Seven Sundays 2017 Comedy Drama Cathy Garcia-Molina Ronaldo Valdez Aga Muhlach Dingdong Dantes Vanessa R. Valdez, Roumella Monge, Kiko Abrillo* *
7.1 Mobile Suit Gundam III Encounters in Space 1982 Animation Action Drama Sci-Fi War Yoshiyuki Tomino Yoshikazu Yasuhiko Toru Furuya Shichi Ikeda Hirotaka Suzuoki Kei Kunii, One, Reiko Yoshida* *
7.1 The Red Sea Diving Resort 2019 Drama History Thriller Gideon Raff Mbulelo Grootboom Sizo Mahlangu Michael Kenneth Williams Tom Brunelle, Lance Crouther, Connor McSpadden* *
7.1 The Photographer of Mauthausen 2018 Biography Drama History Thriller War Mar Targarona Mario Casas Richard van Weyden Alain Hernandez Roger Danès, Alfred Pérez Fargas* *
7.1 Saladin 1963 Action Adventure Drama History Romance War Youssef Chahine Ahmad Mazhar Salah Zulfikar Nadia Lutfi Scot McFadyen, Sam Dunn, Mike Munn* *
7.1 22 July 2018 Crime Drama History Thriller Paul Greengrass Anders Danielsen Lie Jonas Strand Gravli Jon igarden Paul Greengrass, Åsne Seierstad* *
7.1 All the Bright Places 2020 Drama Romance Brett Haley Elle Fanning Justice Smith Alexandra Shipp Liz Hannah, Jennifer Niven, Jennifer Niven* *
7.1 City of Joy 2018 Documentary Crime Drama Thriller War Madeleine Gavin Christine Schuler-Deschryver Denis Mukwege Mukengere Eve Ensler Carlos Ballarta* *
7.1 Bulbul Can Sing 2018 Drama Rima Das Pakija Begam Arnali Das Manoranjan Das Elmer L. Gatchalian, Jun Lana, Ivan Andrew Payawal* *
7.1 Awe 2018 Drama Fantasy Horror Mystery Sci-Fi Thriller Prasanth Varma Kajal Aggarwal Nithya Menen Srinivas Avasarala Fabrizio Copano, Valeria Hofmann* *
7.1 Shubh Aarambh 2017 Comedy Drama Family Amit Barot Harsh Chhaya Prachi Shah Bharat Chawda Abhinay Banker, Abhinay Banker, Vipul Sharma* 0/5
7.1 STAND BY ME Doraemon 2 2020 Animation Comedy Drama Family Fantasy Sci-Fi Takashi Yamazaki Ryuichi Yagi Bakarhythm Brian Beacock Johnny Yong Bosch Abdulelah Alqurashi, Yaser Hammad
7.1 Asakusa Kid 2021 Biography Drama Gekidan Hitori Feodor Chin Mugi Kadowaki Morio Kazama Gekidan Hitori, Takeshi Kitano
7.0 Jaane Tu... Ya Jaane Na 2008 Comedy Drama Romance Abbas Tyrewala Imran Khan Genelia D& Manjari Fadnnis Takashige Ichise, Hiroshi Takahashi* 3.7 /5
7.0 Annabelle Creation 2017genres=mystery&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 7.5 Let Me in 2010genres=fantasy&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=horror&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 6.5 The Day I lost My Shadow 2018 Drama Soudade Kaadan Reham Alkassar Sawsan Arshid Samer Ismail Danny Pang, Oxide Chun Pang, Thomas Pang
7.0 Kappela 2020genres=romance&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Jonaki 2018 Drama Aditya Vikram Sengupta Lolita Chatterjee Sahana Basu Ratnabali Bhattacharjee Shih-Yi Chiu, Sima15, Pei-hua Wang* *
7.0 Puss in Boots 2011genres=adventure&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=comedy&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 7.0 Petta Telugu Version 2019 Action Drama Karthik Subbaraj Rajinikanth Vijay Sethupathi Nawazuddin Siddiqui Jeon Go-Woon, Kim Jong-Kwan, Pil-sung Yim* *
7.0 Sundays Illness 2017 7.0 Salt of This Sea 2008 Drama Romance Annemarie Jacir Suheir Hammad Saleh Bakri Riyad Ideis Ted Griffin* 3.6/5
7.0 Tu Hai Mera Sunday 2016 Comedy Drama Milind Dhaimade Barun Sobti Shahana Goswami Avinash Tiwary Diana Moore* 5/5
7.0 Triumph of the Heart 1991 Biography Drama Sport Richard Michaels Mario Van Peebles Susan Ruttan Lane R. Davis Amy Andelson, Emily Meyer, Kirsten Smith* 4.8/5
7.0 Adam His Song Continues 1986 Crime Drama Robert Markowitz Daniel J. Travanti JoBeth Williams Richard Masur Thomas Cailley, Sébastien Mounier* 4.8/5
7.0 The Art of Loving 2017 Biography Comedy Drama Romance Maria Sadowska Danuta Stenka Tomasz Kot Karolina Gruszka Krzysztof Bernas, Blazej Dzikowski, Dominika Hilszczanska* 4.6/5
7.0 Gabbar is Back 2015 Action Comedy Crime Drama Musical Radha Krishna Jagarlamudi Akshay Kumar Shruti Haasan Kareena Kapoor A.R. Murugadoss, Rajat Arora, Rajat Arora* 4.0/5
7.0 Print the Legend 2014 Documentary Biography Drama History Luis Lopez Clay Tweel Chris Anderson Bruce Bradshaw Craig Broady Luis Ara* 3.9/5
7.0 Wake Up Sid 2009 Comedy Drama Romance Ayan Mukherjee Ranbir Kapoor Konkona Sen Sharma Supriya Pathak Ayan Mukherjee, Niranjan Iyengar* 3.7/5
7.0 Billu 2009 Comedy Drama Priyadarshan Irrfan Khan Lara Dutta Om Puri Manisha Korde, Priyadarshan, Mushtaq Sheikh* 3.7/5
7.0 Initial D 2005 Action Comedy Drama Romance Andrew Lau Alan Mak Ralph Rieckermann Jay Chou Anthony Chau-Sang Wong Edison Chen Shuichi Shigeno, Felix Chong* 3.7 /5
7.0 Other People 2016 Comedy Drama Chris Kelly Jesse Plemons Molly Shannon Bradley Whitford Petra Costa, Lea Glob* 3.6/5
7.0 Quiet Victory the Charlie Wedemeyer Story 1988 Drama Roy Campanella II Pam Dawber Michael Nouri Bess Meyer Becca Barnes, Alwyn Dale, Judd Lynn* 3.5/5
7.0 Extremely Wicked Shockingly Evil and Vile 2019 Biography Crime Drama Thriller Joe Berlinger Lily Collins Zac Efron Angela Sarafyan Elizabeth Kendall, Michael Werwie* 3.4 /5
7.0 Wild Things 1998 Crime Drama Mystery Thriller John McNaughton Kevin Bacon Neve Campbell Matt Dillon Stephen Peters* 3.4/5
7.0 Peepli Live 2010 Comedy Drama Mahmood Farooqui Anusha Rizvi Omkar Das Manikpuri Raghuvir Yadav Shalini Vatsa Jack Barth, Russell Beard, Daniel Davies* 3.4/5
7.0 Yuva 2004 Action Drama Thriller Mani Ratnam Ajay Devgn Abhishek Bachchan Rani Mukerji Anurag Kashyap, Mani Ratnam* 3.4/5
7.0 Kaminey 2009 Action Crime Drama Thriller Vishal Bhardwaj Shahid Kapoor Priyanka Chopra Jonas Deb Mukherjee Cajetan Boy, Supratik Sen, Abhishek Chaubey* 3.3/5
7.0 Atlantics 2019 Drama Mystery Romance Mati Diop Mame Bineta Sane Amadou Mbow Traore Mati Diop, Olivier Demangel* 3.3 /5
7.0 Hello My Name is Doris 2015 Comedy Drama Romance Michael Showalter Sally Field Max Greenfield Tyne Daly Steve Balderson, Steve Balderson, Michael Page* 3.2/5
7.0 Toilet Ek Prem Katha 2017 Comedy Drama Shree Narayan Singh Akshay Kumar Anupam Kher Bhumi Pednekar Siddharth Singh, Garima Wahal* 3.2 /5
7.0 Aamir 2008 Action Crime Drama Thriller Raj Kumar Gupta Rajeev Khandelwal Aishwarya Vasan Bala Brian Athey, Yuuichi Nomura, Rachel Robinson* 3.1 /5
7.0 Mom 2017 Crime Drama Thriller Ravi Udyawar Sridevi Sajal Ali Akshaye Khanna Girish Kohli, Girish Kohli, Girish Kohli* 3.1 /5
7.0 Petta 2019 Action Drama Karthik Subbaraj Rajinikanth Vijay Sethupathi Nawazuddin Siddiqui Jeon Go-Woon, Kim Jong-Kwan, Pil-sung Yim* *
7.0 ReMastered Massacre at the Stadium 2019 Documentary Drama Bent-Jorgen Perlmutt B.J. Perlmutt Victor Jara Joan Jara Pascale Bonnefoy Catalina Ausin, John Meroney, Jeff Zimbalist* *
7.0 Evvarikee Cheppoddu 2019 Drama Basava Shankar Eeday Rajsekhar Aningi Keshav Deepak Durgaprasad K Taku Kishimoto, Kei Sambe, Yutaka Yasunaga* *
7.0 Flavors of Youth International Version 2018 Animation Drama Romance Yoshitaka Takeuch Xiaoxing Yi Haoling Li George Ackles Taito Ban Dorothy Elias-Fahn Mark Harris, Mark Harris* *
7.0 Pyaar Ka Punchnama 2011 Comedy Drama Romance Luv Ranjan Kartik Aaryan Raayo S. Bakhirta Divyendu Sharma Luv Ranjan, Sumit Saxena, Sumit Saxena* 0/5
7.0 Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop 2021 Animation Drama Music Romance Kyohei Ishiguro Somegoro Ichikawa Hana Sugisaki Kimberley Wong Guillermo del Toro, Guillermo del Toro, Chad Quandt
7.0 The Spiderwick Chronicles 2008 Action Adventure Drama Family Fantasy Thriller Mark Waters Freddie Highmore Sarah Bolger David Strathairn Karey Kirkpatrick, David Berenbaum, John Sayles
7.0 Dreamy Eyes 2019 Drama Romance Victor Vu Trc Anh Tran Nghia Tran Phong Kay Nguyen, Victor Vu
7.0 CO Kaadhal 2021 Drama Jasti Hemambar Aayira Deepann Sonia Giri Shinichirô Watanabe, Shinichirô Watanabe, Hitomi Mieno
7.0 Anjaam 1994 Drama Thriller Rahul Rawail Madhuri Dixit Shah Rukh Khan Tinnu Anand David Barba, James Pellerito
7.0 3000 Nights 2015 Drama Mai Masri Maisa Abd Elhadi Nadira Omran Rakeen Saad Diana Moore
6.9 Mobile Suit Gundam I 1981 Animation Action Drama Sci-Fi War Yoshihisa Araki Ryôji Fujiwara Hiroyuki Hoshiyama Ken& Yoshiyuki Tomino Eikichi Kojika Toru Furuya Hirotaka Suzuoki Shozo zuka Kei Kunii, One, Reiko Yoshida
6.9 The Giver 2014 Drama Romance Sci-Fi Thriller Phillip Noyce Brenton Thwaites Jeff Bridges Meryl Streep Tunde Babalola, Wale Okediran* 4.0/5
6.9 Paradise Lost 2018 Drama Music Monique Gardenberg Lee Taylor Jaloo Erasmo Carlos Chris Butler* 3.8/5
6.9 A Beautiful Life 2011 Drama Romance Andrew Lau Shu Qi Ye Liu Anthony Chau-Sang Wong Joe Ballarini, Joe Ballarini* 3.8 /5
6.9 Chillar Party 2011 Comedy Drama Family Vikas Bahl Nitesh Tiwari Irfan Khan Abhinay Raj Singh Sanath Menon Vikas Bahl, Rajesh Bajaj, Vijay Maurya* 3.8 /5
6.9 Chaos 2005 Action Crime Drama Thriller Tony Giglio Jason Statham Ryan Phillippe Wesley Snipes Yolanda Ramke* 3.7/5
6.9 Geronimo An American Legend 1993 Drama History Western Walter Hill Jason Patric Gene Hackman Robert Duvall Zach Helm, Patricia Highsmith, Sam Levinson* 3.6/5
6.9 Life in a ... Metro 2007 Comedy Drama Romance Anurag Basu Dharmendra Irrfan Khan Konkona Sen Sharma Anurag Basu, Sanjeev Dutta* 3.5 /5
6.9 Contagion 2011 Drama Thriller Steven Soderbergh Matt Damon Kate Winslet Jude Law Charlie Brooker, Mike Hollingsworth, James Bowman* 3.4/5
6.9 Heavy 1995 Drama Romance James Mangold Pruitt Taylor Vince Liv Tyler Shelley Winters James Mangold* 3.3/5
6.9 The Dirty Picture 2011 Biography Comedy Drama Musical Milan Luthria Vidya Balan Emraan Hashmi Tusshar Kapoor Rajat Arora, Rajat Arora, Rajat Arora* 3.2/5
6.9 Liars Dice 2013 Adventure Drama Family Geethu Mohandas Nawazuddin Siddiqui Geetanjali Thapa Manya Gupta Adrian Bol* 2.9 /5
6.9 Incident in a Ghostland 2018 Drama Horror Mystery Thriller Pascal Laugier Crystal Reed Mylene Farmer Anastasia Phillips Sarah Sellers* 2.8/5
6.9 Jeans 1998 Comedy Drama Romance S. Shankar Prashanth Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Nassar William Simpson - 6.4/10
6.9 Manto 2018 Biography Drama Nandita Das Nawazuddin Siddiqui Rasika Dugal Tahir Raj Bhasin Danielle Calvert, Jed Elinoff, Molly Haldeman* *
6.9 Lady J 2019 Drama Romance Emmanuel Mouret Cecile de France Edouard Baer Alice Isaaz Pam Brady, Mitchell Hurwitz, Jen Statsky* *
6.9 The Giant 2017 Drama History Jon Garaño, Aitor Arregi Joseba Usabiaga Eneko Sagardoy Inigo Aranburu Aitor Arregi, Jon Garaño, Jose Mari Goenaga* *
6.9 Ee Nagaraniki Emaindi 2018 Comedy Drama Tharun Bhascker Dhaassyam Vishwak Sen Sai Sushanth Reddy Abhinav Gomatam Avi Arad, Avi Arad, Avi Arad* *
6.9 Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai 2010 Action Crime Drama Romance Milan Luthria Ajay Devgn Emraan Hashmi Kangana Ranaut Rajat Arora, Bhrigu Brinda, Aditi Mediratta* *
6.9 Wazir 2016 Action Crime Drama Mystery Thriller Bejoy Nambiar Amitabh Bachchan Farhan Akhtar Aditi Rao Hydari Vidhu Vinod Chopra, Vidhu Vinod Chopra, Abhijat Joshi* *
6.9 The Kindergarten Teacher 2018 Drama Thriller Sara Colangelo Maggie Gyllenhaal Gael Garcia Bernal Ato Blankson-Wood Sara Colangelo, Nadav Lapid* *
6.9 Calibre 2018 Drama Thriller Matt Palmer Jack Lowden Martin McCann Tony Curran Ramón Campos, Ramón Campos, Ramón Campos* *
6.9 Do Dooni Chaar 2010 Comedy Drama Habib Faisal Rishi Kapoor Neetu Singh Aditi Vasudev Habib Faisal, Rahil Qazi* *
6.9 Mowgli Legend of the Jungle 2018 Adventure Drama Fantasy Andy Serkis Christian Bale Cate Blanchett Benedict Cumberbatch Callie Kloves, Rudyard Kipling* *
6.9 And Breathe Normally 2018 Drama Isold Uggadottir Kristin ora Haraldsdottir Babetida Sadjo Patrik Nokkvi Petursson Christopher Demos-Brown* *
6.9 Power Paandi 2017 Action Drama Musical Romance Dhanush Dhanush Dheena Divyadarshini Dhanush, Subramaniam Siva* *
6.9 A Second Chance 2015 Drama Cathy Garcia-Molina John Lloyd Cruz Bea Alonzo Janus del Prado Carmi Raymundo, Vanessa R. Valdez, Cathy Garcia-Molina* *
6.9 Oh Baby 2019 Comedy Drama Fantasy B.V. Nandini Reddy Element Lakshmi Rajendra Prasad Lakshmi Bhoopal, Gopimohan, Nandini Reddy* *
6.9 Soorma 2018 Biography Drama Sport Shaad Ali Diljit Dosanjh Taapsee Pannu Angad Bedi Shaad Ali, Siva Ananth, Adhir Bhat* *
6.9 Sitara Let Girls Dream 2020 Animation Short Drama Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy Limbert Fabian, William Joyce, Brandon Oldenburg
6.8 Batman the Killing Joke 2016genres=action&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=crime&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Aziza 2019 Short Comedy Drama Soudade Kaadan Abdel Mounaem Amayri Caresse Bashar Nathan Rudd Hui-Chen Chen, Wei-ling Chen, Wei-ling Chen
6.8 Our Father 2022genres=crime&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Newness 2017 Drama Romance Drake Doremus Nicholas Hoult Laia Costa Danny Huston Kate Berlant, Phil Burgers, Andrew DeYoung* 3.0/5
6.8 Brother in Love 2 2021 Blue Miracle 2021 Adventure Biography Drama Family Julio Quintana Dennis Quaid Jimmy Gonzales Miguel Angel Garcia Kazue Katô, Toshiya Ôno, Toshiya Ôno
6.8 Paheli 2005 Comedy Drama Fantasy Musical Romance Amol Palekar Shah Rukh Khan Rani Mukerji Anupam Kher Vijayadan Detha, Vijayadan Detha, Sandhya Gokhale* 4.0/5
6.8 Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna 2006 Drama Romance Karan Johar Shah Rukh Khan Rani Mukerji Amitabh Bachchan Lilly Wachowski, Lana Wachowski* 3.9/5
6.8 He Never Died 2015 Comedy Drama Fantasy Horror Thriller Jason Krawczyk Henry Rollins Booboo Stewart Kate Greenhouse Christopher Ballinger, Colleen Ballinger, Gigi McCreery* 3.6/5
6.8 Luck by Chance 2009 Drama Zoya Akhtar Farhan Akhtar Konkona Sen Sharma Rishi Kapoor Zoya Akhtar, Javed Akhtar* 3.4/5
6.8 Taxi No. 9211 2006 Comedy Drama Thriller Milan Luthria John Abraham Nana Patekar Sonali Kulkarni Rusty Cundieff, Darin Scott* 3.4/5
6.8 Ishqiya 2009 Comedy Drama Romance Thriller Abhishek Chaubey Vidya Balan Naseeruddin Shah Arshad Warsi Bruno Bianchi, Jean Chalopin, Andy Heyward* 3.2/5
6.8 The Blue Umbrella 2005 Comedy Drama Family Fantasy Vishal Bhardwaj Pankaj Kapur Shreya Sharma Deepak Dobriyal Ruskin Bond, Minty Kunwar Tejpal, Abhishek Chaubey* 3.1 /5
6.8 The Outsider 2018 Action Crime Drama Thriller Martin Zandvliet Jared Leto Tadanobu Asano Kippei Shna Ashleigh Powell, E.T.A. Hoffmann, Ashleigh Powell* 3.0/5
6.8 Pyaar Ka Punchnama 2 2015 Comedy Drama Romance Luv Ranjan Kartik Aaryan Omkar Kapoor Sunny Singh Nijjar Qi Dai, Eva, Xueying Wu* 3.0/5
6.8 Namastey London 2007 Comedy Drama Romance Vipul Amrutlal Shah Akshay Kumar Katrina Kaif Rishi Kapoor Suresh Nair, Ritesh Shah* 2.8/5
6.8 CIA Comrade in America 2017 Action Adventure Drama Romance Amal Neerad Dulquer Salmaan Karthika Muraleedharan Siddique Issabella Darville, Shibin Francis* 2.0/5
6.8 Kabir Singh 2019 Action Drama Romance Sandeep Reddy Vanga Shahid Kapoor Kiara Advani Nikita Dutta Siddharth Singh, Sandeep Reddy Vanga, Garima Wahal* *
6.8 AK vs AK 2020 Action Comedy Crime Drama Thriller Vikramaditya Motwane Anil Kapoor Anurag Kashyap Sonam Kapoor Ying-Hsuan Chen, Vincent Lau, Stanley Moore* *
6.8 Pulang 2018 Drama Kabir Bhatia Remy Ishak Puteri Aishah Alvin Wong Becca Barnes, Alwyn Dale, Judd Lynn* *
6.8 Tamasha 2015 Comedy Drama Romance Imtiaz Ali Deepika Padukone Ranbir Kapoor Vivek Mushran Sam Wolfson, Sam Wolfson* *
6.8 Alex Strangelove 2018 Comedy Drama Romance Craig Johnson Michael Abela Brendan Archer Joshua Barragan Craig Johnson* *
6.8 Brother 2019 Drama Julien Abraham MHD Darren Muselet Assa Maga Julien Abraham, Almamy Kanouté, Jimmy Laporal-Trésor* *
6.8 Upstarts 2019 Drama Udai Singh Pawar Naved Aslam Sandeep Bhardwaj Ranjit Deval Ketan Bhagat, Ketan Bhagat, Udai Singh Pawar* *
6.8 The Other Side of the Wind 2018 Drama Orson Welles John Huston Oja Kodar Peter Bogdanovich Orson Welles, Oja Kodar* *
6.8 Awara Paagal Deewana 2002 Action Comedy Crime Drama Thriller Vikram Bhatt Akshay Kumar Sunil Shetty Aftab Shivdasani Victoria Ashbourne, David Broome, Simon Conti* *
6.8 Elisa and Marcela 2019 Biography Drama Romance Isabel Coixet Natalia de Molina Greta Fernandez Sara Casasnovas Isabel Coixet, Narciso de Gabriel* *
6.8 Just Another Christmas 2020 Comedy Drama Roberto Santucci Arianne Botelho Neto Cajado Louise Cardoso Lilly Wachowski, Lana Wachowski* *
6.8 Sarkar Telugu 2018 Action Drama A.R. Murugadoss Thalapathy Vijay Keerthy Suresh Yogi Babu Jason Baumgardner, Zach Smith, Jason Baumgardner* *
6.8 Cant Complain 2007 Comedy Drama Mystery Romance Thriller Ahmad Nader Galal Ahmed Helmy Menna Shalabi Khaled El-Sawi Brian Doyle-Murray, Harold Ramis, Douglas Kenney* *
6.8 Romeo Akbar Walter 2019 Action Drama Thriller Robbie Grewal John Abraham Jackie Shroff Anil George Robbie Grewal, Shreyansh Pandey, Ishraq Shah* *
6.8 Taramani 2017 Drama Romance Ram Anjali Dongli Jumbo Andrea Jeremiah Iyad Abou Al Shamat* *
6.8 Cant Help Falling in Love 2017 Comedy Drama Romance Mae Czarina Cruz Kathryn Bernardo Daniel Padilla Matteo Guidicelli Carmi Raymundo, Kristine Gabriel, Carmi Raymundo* *
6.8 Crossroads One Two Jaga 2018 Crime Drama Namron Zahiril Adzim Ario Bayu Rosdeen Suboh Ayam Fared, Pitt Hanif, Namron* *
6.8 Dhamaka 2021 Crime Drama Thriller Ram Madhvani Kartik Aaryan Mrunal Thakur Amruta Subhash Dana Carvey
6.8 83 2021 Biography Drama History Sport Kabir Khan Ranveer Singh Deepika Padukone Tahir Raj Bhasin Sumit Arora, Vasan Bala, Sanjay Puran Singh Chauhan
6.7 Misha and the Wolves 2021 Documentary Drama Sam Hobkinson Misha Defonseca Candy O& Yoon-Jung Jung, Tae-Ho Yoon
6.7 A Love Song for Latasha 2020 Documentary Short Biography Drama Sophia Nahli Allison Tybie O& Shinese Harlins Zoe Flint Choi Yoo-Jung, Jang Yoo-Yeon* *
6.7 I m Thinking of Ending Things 2020genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Headshot 2016 Action Drama Thriller Kimo Stamboel Timo Tjahjanto Iko Uwais Chelsea Islan Sunny Pang Mike Cockayne, Martin Maloney, Chris Tordoff* 3 /5
6.7 Dhobi Ghat Mumbai Diaries 2010 Drama Kiran Rao Prateik Babbar Monica Dogra Kriti Malhotra Cinco Paul, Ken Daurio, Sergio Pablos* 4.6/5
6.7 Bleach the Movie Fade to Black 2008 Animation Action Drama Fantasy Noriyuki Abe Masakazu Morita Fumiko Orikasa Aya Hirano Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Guillaume Laurant, Guillaume Laurant* 4.4/5
6.7 Naruto the Movie 2 Legend of the Stone of Gelel 2005 Animation Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Hirotsugu Kawasaki Junko Takeuchi Shotaro Morikubo Chie Nakamura Hirotsugu Kawasaki, Masashi Kishimoto, Yuka Miyata* 4.1/5
6.7 Eye for An Eye 2019 Action Drama Thriller Paco Plaza Luis Tosar Xan Cejudo Ismael Martinez Juan Galiñanes, Jorge Guerricaechevarría* 3.8/5
6.7 Cloudburst 2011 Adventure Comedy Drama Romance Thom Fitzgerald Olympia Dukakis Brenda Fricker Kristin Booth Carlos Ballarta* 3.7/5
6.7 No One Killed Jessica 2011 Biography Crime Drama Thriller Raj Kumar Gupta Rani Mukerji Vidya Balan Myra Karn Amitabh Bhattacharya, Raj Kumar Gupta* 3.6 /5
6.7 Raajneeti 2010 Crime Drama Thriller Prakash Jha Ranbir Kapoor Ajay Devgn Nana Patekar Prakash Jha, Anjum Rajabali, Sameer* 3.6/5
6.7 Fashion 2008 Drama Romance Madhur Bhandarkar Priyanka Chopra Jonas Kangana Ranaut Mugdha Godse Ajay Monga, Madhur Bhandarkar, Niranjan Iyengar* 3.6/5
6.7 BLAME 2017 Animation Action Drama Sci-Fi Thriller Hiroyuki Seshita Takahiro Sakurai Kana Hanazawa Sora Amamiya George Baluzy, Mike Baluzy, Michael Delfay* 3.4 /5
6.7 Carrie Pilby 2016 Comedy Drama Susan Johnson Bel Powley Nathan Lane Scott Keiji Takeda Chara Campanella, Linda Edwards, Muriel Fahrion* 3.4 /5
6.7 Karthik Calling Karthik 2010 Drama Mystery Romance Thriller Vijay Lalwani Farhan Akhtar Deepika Padukone Ram Kapoor Christian La Monte, Rachel Robinson, Homura Kawamoto* 3.3/5
6.7 Under Suspicion 2000 Crime Drama Thriller Stephen Hopkins Morgan Freeman Gene Hackman Thomas Jane Taranveer Singh* 3.3 /5
6.7 Raees 2017 Action Crime Drama Rahul Dholakia Raj Arjun Shubham Chintamani Shubham Tukaram Rahul Dholakia, Harit Mehta, Niraj Shukla* 3.0/5
6.7 Disco Dancer 1982 Drama Musical Romance Babbar Subhash Mithun Chakraborty Kim Kalpana Iyer Chia-Liang Liu* 3.0/5
6.7 Sarkar Tamil 2018 Action Drama A.R. Murugadoss Joseph Vijay Keerthy Suresh Varalaxmi Sarathkumar Jayamohan, A.R. Murugadoss, A.R. Murugadoss* *
6.7 The Princess Switch 2018 Comedy Drama Family Romance Mike Rohl Vanessa Hudgens Sam Palladio Nick Sagar Robin Bernheim, Megan Metzger* *
6.7 Torbaaz 2020 Action Drama Sport Thriller Girish Malik Sanjay Dutt Nargis Fakhri Rahul Dev Britt Allcroft, Wilbert Awdry, Andrew Brenner* *
6.7 Love in a Puff 2010 Comedy Drama Romance Ho-Cheung Pang Miriam Chin Wah Yeung Shawn Yue Singh Hartihan Bitto Heiward Mak, Ho-Cheung Pang* *
6.7 Uma Maheswara Ugra Roopasya 2020 Drama Venkatesh Maha Satyadev Kancharana V.K. Naresh Suhas Madison Bateman, John Behnke, Chris Bishop* *
6.7 Shaitan 2011 Action Crime Drama Thriller Bejoy Nambiar Kalki Koechlin Shiv Panditt Gulshan Devaiah Abhijeet Shirish Deshpande, K.S. Krishnan, Bejoy Nambiar* *
6.7 Ayana 2017 Drama Gangadhar Salimath Deepak Subramanya Apoorva Soma Ramesh Bhat Hui-Chen Chen, Wei-ling Chen, Wei-ling Chen* *
6.7 Rock My Heart 2019 Drama Hanno Olderdissen Emilio Sakraya Lena Klenke Dieter Hallervorden Ed Bignell, Hanah Lee Cook, Eric Lewald* *
6.7 Kalushi the Story of Solomon Mahlangu 2016 Biography Drama Thriller Mandla Dube Thabo Rametsi Thabo Malema Welile Nzuza Mandla Dube, Leon Otto* *
6.7 Inhuman Kiss 2019 Drama Horror Romance Sitisiri Mongkolsiri Phantira Pipityakorn Oabnithi Wiwattanawarang Sapol Assawamunkong Sitisiri Mongkolsiri, Chookiat Sakveerakul* *
6.7 LSD Love Sex Aur Dhokha 2010 Comedy Crime Drama Romance Dibakar Banerjee Nushrratt Bharuccha Anshuman Jha Neha Chauhan Dibakar Banerjee, Kanu Behl* *
6.7 Kilometers and Kilometers 2020 Adventure Comedy Drama Jeo Baby Tovino Thomas India Jarvis Joju George Kevin Hart, Joey Wells, Harry Ratchford* *
6.7 Apaharan 2005 Action Crime Drama Prakash Jha Ajay Devgn Nana Patekar Bipasha Basu Scott Christian Sava, Dean Lorey, Scott Christian Sava* *
6.7 Happy Old Year 2019 Drama Romance Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit Chutimon Chuengcharoensukying Sunny Suwanmethanont Sarika Sartsilpsupa Grant Morrison, Brian Taylor, Ken Kristensen* *
6.7 Chaman Bahaar 2020 Comedy Drama Apurva Dhar Badgaiyann Jitendra Kumar Ritika Badiani Bhuvan Arora Deborah Kaplan, Harry Elfont* *
6.7 Everyday I Love You 2015 Drama Romance Mae Czarina Cruz Enrique Gil Liza Soberano Gerald Anderson Roumella Monge, John Raphael Gonzaga, Vanessa R. Valdez* *
6.7 Dostana 1980 1980 Action Crime Drama Musical Romance Raj Khosla Amitabh Bachchan Shatrughan Sinha Zeenat Aman Pidi Baiq, Titien Wattimena, Pidi Baiq* *
6.7 Too Handsome to Handle 2019 Comedy Drama Sabrina Rochelle Kalangie Ari Irham Nikita Willy Rachel Amanda Britt Allcroft, Wilbert Awdry, Andrew Brenner
6.7 To All the Boys Always and Forever the Afterparty 2021 Comedy Drama Romance Michael Fimognari Lana Condor Noah Centineo Janel Parrish Melissa Rosenberg, Stephenie Meyer
6.7 The Soul 2021 Drama Mystery Sci-Fi Thriller Wei-Hao Cheng Chen Chang Janine Chun-Ning Chang Anke Sun Ricardo Acosta, Robert Bahar, Almudena Carracedo
6.7 The Little Wars 1982 Drama War Maroun Bagdadi Soraya Khoury Nabil Ismal Roger Hawa Andrés Gelós, Marcelo Tolces, Alejandro Cabral
6.7 The Lift Boy 2020 Comedy Drama Jonathan Augustin Moin Khan Nyla Masood Sagar Kale Andrés Duprat
6.7 Funan 2018 Animation Drama History War Denis Do Berenice Bejo Louis Garrel Colette Kieffer Shô Aikawa, Shô Aikawa, Shô Aikawa
6.7 Chronicle of a Disappearance 1996 Drama Elia Suleiman Elia Suleiman Nazira Suleiman Fuad Suleiman Carlos Ballarta
6.7 Black Rose 2018 Drama Okechukwu Oku Betty Bellor Blossom Chukwujekwu Austin Ezeh Eylem Canpolat, Sema Ergenekon
6.7 Belgica 2016 Drama Felix van Groeningen Stef Aerts Tom Vermeir Stefaan De Winter Arne Sierens, Felix van Groeningen
6.6 All Together Now 2020 Drama Brett Haley Auli& Rhenzy Feliz Justina Machado Steven Altiere, Shane Atkinson, Nicole Belisle
6.6 Ezra 2007 Drama Newton I. Aduaka Mamoudu Turay Kamara Mariame N& Mamusu Kallon Zach Helm, Patricia Highsmith, Sam Levinson
6.6 THE FABLE the Killer Who Doesnt Kill 2021genres=comedy&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=mystery&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 6.8 Barcelona a Love Untold 2016 Drama Romance Olivia M. Lamasan Kathryn Bernardo Daniel Padilla Aiko Melendez Andreas Heckmann, Arne Nolting, Jan Martin Scharf* *
6.6 The Unjust 2010genres=crime&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" The Occupant 2020 Adventure Drama Thriller David Pastor Àlex Pastor Javier Gutierrez Mario Casas Bruna Cusi Àlex Pastor, David Pastor
6.6 His Dark Materials The Golden Compass 2007genres=family&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=fantasy&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Fukrey 2013 Comedy Drama Romance Mrighdeep Lamba Pulkit Samrat Manjot Singh Ali Fazal Mrighdeep Lamba, Mrighdeep Lamba, Vipul Vig* 3.5 /5
6.6 AloneTogether 2019genres=romance&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Agatha Christies Crooked House 2017 Crime Drama Mystery Gilles Paquet-Brenner Max Irons Stefanie Martini Glenn Close Carrie Freedle* *
6.6 The Crimes That Bind 2020genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 6.6 The Awakening of Motti Wolkenbruch 2018 Comedy Drama Michael Steiner Joel Basman Noemie Schmidt Udo Samel Thomas Bourret, Vincent Delmon, François Gris* *
6.6 A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas 2011genres=comedy&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 6 Bullets 2012 Action Crime Drama Thriller Ernie Barbarash Jean-Claude Van Damme Joe Flanigan Anna-Louise Plowman Jon Lucas, Scott Moore* 3.8/5
6.6 Singham 2011 Action Crime Drama Rohit Shetty Ajay Devgn Kajal Aggarwal Prakash Raj Limbert Fabian, William Joyce, Brandon Oldenburg* 4.6/5
6.6 Creep 2 2017 Crime Drama Horror Thriller Patrick Brice Karan Soni Mark Duplass Desiree Akhavan Mark Duplass, Patrick Brice* 3.7/5
6.6 A Walk Among the Tombstones 2014 Action Crime Drama Mystery Thriller Scott Frank Liam Neeson Dan Stevens David Harbour Pablo L. de Aramburu, Pablo de Aramburu* 3.4/5
6.6 Eternal Summer 2006 Drama Romance Leste Chen Hsiao-chuan Chang Ray Chang Kate Yeung Yolanda Ramke* 3.4/5
6.6 Boss 2013 Action Comedy Crime Drama Anthony DSouza Akshay Kumar Shiv Panditt Mithun Chakraborty Siby K. Thomas, Udaykrishnan, Farhad Samji* 3.4 /5
6.6 Joy 2019 Drama Sudabeh Mortezai Anwulika Alphonsus Mariam Sanusi Angela Ekeleme Shih-Yi Chiu, Sima15, Pei-hua Wang* 3.4/5
6.6 Beirut 2018 Action Crime Drama Thriller Brad Anderson Jon Hamm Jay Potter Khalid Benchagra Francesco De Francesco* 3.3/5
6.6 Bombay Talkies 2013 Drama Zoya Akhtar, Karan Johar, Anurag Kashyap Rani Mukerji Randeep Hooda Saqib Saleem Zoya Akhtar, Dibakar Banerjee, Karan Johar* 3.2 /5
6.6 Destination Wedding 2018 Comedy Drama Romance Victor Levin Winona Ryder Keanu Reeves DJ Dallenbach Yolanda Ramke* 2.7/5
6.6 Mohenjo Daro 2016 Action Adventure Drama History Ashutosh Gowariker Hrithik Roshan Pooja Hegde Kabir Bedi Ashutosh Gowariker, Preeti Mamgain* *
6.6 Naan Sigappu Manithan 2014 Action Drama Thriller Thiru Vishal Lakshmi Menon Iniya Pippa Ehrlich, James Reed* *
6.6 III Smoking Barrels 2017 Drama Sanjib Dey Subrat Dutta Indraneil Sengupta Mandakini Goswami Tasadduk Ahmed, Sanjib Dey, Dev Gupta* *
6.6 Holiday in the Wild 2019 Comedy Drama Romance Ernie Barbarash Rob Lowe Kristin Davis Fezile Mpela Neal H. Dobrofsky, Tippi Dobrofsky* *
6.6 Baby Dolls 2019 Comedy Drama Vijay Kumar Arora Gurnam Bhullar Sonam Bajwa Tania Nicolas Entel, Nicolas Gueilburt* *
6.6 Sarvam Thaala Mayam 2018 Drama Music Rajiv Menon G.V. Prakash Kumar Nedumudi Venu Aparna Balamurali Martin Ambrosch, Kurt Mündl* *
6.6 One Last Shot 1998 Short Comedy Drama Mike Clattenburg Robb Wells John Paul Tremblay John Dunsworth Mike Clattenburg, John Paul Tremblay, Robb Wells* *
6.6 Chopsticks 2019 Comedy Drama Sachin Yardi Abhay Deol Mithila Palkar Vijay Raaz Rahul Awate, Sachin Yardi* *
6.6 Zero to Hero 2021 Biography Drama Sport Chi-Man Wan Chung-Hang Leung Louis Cheung Sandra Kwan Yue Ng K.K. Singh
6.6 To All the Boys Always and Forever 2021 Comedy Drama Romance Michael Fimognari Lana Condor Noah Centineo Janel Parrish Becky Overton, Andrew Brenner, Wilbert Awdry
6.6 Three Words to Forever 2018 Comedy Drama Family Romance Cathy Garcia-Molina Sharon Cuneta Richard Gomez Kathryn Bernardo Britt Allcroft, Wilbert Awdry, Andrew Brenner
6.6 Story of Kale When Someone s in Love 2020 Drama Romance Angga Dwimas Sasongko Ardhito Pramono Aurelie Moeremans Arya Saloka Roberto Proia, Michela Straniero
6.6 Red Joan 2019 Biography Drama History Romance Trevor Nunn Judi Dench Sophie Cookson Stephen Campbell Moore Ryo Mizuno, Ryo Mizuno, Ryo Mizuno
6.6 Kate 2021 Action Adventure Crime Drama Thriller Cedric Nicolas-Troyan Mary Elizabeth Winstead Woody Harrelson Miku Patricia Martineau Vikas Giri
6.6 Jarhead Law of Return 2019 Action Drama War Don Michael Paul Amaury Nolasco Devon Sawa Jeff Pierre Ivo Graham, Clyde Holcroft, James Kettle
6.6 Falafel 2006 Drama Michel Kammoun Elie Mitri Gabrielle Bou Rached Issam Bou Khaled Zach Helm, Patricia Highsmith, Sam Levinson
6.6 Divine Intervention 2002 Drama Romance War Comedy Elia Suleiman Elia Suleiman Manal Khader George Ibrahim Dave Chappelle
6.6 And Tomorrow the Entire World 2020 Crime Drama Romance Julia von Heinz Mala Emde Noah Saavedra Tonio Schneider Ellen Seidler, Megan Siler
6.6 A Cop Movie 2021 Documentary Action Crime Drama Thriller Alonso Ruizpalacios Leonardo Alonso Ral Briones Monica Del Carmen Thayná Mantesso, Alexandre Moratto
6.5 Ophelia 2018 Drama Romance Thriller Claire McCarthy Daisy Ridley Mia Quiney Calum O& Mike McFarland, One, Tomohiro Suzuki
6.5 My Suicide 2009 Comedy Drama David Lee Miller Gabriel Sunday David Carradine Mariel Hemingway Eric J. Adams, David Lee Miller, David Lee Miller* 4.8/5
6.5 Lust Stories 2018 Drama Romance Zoya Akhtar Karan Johar Anurag Kashyap Dibakar Banerjee Dibakar Banerjee Radhika Apte Radhika Apte Bhumi Pednekar Kiara Advani Gaurav Malani, Vivashwan Chaudhary, Jovita DSouza* 4.5/5
6.5 Milada 2017 Biography Drama History David Mrnka Ayelet Zurer Robert Gant Daniel Rchichev David Mrnka, Robert J. Conant, Robert Gant* 4.3/5
6.5 Too Young the Hero 1988 Biography Drama War Buzz Kulik Ricky Schroder Jon DeVries Debra Mooney Calvin Graham, Gary Thomas, David J. Kinghorn* 4.1/5
6.5 Skins 2017 Comedy Drama Fantasy Eduardo Casanova Ana Polvorosa Carmen Machi Macarena Gomez Limbert Fabian, William Joyce, Brandon Oldenburg* 3.9/5
6.5 Clair Obscur 2016 Drama Yesim Ustaoglu Funda Eryigit Ecem Uzun Mehmet Kurtulus Cavi Borges, André Sampaio, Luciano Vidigal* 3.7 /5
6.5 Thanks for Sharing 2012 Comedy Drama Romance Stuart Blumberg Mark Ruffalo Tim Robbins Gwyneth Paltrow David Osit, Malika Zouhali-Worrall* 3.5/5
6.5 Chalte Chalte 2003 Drama Romance Aziz Mirza Shah Rukh Khan Rani Mukerji Jas Arora Aziz Mirza, Robin Bhatt, Aziz Mirza* 3.4 /5
6.5 Welcome to Sajjanpur 2008 Comedy Drama Shyam Benegal Shreyas Talpade Amrita Rao Ravi Kishan Ashok Mishra, Shyam Benegal* 3.4 /5
6.5 Delhi 6 2009 Drama Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra Waheeda Rehman Abhishek Bachchan Sonam Kapoor Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra, Prasoon Joshi, Kamlesh Pandey* 3.2/5
6.5 Chloe 2009 Drama Mystery Romance Thriller Atom Egoyan Julianne Moore Amanda Seyfried Liam Neeson Erin Cressida Wilson, Anne Fontaine* 3.2/5
6.5 Love for Sale 2 2019 Drama Romance Andibachtiar Yusuf Della Dartyan Adipati Dolken Ratna Riantiarno Mohammad Irfan Ramly, Andibachtiar Yusuf* 2.6/5
6.5 An Egyptian Story 1982 Drama Youssef Chahine Khairiya A-Mansour Oussama Nadir Mohsen Mohieddin Nour El-Sherif Troy Espiritu* 7.6/10
6.5 Everything About Her 2016 Comedy Drama Joyce Bernal Vilma Santos Angel Locsin Xian Lim Mia Concio, Mia Concio, Irene Villamor* *
Kolaiyuthir Kaalam 2019genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Dhh 2017 Drama Family Manish Saini Naseeruddin Shah Kahaan Karan Patel Cinco Paul, Ken Daurio, Sergio Pablos* *
6.5 Crazy Awesome Teachers 2020 Comedy Drama Sammaria Simanjuntak Gading Marten Boris Bokir Kevin Ardillova Kip Andersen, Keegan Kuhn* *
6.5 Children of the Sea 2019 Animation Adventure Drama Family Fantasy Mystery Sci-Fi Ayumu Watanabe Mana Ashida Hiiro Ishibashi Seish Uragami Nidhi Anand, Teja Pratap* *
6.5 Tigertail 2020 Drama Alan Yang Tzi Ma Christine Ko Hong-Chi Lee Page Hurwitz, Tracey Ashley, April Macie* *
6.5 Alice Junior 2019 Animation Comedy Drama Gil Baroni Anna Celestino Mota Emmanuel Rosset Thais Schier Youssef Chahine, Yusri Nasrullah* *
6.5 Beats 2019 Drama Chris Robinson Khalil Everage Evan J. Simpson Ashley Jackson Alan Burnett, Alan Burnett, Paul Dini* *
6.5 Wish You 2021 Drama Music Romance Do Joon Sung Sang Lee Kang Ye Na Subin Park Tom Vaughan, Michael Spierig, Peter Spierig* *
6.5 Walk. Ride. Rodeo. 2019 Biography Drama Conor Allyn Spencer Locke Missi Pyle Bailey Chase Sean Dwyer, Dan Goforth, Greg Cope White* *
6.5 Four Sisters and a Wedding 2013 Comedy Drama Cathy Garcia-Molina Brenna Garcia Bea Alonzo Bea Basa Vanessa R. Valdez, Vanessa R. Valdez, Jose Javier Reyes* *
6.5 AnneFrank Parallel Stories 2019 Drama History Anna Migotto Sabina Fedeli Helen Mirren Anne Frank Martina Gatti Bruna Capozzoli, Kim Helminen, Joe Lawson* *
6.5 Paskal 2018 Action Drama Adrian Teh Adi Afendi Amerul Affendi Ammar Alfian Anwari Ashraf, Chee Ang Keoh, Frank See* *
6.5 Music Teacher 2019 Drama Romance Sarthak Dasgupta Divya Dutta Neena Gupta Amrita Bagchi Sarthak Dasgupta, Gaurav Sharma* *
6.5 Nappily Ever After 2018 Comedy Drama Romance Haifaa Al-Mansour Sanaa Lathan Ricky Whittle Lyriq Bent Adam Brooks, Cee Marcellus, Trisha R. Thomas* *
6.5 The Tree of Blood 2018 Drama Julio Medem lvaro Cervantes rsula Corbero Patricia Lopez Arnaiz Julio Medem, Scott Page-Pagter* *
6.5 Birdshot 2016 Drama Mystery Thriller Mikhail Red Arnold Reyes Mary Joy Apostol John Arcilla Mikhail Red, Rae Red* 0/5
6.5 The God Committee 2021 Drama Austin Stark Kelsey Grammer Julia Stiles Colman Domingo Tim Fehlbaum, Mariko Minoguchi, Jo Rogers
6.5 Patsy and Loretta 2019 Biography Drama Music Callie Khouri Megan Hilty Jessie Mueller Kyle Schmid Vanessa Davies, Vanessa Davies, Paul de Vos
6.5 Olmo and the Seagull 2014 Documentary Drama Romance Lea Glob Petra Costa Olivia Corsini Serge Nicolai Pancho Garcia Aguirre Nishanth Ravindaran
6.5 Dear Son 2018 Drama Mohamed Ben Attia Mohamed Dhrif Mouna Mejri Zakaria Ben Ayyed Dana Carvey
6.5 Ainu Mosir 2020 Drama Takeshi Fukunaga Kanto Shimokura Debo Akibe Emi Shimokura Florian Dedio, Anna Kwak, Barbara Necek
6.5 Aapla Manus 2018 Drama Thriller Satish Rajwade Nana Patekar Sumeet Raghvan Iravati Harshe Brian Athey, Yuuichi Nomura, Rachel Robinson
6.4 Vegas Vacation 1997 Uncorked 2020 Drama Prentice Penny Courtney B. Vance Lashun Pollard Michael Mobley Madison Bateman, John Behnke, Chris Bishop* *
6.4 The Rite 2011genres=horror&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=mystery&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" The Man Without Gravity 2019 Comedy Drama Fantasy Marco Bonfanti Elio Germano Michela Cescon Elena Cotta Marco Bonfanti, Marco Bonfanti, Giulio Carrieri* *
6.4 Coven of Sisters 2021genres=history&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Classmates Minus 2020 Comedy Drama Hsin-yao Huang Jen-Shuo Cheng Kuan-Ting Liu Na-Dou Lin Cavi Borges, André Sampaio, Luciano Vidigal
6.4 Forensic 2020genres=mystery&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Fiza 2000 Action Crime Drama Romance Khalid Mohamed Karisma Kapoor Hrithik Roshan Jaya Bachchan Khalid Mohamed, Javed Siddiqui* 3.2 /5
6.4 Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Sword of Destiny 2016 Action Adventure Drama Fantasy Woo-Ping Yuen Donnie Yen Michelle Yeoh Harry Shum Jr. James Lebrecht, Nicole Newnham* 3.9/5
6.4 The Kite 2003 Drama Randa Chahal Sabag Flavia Bechara Maher Bsaibes Randa Asmar Qiao Bingqing, Hu Dielan* 3.9/5
6.4 A Princess for Christmas 2011 Comedy Drama Family Romance Michael Damian Katie McGrath Roger Moore Sam Heughan Matt Lowd, Gerry Reimel* 3.8/5
6.4 Midnight Sun 2018 Drama Romance Scott Speer Bella Thorne Patrick Schwarzenegger Rob Riggle Yarô Abe, Kensaku Kojima, Katsuhiko Manabe* 3.6/5
6.4 Everything Must Go 2010 Drama Dan Rush Will Ferrell Rebecca Hall Christopher Jordan Wallace Robert Kurtz, Jeff Hand, Howard Jonas* 3.3/5
6.4 Brothers 2015 Action Drama Sport Karan Malhotra Akshay Kumar Sidharth Malhotra Jackie Shroff Eng Tee Ang, Eng Tee Ang* 3 /5
6.4 Shimmer Lake 2017 Crime Drama Mystery Thriller Oren Uziel Benjamin Walker Rainn Wilson Stephanie Sigman Charles Leavitt, Steven Knight, Matt Greenberg* 3.0/5
6.4 Fifty 2015 Drama Romance Biyi Bandele Iretiola Doyle Nse Ikpe-Etim Omoni Oboli Kemi Adesoye, Bola Agbaje, Biyi Bandele* 3.0/5
6.4 Soldier 1998 Action Drama Sci-Fi Paul W.S. Anderson Kurt Russell Jason Scott Lee Jason Isaacs Sachin Bhowmick, Shyam Goel, Shyam Goel* 2.9/5
6.4 Jab Harry Met Sejal 2017 Comedy Drama Romance Imtiaz Ali Shah Rukh Khan Anushka Sharma Bjorn Freiberg Todd Casey, Henry Gilroy, Joe Simon* 1.7/5
6.4 Refugiado 2014 Drama Thriller Diego Lerman Julieta Diaz Sebastian Molinaro Marta Lubos Luis Ara* 6.8/10
6.4 All is Well 2019 Drama Eva Trobisch Aenne Schwarz Andreas Dohler Hans Low Steven Altiere, Shane Atkinson, Nicole Belisle* *
6.4 Dorasaani 2019 Drama Romance K.V.R. Mahendra Joy Badlani Anand Deverakonda Kishore Kumar G. Thomas Ian Griffith, Gary Grubbs, Mary Page Keller* *
6.4 Ferrari Ki Sawaari 2012 Comedy Drama Family Sport Rajesh Mapuskar Sharman Joshi Boman Irani Ritvik Sahore Vidhu Vinod Chopra, Rajesh Mapuskar, Rajkumar Hirani* *
6.4 For Here or to Go 2015 Comedy Drama Rucha Humnabadkar Ali Fazal Melanie Chandra Rajit Kapoor Dave Chappelle* *
6.4 Mokalik Mechanic 2019 Comedy Drama Kunle Afolayan Tooni Afolayan Simi Ogunleye Femi Adebayo Yoshiyuki Momose, Akihiko Yamashita, Hiromasa Yonebayashi* *
6.4 Sun Dogs 2017 Comedy Drama Jennifer Morrison Jennifer Morrison Melissa Benoist Allison Janney Richard Christian Matheson* *
6.4 School Life 2019 Comedy Drama Grand Corps Malade Mehdi Idir Zita Hanrot Liam Pierron Soufiane Guerrab Mehdi Idir, Grand Corps Malade* *
6.4 15 August 2019 Drama Swapnaneel Jaykar Abhishek Deshmukh Mrunmayee Deshpande Namrata Kadam Yogesh Vinayak Joshi* *
6.4 Alaska is a Drag 2017 Drama Shaz Bennett Martin L. Washington Jr. Maya Washington Matt Dallas Kojiro Nakamura, Katelyn Barr, Makoto Uezu* *
6.4 Blind Detective 2013 Comedy Crime Drama Thriller Johnnie To Andy Lau Sammi Cheng Tao Guo Ryker Chan, Ka-Fai Wai, Nai-Hoi Yau* *
6.4 Mehandi Circus 2019 Drama Raju Saravanan Madhampatty Rangaraj Shweta Tripathi Ankur Vikal Ikki Kajiwara, Kensaku Kojima, Katsuhiko Manabe* *
6.4 To All the Boys P.S. I Still Love You 2020 Comedy Drama Romance Michael Fimognari Lana Condor Noah Centineo Jordan Fisher Sofia Alvarez, J. Mills Goodloe, Jenny Han
6.4 The Turning Point 2022 Crime Drama Riccardo Antonaroli Andrea Lattanzi Brando Pacitto Ludovica Martino Sebastian Niemann, Eckhard Vollmar, Katharina Schöde
6.4 The Crossing 2017 Crime Drama Xue Bai Yao Huang Gang Jiao Elena Kong Kunle Afolayan, Sefi Atta, Sefi Atta
6.4 Doob No Bed of Roses 2017 Drama Mostofa Sarwar Farooki Irrfan Khan Nusrat Imrose Tisha Parno Mittra Sabina Iqbal, Natasha Likimani, Silas Miami
6.4 Canvas 2020 Animation Short Drama Family Frank E. Abney III Deborah Kaplan, Harry Elfont
6.4 BluffMaster 2005 Comedy Crime Drama Romance Thriller Rohan Sippy Abhishek Bachchan Priyanka Chopra Jonas Riteish Deshmukh Kazue Katô, Toshiya Ôno, Toshiya Ôno
6.4 Aruna and Her Palate 2018 Drama Edwin Dian Sastrowardoyo Nicholas Saputra Hannah Al Rashid Laksmi Pamuntjak, Titien Wattimena
6.4 Ali and Ratu Ratu Queens 2021 Comedy Drama Lucky Kuswandi Iqbaal Dhiafakhri Ramadhan Aurora Ribero Nirina Zubir Ana Guevara, Leticia Jorge
6.3 Thar 2022 Action Crime Drama Thriller Western Raj Singh Chaudhary Nivedita Bhattacharya Sanjay Bishnoi Natasha D& Sam Wolfson, Sam Wolfson
6.3 Below Zero 2021genres=adventure&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=crime&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Dave Chappelle Sticks and Stones 2019 Hell or High Water 2016 Action Crime Drama Thriller Western David Mackenzie Chris Pine Ben Foster Jeff Bridges Daniel Goldberg, Len Blum, Dan OBannon* 3.7/5
6.3 THE FABLE 2019genres=comedy&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Starting Over Again 2014 Drama Olivia M. Lamasan Piolo Pascual Toni Gonzaga Iza Calzado Carmi Raymundo, Anjeli Pessumal, Olivia M. Lamasan* *
6.3 Camp Confidential America s Secret Nazis 2021genres=animation&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=short&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Bogda 2018 Drama Nisheeta Keni Mrunmayee Deshpande Rohit Kokate Jayant Gadekar Omkar Mangesh Dutt, Nisheeta Keni, Nisheeta Keni* *
6.3 The One 2001genres=sci-fi&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" The Next Skin 2016 Drama Mystery Thriller Isaki Lacuesta Isa Campo Alex Monner Emma Suarez Sergi Lopez Isa Campo, Isaki Lacuesta, Fran Araújo* 3.7/5
6.3 Chaahat 1996 Drama Romance Mahesh Bhatt Naseeruddin Shah Shah Rukh Khan Pooja Bhatt Robin Bhatt, Akash Khurana, Javed Siddiqui* 4.0/5
6.3 Vampire Academy 2014 Action Comedy Drama Fantasy Horror Mystery Thriller Mark Waters Zoey Deutch Lucy Fry Danila Kozlovskiy Peter Mortimer, Nick Rosen* 3.8/5
6.3 Middle of Nowhere 2012 Drama Ava DuVernay Emayatzy Corinealdi David Oyelowo Lorraine Toussaint Shiu-Wa Lou, Philip Yung* 3.7/5
6.3 Race 2008 Action Crime Drama Thriller Abbas Alibhai Burmawalla Mastan Alibhai Burmawalla Saif Ali Khan Akshaye Khanna Bipasha Basu Shiraz Ahmed, Shiraz Ahmed, Jitendra Parmar* 3.5 /5
6.3 Sleight 2016 Crime Drama Sci-Fi J.D. Dillard Jacob Latimore Seychelle Gabriel Storm Reid Limbert Fabian, William Joyce, Brandon Oldenburg* 3.5/5
6.3 Home Again 2017 Comedy Drama Romance Hallie Meyers-Shyer Reese Witherspoon Michael Sheen Candice Bergen Benjamin Turner, Gabe Turner* 3.5/5
6.3 Premonition 2007 Drama Fantasy Mystery Thriller Mennan Yapo Sandra Bullock Julian McMahon Amber Valletta Jeff Zimbalist, Michael Zimbalist* 3.4/5
6.3 Main Meri Patni Aur Woh 2005 Comedy Drama Romance Chandan Arora Rajpal Yadav Rituparna Sengupta Naseeruddin Shah Gunjan Joshi, Rajpal Yadav, Ashok Khanna* 3.3/5
6.3 Free Willy 1993 Adventure Drama Family Simon Wincer Jason James Richter Lori Petty Michael Madsen Keith Walker, Keith Walker, Corey Blechman* 3.3/5
6.3 Killing Them Softly 2012 Crime Drama Thriller Andrew Dominik Brad Pitt Ray Liotta Richard Jenkins Kevin Hart, Joey Wells, Harry Ratchford* 3.2/5
6.3 Inkaar 2013 Drama Romance Thriller Sudhir Mishra Jay Dev Banerjee Arjun Rampal Chitrangda Singh Vipin Sharma Karan Chavan, Vikram Patil* 3.2 /5
6.3 Advantageous 2015 Drama Family Sci-Fi Jennifer Phang Jacqueline Kim James Urbaniak Freya Adams Jacqueline Kim, Jennifer Phang* 3.2/5
6.3 The Laundromat 2019 Comedy Crime Drama History Steven Soderbergh Gary Oldman Antonio Banderas AJ Meijer Jake Bernstein, Scott Z. Burns* 3.1 /5
6.3 Mosquita y Mari 2012 Drama Aurora Guerrero Fenessa Pineda Venecia Troncoso Joaquin Garrido Shen Feixuan, Man Gu, Wen Ting* 3.0/5
6.3 Professor 1962 Comedy Drama Musical Romance Lekh Tandon Shammi Kapoor Lalita Pawar Parveen Choudhary Abrar Alvi, Abrar Alvi, Shashi Bhushan* 3.0/5
6.3 Berlin Syndrome 2017 Drama Horror Mystery Thriller Cate Shortland Teresa Palmer Max Riemelt Matthias Habich Shaun Grant, Melanie Joosten, Cate Shortland* 2.9/5
6.3 Maya Memsaab 1993 Drama Mystery Romance Ketan Mehta Deepa Sahi Farooq Shaikh Raj Babbar Gustave Flaubert, Sitanshu Yashaschandra, Ketan Mehta* 2.6 /5
6.3 Jo Pil ho the Dawning Rage 2018 Action Crime Drama Thriller Jeong-beom Lee Song Boo-gun Park Hae-joon Philip Hersh Bakang Sebatjane, Busisiwe Ntintili* *
6.3 The Perfection 2019 Drama Horror Music Thriller Richard Shepard Marie Maskell Allison Williams Christina Jastrzembska Tom Brunelle, Lance Crouther, Connor McSpadden* *
6.3 Aelay 2021 Comedy Drama Halitha Shameem Madhumathi Manikandan Samuthirakani Thomas Cailley, Thomas Cailley, Sébastien Mounier* *
6.3 Nathicharami 2018 Drama Mansore Sruthi Hariharan Sanchari Vijay Sharanya Leonard François* *
6.3 Alel 2019 Comedy Drama Leticia Jorge Nestor Guzzini Mirella Pascual Cristina Moran Joe Ballarini, Joe Ballarini* *
6.3 Apostle 2018 Drama Fantasy Horror Mystery Thriller Gareth Evans Dan Stevens Richard Elfyn Paul Higgins Miguel Sáez Carral, María López Castaño, Carlos Montero* *
6.3 Cops and Robbers 2020 Animation Short Drama Arnon Manor Timothy Ware-Hill Timothy Ware-Hill Michael Pollan* *
6.3 Justine 2019 Drama Stephanie Turner Christine Ko Darby Stanchfield Josh Stamberg Appie Boudellah, Mustapha Boudellah, Marie Kiebert* *
6.3 Axone 2020 Comedy Drama Nicholas Kharkongor Sayani Gupta Lin Laishram Jimpa Bhutia Hui-Chen Chen, Wei-ling Chen, Wei-ling Chen* *
6.3 Malaal 2019 Action Drama Romance Mangesh Hadawale Meezaan Jafri Sharmin Segal Chinmayee Surve Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Mangesh Hadawale, Sanjeev* *
6.3 Bhai Vyakti Ki Valli Uttarardh 2019 Drama Mahesh Manjrekar Satish Alekar Sunil Barve Amol Bavdekar Fernando Eimbcke, Justin Franklin, Dennis Gansel* *
6.3 Mere Pyare Prime Minister 2019 Drama Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra Rasika Agashe Sonia Albizuri Syna Anand Shen Feixuan, Man Gu, Wen Ting* *
6.3 We Couldnt Become Adults 2021 Drama Romance Yoshihiro Mori Rich Ting Takehiro Hira Masahiro Higashide Zoe Berriatúa
6.3 Time to Hunt 2020 Action Crime Drama Sci-Fi Thriller Yoon Sunghyun Lee Jehoon Jae-hong Ahn Woo-sik Choi Yoshimitsu Banno, L. Frank Baum, Akira Miyazaki
6.3 The Prom 2020 Comedy Drama Musical Ryan Murphy Meryl Streep James Corden Nicole Kidman Tom Brunelle, Lance Crouther, Connor McSpadden
6.3 Spenser Confidential 2020 Action Comedy Crime Drama Mystery Thriller Peter Berg Mark Wahlberg Winston Duke Alan Arkin Sean OKeefe, Brian Helgeland, Ace Atkins
6.3 Shine Your Eyes 2020 Drama Thriller Matias Mariani O.C. Ukeje Indira Nascimento Chukwudi Iwuji Nikolai Rozhkov, Vinay Shukla, Ulmas Umarbekov
6.3 Residue 2020 Drama Merawi Gerima Obinna Nwachukwu Dennis Lindsey Taline Stewart Srivinay Salian, Srivinay Salian, Ranjan Chandel
6.3 Made in China 2019 Comedy Drama Mikhil Musale Rajkummar Rao Boman Irani Mouni Roy Niren Bhatt, Parinda Joshi, Parinda Joshi
6.3 Love or Money 2020 Comedy Drama Romance Mae Czarina Cruz Angelica Panganiban Coco Martin Gelli de Belen Shen Feixuan, Man Gu, Wen Ting
6.3 King of Peking 2018 Comedy Drama Sam Voutas Jun Zhao Wang Naixun Qing Han Sam Voutas
6.3 Gone 2020 Drama Crime Gail Harvey Annabeth Gish Warren Christie Laura Harris Sarah Sellers
6.3 Framing John DeLorean 2019 Documentary Biography Drama Don Argott Sheena M. Joyce Alec Baldwin Josh Charles Morena Baccarin Dan Greeney, Alexandra Orton
6.3 Close Enemies 2018 Drama Thriller David Oelhoffen Matthias Schoenaerts Reda Kateb Adel Bencherif Jeanne Aptekman, Jeanne Aptekman, David Oelhoffen
6.3 Ave Maryam 2018 Drama Romance Robby Ertanto Sendy Febrina Maudy Koesnaedi Chicco Jerikho N. Linguswamy, Brindha Sarathy, N. Linguswamy
6.3 76 2016 Drama Romance Izu Ojukwu Efetobore Afatakpa Tunde Alabi Bisi Ariyo Melenie Ambrose, Stephen Bartley, Carolyn Bertram
6.3 2 Hearts 2020 Drama Romance Lance Hool Jacob Elordi Adan Canto Tiera Skovbye Adam Tex Davis, Jerry Kolber, Trey Nelson
6.2 Ouija Origin of Evil 2016genres=horror&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=mystery&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" MANK 2020 Biography Comedy Drama David Fincher Gary Oldman Amanda Seyfried Lily Collins Radhika Rao, Vinay Sapru, Milap Zaveri
6.2 Today We Fix the World 2022genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" The Yin Yang Master Dream of Eternity 2021 Action Drama Fantasy Mystery Sci-Fi Jingming Guo Mark Chao Allen Deng Ziwen Wang Connor McSpadden, Tom Brunelle, Lance Crouther* *
6.2 Finding Ohana 2021genres=adventure&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=comedy&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Etharkkum Thunindhavan Telugu 2022 Action Drama Thriller Pandiraj Suriya Priyanka Arulmohan Sathyaraj Zach Helm, Sam Levinson, Patricia Highsmith
6.2 Strange Voices 1987 Drama Arthur Allan Seidelman Nancy McKeon Valerie Harper Stephen Macht Roberta Dacks, Nancy Geller, Donna Powers* 4.8/5
6.2 I Dont Feel at Home in This World Anymore 2017 Comedy Crime Drama Thriller J Blakeson Rosamund Pike Peter Dinklage Eiza Gonzalez Sarah Sellers* 4.6/5
6.2 The Last Shaman 2016 Documentary Adventure Drama Family Raz Degan Guillermo Arevalo James Freeman Andrés Gelós, Marcelo Tolces, Alejandro Cabral* 4.3/5
6.2 Un plus une 2015 Comedy Drama Romance Claude Lelouch Jean Dujardin Elsa Zylberstein Christopher Lambert Claude Lelouch, Valérie Perrin* 3.4 /5
6.2 Circle 2015 Drama Horror Mystery Sci-Fi Thriller Aaron Hann Mario Miscione Allegra Masters Aimee McKay Ashley Key Aaron Hann, Mario Miscione* 3.4/5
6.2 26 Years 2012 Drama Thriller Geun-hyun Cho Jin Goo Hye-jin Han Soo-bin Bae Pool Kang, Hae-Young Lee* 3.2/5
6.2 Phantom 2015 Action Drama Thriller Kabir Khan Saif Ali Khan Katrina Kaif Sabyasachi Chakrabarty Hussain Zaidi, Kabir Khan, Parveez Sheikh* 3.0/5
6.2 Ram Jaane 1995 Action Crime Drama Romance Rajiv Mehra Shah Rukh Khan Juhi Chawla Vivek Mushran Vinay Shukla, Vinay Shukla, Vinay Shukla* 2.8 /5
6.2 Buster s Mal Heart 2016 Crime Drama Mystery Thriller Sarah Adina Smith Rami Malek DJ Qualls Kate Lyn Sheil Cary Murnion, Jonathan Milott, Nick Damici* 2.6 /5
6.2 Pinky Memsaab 2018 Drama Family Shazia Ali Khan Hajira Yamin Kiran Malik Adnan Jaffar Shazia Ali Khan, Shazia Ali Khan, Babar Ali* *
6.2 Material 2012 Comedy Drama Craig Freimond Riaad Moosa Vincent Ebrahim Joey Rasdien Mary Stewart, Riko Sakaguchi, Hiromasa Yonebayashi* *
6.2 Like Father 2018 Comedy Drama Lauren Miller Rogen Kristen Bell Danielle Davenport Kimiko Glenn Lauren Miller Rogen, Anders Bard, Lauren Miller Rogen* *
6.2 Juanita 2019 Drama Clark Johnson Alfre Woodard Bonnie Johnson Jordan Nia Elizabeth Roderick M. Spencer, Sheila Williams* *
6.2 Hum Saath Saath Hain 1999 Drama Musical Sooraj R. Barjatya Mohnish Bahl Salman Khan Saif Ali Khan Sooraj R. Barjatya, Sooraj R. Barjatya, Sooraj R. Barjatya* *
6.2 Brij Mohan Amar Rahe 2018 Comedy Crime Drama Nikhil Bhat Arjun Mathur Nidhi Singh Sheetal Thakur Elmer L. Gatchalian, Jun Lana, Ivan Andrew Payawal* *
6.2 No Other Woman 2011 Drama Romance Thriller Ruel S. Bayani Anne Curtis Derek Ramsay Cristine Reyes Keiko Aquino, Ricardo Fernando III, Kriz G. Gazmen* *
6.2 Komola Rocket 2018 Drama Noor Imran Mithu Tauquir Ahmed Mosharraf Karim Joyraaj Shahaduzzaman, Shahaduzzaman, Noor Imran Mithu* *
6.2 The Forest of Love 2019 Crime Drama Horror Thriller Sion Sono Kippei Shna Shinnosuke Mitsushima Kyoko Hinami Coerte Voorhees, John Voorhees* *
6.2 Sur Sapata 2019 Comedy Drama Sport Mangesh Kanthale Upendra Limaye Govind Namdeo Pravin Tarde Himanshu Asher, Amit Baiche, Arshad Kamal Khan* *
6.2 The Drug King 2018 Action Crime Drama Min-ho Woo Kang-ho Song Jo Jung-Suk Bae Doona Kayvon Saremi, Sean Patrick Shaul* *
6.2 Villain 2020 Action Crime Drama Thriller Philip Barantini Craig Fairbrass George Russo Izuka Hoyle Madison Bateman, John Behnke, Chris Bishop
6.2 The Lost Husband 2020 Drama Romance Vicky Wight Leslie Bibb Josh Duhamel Nora Dunn Andrés Gelós, Marcelo Tolces, Alejandro Cabral
6.2 The Letter Reader 2019 Short Drama Sibusiso Khuzwayo Bahle Mashinini Nomalanga Shabane Andile Gumbi Andrés Gelós, Marcelo Tolces, Alejandro Cabral
6.2 The Devils Own 1997 Action Crime Drama Thriller Alan J. Pakula Harrison Ford Brad Pitt Margaret Colin Tim Fehlbaum, Mariko Minoguchi, Jo Rogers
6.2 Tersanjung the Movie 2021 Drama Romance Nur Jihat Hisyam Hanung Bramantyo Pandu Adjisurya Clara Bernadeth Giorgino Abraham Kevin Ardillova Hanung Bramantyo, Pandu Adjisurya
6.2 Rebecca 2020 Drama Mystery Romance Thriller Ben Wheatley Lily James Armie Hammer Kristin Scott Thomas Srivinay Salian, Srivinay Salian, Ranjan Chandel
6.2 Really Love 2020 Drama Romance Angel Kristi Williams Kofi Siriboe Yootha Wong-Loi-Sing Uzo Aduba Yasushi Akimoto, Daisuke Hosaka, Yoshimiko Murooka
6.2 Malang 2020 Action Crime Drama Romance Thriller Mohit Suri Aditya Roy Kapoor Anil Kapoor Disha Patani Nikon Basu, Qaushiq Mukherjee, Qaushiq Mukherjee
6.2 Lost Girls 2020 Drama Mystery Thriller Liz Garbus Amy Ryan Thomasin McKenzie Gabriel Byrne Robert Kolker, Michael Werwie
6.2 Lara and the Beat 2018 Drama Music Romance Tosin Coker Ademola Adedoyin Kemi Lala Akindoju Chioma Chukwuka Akpotha Surmeet Maavi, Dheeraj Rattan
6.2 How I Fell in Love with a Gangster 2022 Crime Drama Maciej Kawulski Tomasz Wlosok Aleks Kurdzielewicz Antoni Krolikowski Gary Scott Thompson, Andrew W. Marlowe, Andrew W. Marlowe
6.2 Generasi 90an Melankolia 2020 Drama Mohammad Irfan Ramly Ari Irham Aghniny Haque Taskya Namya Riki Lindhome, Kate Micucci
6.2 Etharkkum Thunindhavan Kannada 2022 Action Drama Thriller Pandiraj Suriya Priyanka Arulmohan Sathyaraj Zach Helm, Sam Levinson, Patricia Highsmith
6.2 Etharkkum Thunindhavan Hindi 2022 Action Drama Thriller Pandiraj Suriya Priyanka Arulmohan Sathyaraj Zach Helm, Sam Levinson, Patricia Highsmith
6.2 Etharkkum Thunindhavan 2022 Action Drama Thriller Pandiraj Suriya Priyanka Arulmohan Sathyaraj Zach Helm, Sam Levinson, Patricia Highsmith
6.2 Blind Intersections 2012 Drama Lara Saba Alae Hamoud Ghida Nouri Carole Hajj Yûko Kawabe
6.1 Offering to the Storm 2020genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Notes for My Son 2020 Drama Carlos Sorin Valeria Bertuccelli Esteban Lamothe Julian Sorin Dean Stefan, Daniel Altiere, Steven Altiere
6.1 World Trade Center 2006 Drama History Thriller Oliver Stone Nicolas Cage Michael Pena Maria Bello Andrea Berloff, John McLoughlin, Donna McLoughlin* 3.6/5
6.1 Asperger s Are Us 2016 Documentary Comedy Drama Alex Lehmann Noah Britton Ethan Finlan Jack Hanke Rajesh Devraj, R.D. Tailang* 3.4/5
6.1 Satyagraha 2013 Drama Prakash Jha Amitabh Bachchan Kareena Kapoor Manoj Bajpayee Prakash Jha, Anjum Rajabali* 3.4 /5
6.1 The Blue Lagoon 1980 Adventure Drama Romance Randal Kleiser Brooke Shields Christopher Atkins Leo McKern Mahmood Ali-Balogun, Femi Kayode* 3.2/5
6.1 Earthquake Bird 2019 Crime Drama Mystery Romance Thriller Wash Westmoreland Alicia Vikander Kiki Sukezane Kenichi Masuda Susanna Jones, Wash Westmoreland* 3.1 /5
6.1 A Perfect Ending 2012 Drama Romance Nicole Conn Barbara Niven Bryan Mordechai Jackson Jessica Clark Citlalli Anderson, Jason Heaton, Stanley Moore* 3.0/5
6.1 Gumrah 1993 Action Crime Drama Thriller Mahesh Bhatt Sanjay Dutt Sridevi Anupam Kher Robin Bhatt, Robin Bhatt, Sujit Sen* 2.8/5
6.1 Do Paise Ki Dhoop Chaar Aane Ki Baarish 2009 Drama Deepti Naval Rajit Kapoor Manisha Koirala Sanaj Naval Chia-Liang Liu* *
6.1 Guna 369 2019 Action Drama Arjun Jandyala Kartikeya Gummakonda Anagha L.K. Adithya Menon Robin Bhatt, Robin Bhatt, Sujit Sen* *
6.1 Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania 2014 Comedy Drama Romance Shashank Khaitan Varun Dhawan Alia Bhatt Ashutosh Rana Philipp Käßbohrer, Matthias Murmann, Sebastian Colley* *
6.1 Hope Frozen a Quest to Live Twice 2020 Documentary Drama Pailin Wedel Max More Matrix Naovaratpong Nareerat Naovaratpong Simon Deeley, Matthew Hinchcliffe, Vicky Matthews* *
6.1 All the Reasons to Forget 2017 Comedy Drama Pedro Coutinho Johnny Massaro Regina Braga Bianca Comparato Steven Altiere, Shane Atkinson, Nicole Belisle* *
6.1 King of Boys 2018 Crime Drama Kemi Adetiba Sola Sobowale Remilekun Reminisce Safaru Adesua Etomi-Wellington Kevin Hart, Joey Wells, Harry Ratchford* *
6.1 A Land Imagined 2019 Drama Mystery Siew Hua Yeo Peter Yu Xiaoyi Liu Yue Guo Anders Frithiof August, Bille August, Henrik Pontoppidan* *
6.1 Baazaar 2018 Crime Drama Thriller Gauravv K. Chawla Saif Ali Khan Radhika Apte Chitrangda Singh Aseem Arrora, Aseem Arrora, Parveez Sheikh* *
6.1 Bwakaw 2012 Drama Jun Lana Eddie Garcia Princess Rez Cortez N. Ipek Gökdel, Ertan Kurtulan, Alper Türedi* *
6.1 Bulbbul 2020 Drama Horror Mystery Anvita Dutt Tripti Dimri Avinash Tiwary Rahul Bose Eng Tee Ang, Eng Tee Ang* *
6.1 The Ruthless 2019 Crime Drama Renato De Maria Riccardo Scamarcio Sara Serraiocco Alessio Pratic Renato De Maria, Valentina Strada, Federico Gnesini* *
6.1 Feel the Beat 2020 Comedy Drama Family Elissa Down Sofia Carson Pamela MacDonald Sonia Laplante Sedat Kirtan, Kubilay Sarikaya* *
6.1 Chippa 2020 Drama Safdar Rahman Sunny Pawar Mala Mukherjee Surojit Catherine Williams, Catherine Williams, Denise Cassar* *
6.1 The Holiday Calendar 2018 Drama Fantasy Romance Bradley Walsh Kat Graham Quincy Brown Ethan Peck Roxanne Beck, Robert Boswell, Neville Kiser* *
6.1 The Warning 2018 Action Adventure Crime Drama Fantasy Mystery Thriller Daniel Calparsoro Ral Arevalo Aura Garrido Hugo Arbues Kin Chung Chan, Suet Lam, Roy Szeto* *
6.1 Cam 2018 Drama Horror Mystery Thriller Daniel Goldhaber Madeline Brewer Patch Darragh Melora Walters Isa Mazzei, Daniel Goldhaber, Isa Mazzei* *
6.1 The Land of Steady Habits 2018 Comedy Drama Nicole Holofcener Ben Mendelsohn Natalie Gold Thomas Mann Nicole Holofcener, Ted Thompson* *
6.1 Yara 2021 Crime Drama Thriller Marco Tullio Giordana Isabella Ragonese Alessio Boni Thomas Trabacchi Kathleen Caprario
6.1 Worth 2021 Comedy Drama Cristina Grosan Nora Rainer-Micsinyei Jlia Huzella Judit Hernadi Aileen Alcampado, Jinky Laurel, Erwin Blanco
6.1 Uppena 2020 Action Drama Romance Buchi Babu Sana Panja Vaisshnav Tej Krithi Shetty Vijay Sethupathi Christopher Alexander
6.1 Tribhanga Tedhi Medhi Crazy 2021 Drama Family Renuka Shahane Kajol Tanvi Azmi Mithila Palkar Mike Smith, John Paul Tremblay, Robb Wells
6.1 Talentime 2009 Drama Yasmin Ahmad Mahesh Jug al Kishor Pamela Chong Amelia Henderson Kunle Afolayan, Sefi Atta, Sefi Atta
6.1 Silverton Siege 2022 Action Crime Drama Thriller Mandla Dube Arnold Vosloo Michelle Mosalakae Sarah Kozlowski Charles Leavitt, Steven Knight, Matt Greenberg
6.1 One 2020 Drama Andrzej Kozlowski Ethan Phillips Alice Amter London Bridges Kan Fan, Qiangqiang Fang, Feifei Li
6.1 Night Teeth 2021 Action Crime Drama Fantasy Horror Thriller Adam Randall Jorge Lendeborg Jr. Debby Ryan Lucy Fry Brent Dillon
6.1 Namaste Wahala 2021 Drama Romance Hamisha Daryani Ahuja Ini Dima Okojie Ruslaan Mumtaz Richard Mofe-Damijo Chris Cason, Caitlin Glass, Wendee Lee
6.1 Like Twenty Impossibles 2003 Drama Short Annemarie Jacir Tarek Abu Assab Ashraf Abu Moch Reem Abu-Sbaih Gérald Calderon, Véronique Cayla, Françoise Giroud
6.1 I Am All Girls 2021 Crime Drama Mystery Thriller Donovan Marsh Erica Wessels Hlubi Mboya Leshego Molokwane Gary Scott Thompson, Andrew W. Marlowe, Andrew W. Marlowe
6.1 Horse Girl 2020 Drama Mystery Thriller Jeff Baena Alison Brie Molly Shannon Goldenite Jeff Baena, Alison Brie
6.1 Honeymoon Travels Pvt. Ltd. 2007 Comedy Drama Romance Reema Kagti Abhay Deol Minissha Lamba Boman Irani Reema Kagti, Anurag Kashyap
6.1 Gunjan Saxena the Kargil Girl 2020 Action Biography Drama War Sharan Sharma Janhvi Kapoor Pankaj Tripathi Angad Bedi Citlalli Anderson, Erik Benson, Ying-Hsuan Chen
6.1 Frank and Lola 2016 Crime Drama Romance Thriller Matthew Ross Michael Shannon Imogen Poots Rosanna Arquette Jörg Hiller, Andrés López
6.1 Baggio the Divine Ponytail 2021 Biography Drama Sport Letizia Lamartire Andrea Arcangeli Valentina Belle Thomas Trabacchi Remy Four, Julien War, Florian Assous
6.1 Along for the Ride 2022 Drama Romance Sofia Alvarez Emma Pasarow Belmont Cameli Laura Kariuki Fernando Balmayor, Nicolás Giacobone
6.1 All My Friends Are Dead 2020 Comedy Crime Drama Jan Belcl Michal Meyer Adam Woronowicz Julia Wieniawa-Narkiewicz Youssef Chahine, Yusri Nasrullah
6.0 Tere Naal Love Ho Gaya 2012 Comedy Drama Romance Mandeep Kumar Riteish Deshmukh Genelia D& Om Puri Abhijeet Sandhu, Dhieyo Sandhu* 3.5 /5
6.0 Sparring 2017 Drama Sport Samuel Jouy Mathieu Kassovitz Olivia Merilahti Souleymane M& Jérémie Guez, Clément Roussier, Samuel Jouy* *
6.0 Your Son 2018 Copenhagen 2014 Adventure Drama Romance Mark Raso Gethin Anthony Frederikke Dahl Hansen Sebastian Armesto Michael Pollan* 3.6/5
6.0 The Most Hated Woman in America 2017genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=history&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" The Lost Okoroshi 2019 Action Adventure Drama Abba Makama Seun Ajayi Judith Audu Destiny Osagiede Femi Oyeniran, Nicky Slimting Walker
6.0 Saras Notebook 2018genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=mystery&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Saavat 2019 Crime Drama Thriller Saurabh Sinha Smita Tambe Shitanshu Sharad Milind Shirole Saurabh Sinha, Ashutosh Walkar* *
6.0 Hall Pass 2011genres=romance&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Ginny Weds Sunny 2020 Comedy Drama Romance Puneet Khanna Yami Gautam Vikrant Massey Ayesha Raza Zoya Akhtar, Dibakar Banerjee, Dibakar Banerjee* *
6.0 The Girl King 2015genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=history&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" The CEO 2016 Drama Mystery Thriller Kunle Afolayan Angelique Kidjo Nico Panagio Jimmy Jean-Louis Graham Phillips, Parker Phillips* *
6.0 Much Loved 2015 Drama Nabil Ayouch Loubna Abidar Asmaa Lazrak Halima Karaouane Rocky Russo, Jeremy Sosenko, Ricky Blitt* 4.6/5
6.0 Lens 2015 Drama Mystery Thriller Jayaprakash Radhakrishnan Anand Sami Jayaprakash Radhakrishnan Misha Ghoshal Jonathan Callan, Derek Connolly, Michael Crichton* 4.2/5
6.0 The Big Wedding 2013 Comedy Drama Romance Justin Zackham Robert De Niro Diane Keaton Katherine Heigl Kunle Afolayan, Sefi Atta, Sefi Atta* 3.6/5
6.0 A Love Story 2007 Drama Romance Maryo J. de los Reyes Maricel Soriano Aga Muhlach Angelica Panganiban Joe Ballarini, Joe Ballarini* 3.5/5
6.0 Battle 2018 Drama Music Romance Katarina Launing Lisa Teige Fabian Svegaard Tapia Vebjrn Enger Karsten Fullu, Maja Lunde* 3.4/5
6.0 The Net 1995 Action Crime Drama Mystery Thriller Irwin Winkler Sandra Bullock Jeremy Northam Dennis Miller William Simpson* 3.3/5
6.0 Population 436 2006 Drama Horror Mystery Romance Thriller Michelle MacLaren David Ames Leigh Enns Susan Kelso Jun Aoki, Bkub Okawa* 3.1 /5
6.0 Effie Gray 2014 Biography Drama Romance Richard Laxton Dakota Fanning Greg Wise Tom Sturridge Elaine May, Warren Beatty, Chris Rock* 3.1/5
6.0 I Hate Luv Storys 2010 Comedy Drama Romance Punit Malhotra Imran Khan Sonam Kapoor Sammir Dattani Jonathan Entwistle, Charles S. Forsman, Christy Hall* 3.0/5
6.0 Small Crimes 2017 Crime Drama Thriller E.L. Katz Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Robert Forster Jacki Weaver Charles Leavitt, Steven Knight, Matt Greenberg* 3.0/5
6.0 High Flying Bird 2019 Drama Sport Steven Soderbergh Andre Holland Melvin Gregg Eddie Tavares Dean Kole, Lok Man Leung, Kim-Ching Luk* 2.9 /5
6.0 Strange Weather 2016 Drama Katherine Dieckmann Holly Hunter Carrie Coon Kim Coates Jeff Gill, Nate Theis* 2.8/5
6.0 We Have Always Lived in the Castle 2018 Drama Mystery Thriller Stacie Passon Taissa Farmiga Alexandra Daddario Crispin Glover Jon Michael Shink, Michael Skinner* 2.8 /5
6.0 Kisaan 2009 Action Crime Drama Thriller Puneet Sira Jackie Shroff Sohail Khan Arbaaz Khan S.R. Bharti, Salim Bijnori, Vekeana Dhillon* 2.7/5
6.0 Panipat the Great Betrayal 2019 Action Drama History War Ashutosh Gowariker Arjun Kapoor Sanjay Dutt Kriti Sanon Ranjeet Bahadur, Ashok Chakradhar, Chandrashekhar Dhavalikar* *
6.0 It Takes a Man and a Woman 2013 Comedy Drama Romance Cathy Garcia-Molina John Lloyd Cruz Sarah Geronimo Isabelle Daza Carmi Raymundo, Carmi Raymundo, Raz de la Torre* *
6.0 Bhangra Paa Le 2019 Comedy Drama Music Sneha Taurani Sunny Kaushal Rukshar Dhillon Shriya Pilgaonkar Adhir Bhat, Patrick Graham, Patrick Graham* *
6.0 Duniya 1984 Action Drama Ramesh Talwar Ashok Kumar Dilip Kumar Rishi Kapoor Zach Helm, Patricia Highsmith, Sam Levinson* *
6.0 Cuddle Weather 2019 Drama Romance Rod Marmol Sue Ramirez RK Bagatsing Mark Anthony Fernandez Kip Andersen, Keegan Kuhn* *
6.0 Door Ke Darshan 2020 Comedy Drama Gagan Puri Manu Rishi Chadha Mahie Gill Dolly Ahluwalia Tom Jennings, David Tillman* *
6.0 The Knight Before Christmas 2019 Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Romance Monika Mitchell Vanessa Hudgens Josh Whitehouse Emmanuelle Chriqui Femi Oyeniran, Nicky Slimting Walker* *
6.0 The Love Affair 2015 Drama Romance Nuel C. Naval Dawn Zulueta Richard Gomez Bea Alonzo Blake Harris, Hans Christian Andersen* *
6.0 Nothing to Lose 2018 Biography Drama Alexandre Avancini Petronio Gontijo Day Mesquita Beth Goulart Stephen P. Lindsey, Emílio Boechat, Edir Macedo* *
6.0 Cities of Last Things 2018 Crime Drama Sci-Fi Wi Ding Ho Jack Kao Hong-Chi Lee Louise Grinberg Nidhi Anand, Teja Pratap* *
6.0 Three and a Half 2018 Drama Dar Gai Dheer Momaya Arya Dave Chandani Grover Zoya Hussain Dar Gai* *
6.0 Belmonte 2018 Comedy Drama Federico Veiroj Gonzalo Delgado Olivia Molinaro Eijo Jeannette Sauksteliskis Federico Veiroj, Federico Veiroj* *
6.0 A Sort of Family 2017 Crime Drama Thriller Diego Lerman Barbara Lennie Daniel Araoz Claudio Tolcachir Diego Lerman, María Meira* *
6.0 The Breakup Playlist 2015 Drama Music Romance Dan Villegas Piolo Pascual Sarah Geronimo Rio Locsin Antoinette Jadaone, Kriz G. Gazmen* *
6.0 Layla Majnun 2020 Drama Romance Monty Tiwa Acha Septriasa Reza Rahadian Baim Wong Jonathan Callan, Derek Connolly, Michael Crichton* *
6.0 This Earth of Mankind 2019 Drama History Hanung Bramantyo Iqbaal Dhiafakhri Ramadhan Mawar Eva de Jongh Sha Ine Febriyanti Louis Paul Boon, Christophe Dirickx, Benjamin Sprengers
6.0 The Woman in the Window 2021 Crime Drama Mystery Thriller Joe Wright Amy Adams Gary Oldman Anthony Mackie Arlene Klasky, Gabor Csupo, Steve Pepoon
6.0 The Heartbreak Club 2020 Comedy Drama Romance Charles Gozali Bagus Bramanti Bhisma Mulia Denira Wiraguna Fransisca Saraswati Puspa Dewi François Avard, François Avard, Jean-François Léger
6.0 Sweet Girl 2021 Action Drama Thriller Brian Andrew Mendoza Jason Momoa Isabela Merced Manuel Garcia-Rulfo Kunle Afolayan, Sefi Atta, Sefi Atta
6.0 Single All the Way 2021 Comedy Drama Romance Michael Mayer Michael Urie Philemon Chambers Luke Macfarlane Joy Isi Bewaji
6.0 Romance Doll 2020 Drama Romance Yuki Tanada Y Aoi Issey Takahashi Kenta Hamano Ed Bignell, Hanah Lee Cook, Eric Lewald
6.0 One More Try 2012 Drama Ruel S. Bayani Angel Locsin Angelica Panganiban Dingdong Dantes Jay Fernando, Kriz G. Gazmen, Anna Karenina Ramos
6.0 Kuthiraivaal 2022 Drama Shyam Sunder Manoj Leonel Jason Kalaiyarasan Aadhira Pandilakshmi Anjali Patil Katt Williams
6.0 Child of Kamiari Month 2021 Animation Drama Fantasy Mystery Takana Shirai Mia Sinclair Jenness Mark Allen Jr. Luci Christian Charlie Brooker, Mike Hollingsworth, James Bowman
Marcus Raboy
5.9 Close 2019genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=thriller&explore=title_type ge2.182.58-3.22a.5.5001.780l
6.5 FriendButMarried 2 2020 Biography Comedy Drama Romance Rako Prijanto Adipati Dolken Mawar Eva de Jongh Vonny Cornellya Dileep Kurian* *
Umesh Mehra 5.5 Maska 2020genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=romance&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Stray Bullet 2010 Drama Georges Hachem Badi Abu-Shaqra Badih Bouchakra Takla Chamoun Jeff Gill, Nate Theis - 6.4/10
5.4 Noblemen 2019 Varane Avashyamund 2020 Comedy Drama Romance Anoop Sathyan Shobana Suresh Gopi Kalyani Priyadarshan Gorrman Lee, Gorrman Lee, Gorrman Lee* *
5.4 Captain Nova 2021genres=family&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=sci-fi&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" 4.4 The Players 2020 Stan Lathan6.6 Catch and Release 2006 Comedy Drama Romance Susannah Grant Jennifer Garner Timothy Olyphant Kevin Smith Arnold Bucher, Ivan Engler, Arnold Bucher* 3.3/5
Rahul Rawail 5.2 Who Would You Take to a Deserted Island 2019 7.3 The Mirror Has Two Faces 1996 Comedy Drama Romance Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand Jeff Bridges Lauren Bacall Alessandro Camon, Oren Moverman* 3.5/5
4.9 F.R.E.D.I. 2018genres=family&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=sci-fi&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Cemaras Family 2018 Drama Family Yandy Laurens Nirina Zubir Ringgo Agus Rahman Adhisty Zara Ildefonso Falcones, Tyler Rhoads, Rodolf Sirera
Kaaren Lee Brown 4.2 Speed Kills 2018genres=crime&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=drama&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Karen J. Lloyd5.1 Ghost Lab 2021genres=horror&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" genres=thriller&explore=title_type genres&ref_=tt_ov_inf" Troy Miller