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Tom Hooper was educated at one of England's most prestigious schools, Westminster. His first film, Runaway Dog, was made when he was 13 years old and shot on a Clockwork 16mm Bolex camera, using 100 feet of film. At age 18, he wrote, directed and produced the short film Painted Faces (1992), which premiered at the London Film Festival; it was ... See full bio

Tom Hooper movies and series available to watch on Amazon, Netflix, Hulu : 1st ratings based on IMDB, 2nd rating - Netflix / Rotten Tomatos users:
* Movie Title (sort) Year Genres (sort) Director / CreatorsLeading Actors Netflix
8.9 John Adams 2008 Biography Drama History Mini-Series Tom Hooper Paul Giamatti Laura Linney John Dossett * 4.2/5
8.2 The King s Speech 2010 Biography Drama History Tom Hooper Colin Firth Geoffrey Rush Helena Bonham Carter * 4.3/5
7.8 The Damned United 2009 Biography Drama Sport UK Tom Hooper Colm Meaney, Henry Goodman, David Roper * 3.7/5
7.7 Longford 2006 Biography Crime Drama Drama Romance Tom Hooper Lee Boardman Jim Broadbent Tam Dean Burn * 3.5/5
7.4 Daniel Deronda 2002 Drama History Romance Mini-Series Tom Hooper Jodhi May Edward Fox Amanda Root - 7.6/10
7.5 v The Danish Girl 2015 Biography Drama Romance Tom Hooper Eddie Redmayne Alicia Vikander Amber Heard * 3.5/5

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