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Tayva is from Winslow, Arizona, near Meteor Crater. Her mother's name was Ada but everyone in her family had always called her Tade. Her older sister came up with the name Tayva from a combination of Tade and Ada. While attending Brigham Young University she received the Outstanding Character Actress Award in 1992 and the Outstanding Film Actress ... See full bio

Tayva Patch movies and series available to watch on Amazon, Netflix, Hulu : 1st ratings based on IMDB, 2nd rating - Netflix / Rotten Tomatos users:
* Movie Title (sort) Year Genres (sort) Director / CreatorsLeading Actors Netflix
7.9 Joseph Smith the Prophet of the Restoration 2005 Biography Drama History T.C. Christensen Nathan Mitchell Tayva Patch Rick Macy - 8.2/10
5.8 Friends for Life 2008 Drama War Michael Spence Michael Flynn Jimmy Chunga Tayva Patch
6.7 Little Secrets 2001 Comedy Drama Family Family Music Blair Treu Evan Rachel Wood Michael Angarano David Gallagher * 3.5/5
6.2 Emma Smith My Story 2008 Biography Drama History Gary Cook Patricia Place Katherine Nelson Nathan Mitchell * 3.6/5
6.4 v Pixel Perfect 2004 Comedy Comedy Family Fantasy Music Sci-Fi Mark A.Z. Dippé Raviv Ullman Leah Pipes Spencer Redford

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