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Robert Armstrong is familiar to old-movie buffs for his case-hardened, rapid-fire delivery in such roles as fast-talking promoters, managers, FBI agents, street cops, detectives and other such characters in scores of films--over 160--many of them at Warner Brothers, where he was part of the so-called Warner Brothers Stock Company that consisted ... See full bio

Robert Armstrong movies and series available to watch on Amazon, Netflix, Hulu : 1st ratings based on IMDB, 2nd rating - Netflix / Rotten Tomatos users:
* Movie Title (sort) Year Genres (sort) Director / CreatorsLeading Actors Netflix
8.2 King Kong 1933 Adventure Horror Sci-Fi Merian C. Cooper Fay Wray Robert Armstrong Bruce Cabot * 3.5/5
7.0 Mighty Joe Young 1949 Adventure Drama Fantasy Fantasy Sci-Fi Ernest B. Schoedsack Terry Moore Ben Johnson Robert Armstrong * 3.4/5
6.9 v The Paleface 1948 Comedy Family Western Norman Z. McLeod Bob Hope Jane Russell Robert Armstrong * 3.4/5
7.9 The Roaring Twenties 1939 Action Crime Drama Drama Film-Noir Music Thriller Raoul Walsh James Cagney Humphrey Bogart Priscilla Lane * 3.7/5
6.6 Dive Bomber 1941 Drama War Michael Curtiz Errol Flynn Fred MacMurray Ralph Bellamy * 3.4/5
6.3 v The Sea of Grass 1947 Drama Western Elia Kazan Katharine Hepburn Spencer Tracy Robert Walker * 6.4/10

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