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Richard Madden, born 18 June 1986, is a Scottish stage, film, and television actor best known for portraying Robb Stark in the HBO series Game of Thrones and Prince Kit in Disney's Cinderella. Starring as David Budd in the BBC miniseries Bodyguard has also brought him more international acclaim and attention including a Golden Globe and ... See full bio

Richard Madden movies and series available to watch on Amazon, Netflix, Hulu : 1st ratings based on IMDB, 2nd rating - Netflix / Rotten Tomatos users:
* Movie Title (sort) Year Genres (sort) Director / CreatorsLeading Actors Netflix
8.5 Bodyguard 2018 Crime Drama Thriller UK Series John Strickland Richard Madden Sophie Rundle Vincent Franklin * *
6.5 The Take 2016 Action Crime Drama Drama Thriller James Watkins Idris Elba Richard Madden Charlotte Le Bon * 3.6/5
7.4 Cinderella 2015 Drama Family Fantasy Fantasy Romance Kenneth Branagh Lily James Cate Blanchett Richard Madden * 3.9/5
7.1 Worried About the Boy 2010 Biography Drama Music UK Julian Jarrold Douglas Booth Jonny Burt Mathew Horne * 2.9/5

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