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Richard Loncraine has earned great acclaim for his work in film, television and commercials. He studied sculpture at the Central School of Art before attending the Royal College of Art Film School. He spent three years working for the BBC before moving into commercials. Since those days he has successfully alternated directing films with directing... See full bio

Richard Loncraine movies and series available to watch on Amazon, Netflix, Hulu : 1st ratings based on IMDB, 2nd rating - Netflix / Rotten Tomatos users:
* Movie Title (sort) Year Genres (sort) Director / CreatorsLeading Actors Netflix
7.7 The Gathering Storm 2002 Biography Drama History Richard Loncraine Albert Finney Vanessa Redgrave Jim Broadbent * 3.7/5
6.9 The Special Relationship 2010 Biography Drama History Richard Loncraine Michael Sheen Demetri Goritsas Adam Godley * 3.3/5
6.8 Finding Your Feet 2017 Comedy Drama Music Music Romance UK Richard Loncraine Imelda Staunton Celia Imrie Timothy Spall * 3.5/5
6.2 5 Flights Up 2014 Comedy Drama Richard Loncraine Diane Keaton Morgan Freeman Cynthia Nixon * 3.4/5
7.1 Sunday Bloody Sunday 1971 Drama UK John Schlesinger Peter Finch Glenda Jackson Murray Head * 3.0/5

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