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At age 15, when most young women are nurturing dreams of romance, Olivia Hussey was giving life to Juliet in Franco Zeffirelli 's Romeo and Juliet (1968). Her performance in one of the most celebrated roles ever written in the English language won her the Golden Globe and two successive Best Actor Donatello Awards (Italy's Oscar equivalent), an ... See full bio

Olivia Hussey movies and series available to watch on Amazon, Netflix, Hulu : 1st ratings based on IMDB, 2nd rating - Netflix / Rotten Tomatos users:
* Movie Title (sort) Year Genres (sort) Director / CreatorsLeading Actors Netflix
6.9 Mother Teresa 2003 Biography Drama Spain Fabrizio Costa Olivia Hussey Sebastiano Somma Ingrid Rubio * 3.8/5
8.0 Romeo and Juliet 1968 Drama Romance UK Franco Zeffirelli Leonard Whiting Olivia Hussey John McEnery * 3.7/5
7.7 v Black Christmas 1974 Horror Mystery Thriller Canada Bob Clark Olivia Hussey Keir Dullea Margot Kidder * 3.2/5
6.0 Turkey Shoot 1982 Drama Horror Sci-Fi Thriller Australia Brian Trenchard-Smith Steve Railsback, Olivia Hussey, Michael Craig
7.7 Not Quite Hollywood 2008 Documentary Mark Hartley Phillip Adams Glory Annen Christine Amor * 3.4/5
7.7 Not Quite Hollywood the Wild Untold Story of Ozploitation 2008 Documentary Mark Hartley Phillip Adams Glory Annen Christine Amor
7.3 The Kid Stays in the Picture 2002 Biography Documentary Nanette Burstein Robert Evans Eddie Albert Peter Bart * 3.5/5
6.9 Ivanhoe 1982 Adventure Drama Romance Douglas Camfield James Mason Anthony Andrews Sam Neill * 3.3/5

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