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Milos Forman was born Jan Tomas Forman in Caslav, Czechoslovakia, to Anna (Svabova), who ran a summer hotel, and Rudolf Forman, a professor. During World War II, his parents were taken away by the Nazis, after being accused of participating in the underground resistance. His father died in Buchenwald and his mother died in Auschwitz, and Milos ... See full bio

Milos Forman movies and series available to watch on Amazon, Netflix, Hulu : 1st ratings based on IMDB, 2nd rating - Netflix / Rotten Tomatos users:
* Movie Title (sort) Year Genres (sort) Director / CreatorsLeading Actors Netflix
8.0 Hair 1979 Comedy Drama Musical Musical Romance War Milos Forman John Savage Treat Williams Beverly D'Angelo * 3.5/5
7.9 Jim and Andy the Great Beyond Featuring a Very Special Contractually Obligated Mention of Tony Clifton 2017 Documentary Chris Smith Jim Carrey Danny DeVito Milos Forman * 3.5 /5
8.5 Amadeus 1984 Biography Drama History History Music Milos Forman F. Murray Abraham Tom Hulce Elizabeth Berridge * 3.9/5
7.7 Man on the Moon 1999 Biography Comedy Drama Milos Forman Jim Carrey Danny DeVito Gerry Becker * 3.3/5
7.6 The People vs Larry Flynt 1996 Biography Drama Milos Forman Woody Harrelson Courtney Love Edward Norton * 3.5/5
7.4 Valmont 1989 Drama Romance France Milos Forman Colin Firth Annette Bening Meg Tilly * 4.2/5
7.2 Ragtime 1981 Drama Milos Forman James Cagney Elizabeth McGovern Howard E. Rollins Jr. * 4.1/5
7.5 These Amazing Shadows 2011 Documentary Paul Mariano Jeff Adachi James H. Billington Robin Blaetz * 3.9/5
6.9 High Art 1998 Drama Romance Lisa Cholodenko Radha Mitchell Ally Sheedy Patricia Clarkson * 3.1/5
6.9 Larry Flynt Right to Be Left Alone 2007 Documentary Joan Brooker-Marks Larry Flynt Al van Schaik Simon L. Leis Jr.
6.8 Keeping the Faith 2000 Comedy Drama Romance Edward Norton Ben Stiller Edward Norton Jenna Elfman * 3.4/5
6.8 The Statue of Liberty 1985 Documentary History Ken Burns David McCullough Jeremy Irons Derek Jacobi * *

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