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Joan Staley was born Joan McConchie on May 20, 1940 in Minneapolis, Minnesota and started taking violin lessons by the time she was three-years- old. Living in Los Angeles, her prodigious talent was obvious and she soon joined a baby orchestra in Los Angeles and, within a few years, became a Junior Symphony performer at age six. She also made her ... See full bio

Joan Staley movies and series available to watch on Amazon, Netflix, Hulu : 1st ratings based on IMDB, 2nd rating - Netflix / Rotten Tomatos users:
* Movie Title (sort) Year Genres (sort) Director / CreatorsLeading Actors Netflix
7.4 The Ghost and Mr Chicken 1966 Comedy Family Mystery Mystery Romance Alan Rafkin Don Knotts Joan Staley Liam Redmond * 3.5/5
8.1 Breakfast at Tiffanys 1961 Comedy Drama Romance Blake Edwards Audrey Hepburn George Peppard Patricia Neal * 4.8/5
7.9 Cape Fear 1962 Drama Thriller J. Lee Thompson Gregory Peck, Robert Mitchum, Polly Bergen * 3.7/5
7.1 Bells are Ringing 1960 Comedy Musical Romance Vincente Minnelli Judy Holliday Dean Martin Fred Clark * 3.7/5
6.4 ROUSTABOUT 1964 Drama Music Musical Romance John Rich Elvis Presley, Barbara Stanwyck, Joan Freeman * 3.4/5
6.2 A New Kind of Love 1963 Comedy Romance Melville Shavelson Paul Newman Joanne Woodward Thelma Ritter * 3.1/5

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