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Filip Sovagovic was born on September 13, 1966 in Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia. He is an actor and director, known for No Man's Land (2001), Transatlantik (1998) and Fashion Tension (2013). He was previously married to Ruza Grizelj. See full bio

Filip Sovagovic movies and series available to watch on Amazon, Netflix, Hulu : 1st ratings based on IMDB, 2nd rating - Netflix / Rotten Tomatos users:
* Movie Title (sort) Year Genres (sort) Director / CreatorsLeading Actors Netflix
8.3 No Mans Land 2001 Comedy Drama War France Danis Tanovic Branko Djuric Rene Bitorajac Filip Sovagovic * 3.6 /5
8.0 The Incredibles 2 2018 Action Adventure Adventure Animation Comedy Family Sci-Fi Brad Bird Craig T. Nelson Holly Hunter Sarah Vowell * 3.9/5
8.2 The Incredibles 2004 Action Adventure Adventure Animation Family Brad Bird Craig T. Nelson Samuel L. Jackson Holly Hunter * 4.1/5
8.3 No Man s Land 2001 Drama War Danis Tanovic Branko Djuric Rene Bitorajac Filip Sovagovic * 3.6/5

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