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Director Edwin L. Marin was born in Jersey City, NJ, in 1899. He traveled to Hollywood as a young man, and at age 20 got a job in the industry as an assistant cameraman. By 1932 he had crossed over to directing, first for low-budget studio Tiffany Pictures. However, he worked his way up the Hollywood food chain and was soon making films for major ... See full bio

Edwin L. Marin movies and series available to watch on Amazon, Netflix, Hulu : 1st ratings based on IMDB, 2nd rating - Netflix / Rotten Tomatos users:
* Movie Title (sort) Year Genres (sort) Director / CreatorsLeading Actors Netflix
6.5 Abilene Town 1946 Romance Western Edwin L. Marin Randolph Scott Ann Dvorak Edgar Buchanan - 5.8/10
7.5 Charles Dickens a Christmas Carol 1938 Drama Family Fantasy Edwin L. Marin Reginald Owen Gene Lockhart Kathleen Lockhart
7.1 v Tall in the Saddle 1944 Mystery Romance Western Edwin L. Marin John Wayne Ella Raines Ward Bond - 6.8/10
6.2 v Listen Darling 1938 Comedy Drama Family Family Musical Romance Edwin L. Marin Judy Garland Freddie Bartholomew Mary Astor - 7.4/10

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