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South Korean actor Jang Dong-Gun starred in two record-breaking box office hits; one of which was 'Friend,' the highest grossing Korean film at the time. He gained widespread critical acclaim for his portrayal of a troubled high school student who chooses the life of organized crime, paving the way for him to star in the 2004 hit Tae Guk Gi: The ... See full bio

Dong-Gun Jang movies and series available to watch on Amazon, Netflix, Hulu : 1st ratings based on IMDB, 2nd rating - Netflix / Rotten Tomatos users:
* Movie Title (sort) Year Genres (sort) Director / CreatorsLeading Actors Netflix
8.6 Arthdal Chronicles 2019 Drama Fantasy History History Romance South Korea Series Won Suk Kim Joong-Ki Song Ji-won Kim Dong-Gun Jang * *
7.4 Friend 2001 Action Crime Drama South Korea Kyung-taek Kwak Oh-seong Yu, Dong-gun Jang, Tae-hwa Seo * 3.0/5
7.2 Suits 2018 Crime Drama Thriller South Korea Series Jin Woo Kim Dong-Gun Jang Hyung-shik Park Gwi-hwa Choi * *
6.3 Rampant 2018 Action Horror South Korea Sung-hoon Kim Dong-Gun Jang Hyun Bin Eui-sung Kim * 3.0/5
8.5 Tae Guk Gi the Brotherhood of War 2004 Action Drama War South Korea Je-kyu Kang Dong-Gun Jang Won Bin Eun-ju Lee * 3.8/5
8.3 My Way 2011 Action Drama War South Korea Je-kyu Kang Dong-Gun Jang Joe Odagiri Bingbing Fan * 4.2/5

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