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Barun Chanda is an actor, known for Roy (2015), Lootera (2013) and Chorabali (2016). See full bio

Barun Chanda movies and series available to watch on Amazon, Netflix, Hulu : 1st ratings based on IMDB, 2nd rating - Netflix / Rotten Tomatos users:
* Movie Title (sort) Year Genres (sort) Director / CreatorsLeading Actors Netflix
6.5 Sugar Baby 2011 Family Trisha Ray Soumitra Chatterjee San Banarje Barun Chanda
8.2 v Chotushkone 2014 Thriller India Srijit Mukherji Aparna Sen Chiranjit Goutam Ghose
8.0 Lootera 2013 Drama Romance India Vikramaditya Motwane Ranveer Singh, Sonakshi Sinha, Barun Chanda * 3.1/5
8.0 Company Limited 1971 Drama Satyajit Ray Sharmila Tagore Barun Chanda Paromita Chowdhury - 8/10
7.7 Kuchh Bheege Alfaaz 2018 Romance India Onir Geetanjali Thapa Zain Khan Durrani Shray Rai Tiwari * *

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