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Bagavathi Perumal is an actor, known for Maayavan (2017), 96 (2018) and Super Deluxe (2019). See full bio

Bagavathi Perumal movies and series available to watch on Amazon, Netflix, Hulu : 1st ratings based on IMDB, 2nd rating - Netflix / Rotten Tomatos users:
* Movie Title (sort) Year Genres (sort) Director / CreatorsLeading Actors Netflix
8.2 Naduvula Konjam Pakkatha Kaanom 2012 Comedy Drama India Balaji Tharaneetharan Vijay Sethupathi Gayathrie Bagavathi Perumal
8.9 Jigarthanda 2014 Action Crime Drama Drama Thriller India Karthik Subbaraj Siddharth Bobby Simha Lakshmi Menon - 8.8/10
8.1 Iraivi 2016 Crime Drama India Karthik Subbaraj S.J. Surya Vijay Sethupathi Bobby Simha
7.7 Maayavan 2017 Mystery Sci-Fi Thriller India C.V. Kumar Sundeep Kishan, Lavanya Tripathi, Daniel Balaji
7.0 Jil Jung Juk 2016 Action Comedy Crime Crime Drama India Deeraj Vaidy Siddharth Sananth Reddy Avinash Raghudevan - 8.4/10

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